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Unit 3. Science and education

3.1. British Educational System

Reading and Writing

  1. Scan the text "The British Educational System" to get the full idea of it. Find the paragraphs about:

  • the state primary and secondary schools;

  • the private preparatory schools;

  • the independent secondary schools;

  • the higher education.

  1. Find in the text the English equivalents to:

–   обеспечивать учеников литературой и учебным оборудованием;

–   принимать широкие слои детей разных религиозных и этнических групп;

–   учиться в течение дополнительных одного или двух лет;

–   получать диплом на церемонии выпуска;

–   включать в себя религиозные школы и школы для этнических меньшинств.

  1. Read and translate the text for getting the detailed content. Before reading study the following school subjects and academic degrees:

algebra [`æld3əbrə] – алгебра

arithmetic [ə`riθmətic] – арифметика

chemistry [`kemistri] – химия

drawing [`dro:wiŋ] – рисование, черчение

foreign language [`forin `læŋgwid3] – иностранный язык

geometry [d3i`omətri] – геометрия

geography [d3i`ogrəfi] – география

literature [`lit(ə)rət∫ə] – литература

mathimatics [,mæθə`mætiks] – математика

modern languages [`mod(ə)n `læŋgwid3iz] – современные (иностранные) языки

natural sciences [`næt∫ərəl `sainsiz] – естествознание

physical education (training) [`fizikəl ,edju`kei∫n] – физическая культура (подготовка)

physics [`fiziks] – физика

singing [`siŋiŋ] – пение

Bachelor’s degree [`bæt∫ələz dig`ri:] – учёная степень бакалавра (первая учёная степень)

Bachelor of Arts (Science [`saiəns]) – бакалавр искусств (обладатель степени бакалавра по одной из гуманитарных или математических наук)

Master’s [`ma:stəz] degree – учёная степень магистра (степень, промежуточная между бакалавром и доктором, присваиваемая после одного года учёбы в аспирантуре)

Master of Arts (Science) – магистр искусств (обладатель степени магистра по гуманитарным наукам)

Doctor of Philosophy [fi`losəfi] (Arts) – доктор философии (степень, которая присваивается при успешной защите диссертации после двух-трёх лет обучения в докторантуре по гуманитарным наукам. Может присваиваться и тем, кто далее специализируется в естественных или точных науках. Примерно соответствует степени кандидата наук в России.)

The British Educational System (1) State Education

All state schools in Britain are free and provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. Education is compulsory from 5 till 16 years. Parents can choose to send their children to a nursery school or a preschool playgroup to prepare them for the start of compulsory education. Children start primary school at 5 and continue studying until they are 11. Most children are taught together, boys and girls at the same class. At 11 most pupils go to se- condary schools (comprehensives) which accept a wide range of children from all religious and ethnic groups.

At the age of 16 pupils take a national exam called "G.C.S.E." (General Certificate of Secondary Education), after that they can leave school if they wish. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a sixth form college. The sixth form prepares pupils for a national exam called "A" level (advanced level) at 18. You need "A" level to enter a university. Other 16-year-olds choose to go to a college of further education to study for diplomas relating to the chosen profession.

Universities and colleges of higher education accept students with "A" levels from the age of 18 years old. After four years of study students get the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. To get the Master’s degree1 they must study one or two additional years. The highest academic degree is the Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Arts). Most students graduate at the age of 21 or 22, and they are given their degree at a special graduation ceremony. The most famous universities of Great Britain are Oxford and Cambridge.

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