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Social Work: What is it?

I hear - I know. I see - I remember. I do - I understand.

Confucius (Chinese philosopher)


1 Look at this drawing. What associations do you have connected with the phrase “social work”? Work with a partner and complete the drawing with as many words as you can.

Social work



2 Compare your drawing with another pair’s. How many words are the same? Extend your diagram.

3 Come up with your own definition of ‘social work’ and write it down. Work in pairs and share your ideas with the partner.

4 Make comments on the quotation given at the beginning of the unit.


5 You are going to read a text about social work in the USA. Four paragraphs (A-D) have been removed from the text. Choose from paragraphs A-D the one which fits each gap (1-4).

A.Some give advice to elderly people or family members about choices in areas such as housing, transportation, and long-term care; they also coordinate and monitor services. Through employee assistance programs, they may help workers cope with job-related pressures or with personal problems that affect the quality of their work.

B.Some work on interdisciplinary teams that evaluate certain kinds of patients — geriatric or organ transplant patients, for example. Medical and public

health social workers may work for hospitals, nursing and personal care facilities, individual and family services agencies, or local governments.

C. Other types of social workers include social work planners and policymakers, who develop programs to address such issues as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence. These workers research and analyze policies, programs, and regulations. They identify social problems and suggest legislative and other solutions. They may help to raise funds or write grants to support these programs.

A.Most social workersNaturespecializeof. Althoughthe Worksome conduct research or are involved in planning or policy development, most social workers prefer an area of practice in which they interact with clients.


Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve other people’s lives. Social workers help people to function the best way they can in their environment, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see clients who face a life-threatening disease or a social problem. These problems may include inadequate housing, unemployment, serious illness, disability, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, including those involving child or spousal abuse.

Social workers often provide social services in health-related settings that now are governed by managed care organizations. To contain costs, these organizations are emphasizing short-term intervention, ambulatory and communitybased care, and greater decentralization of services.


Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families and to maximize the family well-being and academic functioning of children. Some social workers assist single parents, arrange adoptions; and help find foster homes for neglected, abandoned, or abused children. In schools, they address such problems as teenage pregnancy, misbehavior, and truancy. They also advise teachers on how to cope with problem students. Some social workers may specialize in services for senior citizens. They run support groups for family caregivers or for the adult children of aging parents.

____________2_________Child, family, and school social workers typically work in individual and family services agencies, schools, State or local governments. These

social workers may be known as child welfare social workers, family services social workers, child protection services social workers, occupational social workers, or gerontology social workers.

Medical and public health social workers provide persons, families, or vulnerable populations with the psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, or AIDS. They also advise family caregivers, counsel patients, and help with a plan for patients’ needs after discharge by arranging for athome services—from meals-on-wheels to oxygen equipment.

__________3________ Mental health and substance abuse social workers assess and treat individuals with mental illness, or substance abuse problems, including abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Such services include individual and group therapy, outreach, crisis intervention, social rehabilitation, and training in skills for everyday living. They may also help with a plan for supportive services to ease patients’ return to the community. Mental health and substance abuse social workers are likely to work in hospitals, substance abuse treatment centers, individual and family services agencies, or local governments. These social workers may be known as clinical social workers.

____________4___________ Social workers held about 477,000 jobs in 2002. About 4 out of 10 jobs were in State or local government agencies, primarily in departments of health and human services. Most private sector jobs were in the health care and social assistance industry. Although most social workers are employed in cities or suburbs, some work in rural areas.




6Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.

7In groups of three discuss the following points:

-What are the main types of social workers mentioned in the text?

-What are advantages and disadvantages of these types of social workers?

-What type do you prefer for your future specialization? Why?

8 The following table shows 2002 employment in the USA by type of social worker. Make your comments on the data given. Work in pairs and share your ideas with your partner.

Type of work

Number of workers

Child, family, and school social workers


Medical and public health social workers


Mental health and substance abuse social workers



9 Disclose the meaning of the following terms used in the text you are going to read:

ofull-time social workers ovoluntary nonprofit agencies olong-term care facilities osubstance abuse social workers omedian annual earning omental health

10 Read the text below that reveals the problem of working conditions and earnings in the USA.

Working Conditions and Earnings


Full-time social workers usually work a standard 40-hour week; however, some occasionally work evenings and weekends to meet with clients, attend community meetings and handle emergencies. Some, particularly in voluntary nonprofit agencies, work part-time. Social workers usually spend most of their time in an office or residential facility, but may also travel locally to visit clients, meet with service providers or attend meetings. Some may use one of several offices within a local area in which to meet with clients. The work, while satisfying, can be emotionally draining. Understaffing and large caseloads add to the pressure in some agencies. To

tend to patient care or client needs, many hospitals and long-term care facilities are employing social workers on teams with a broad mix of occupations — including clinical specialists, registered nurses, and health aides.

Median annual earnings of child, family, and school social workers were $33,150 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $26,310 and $42,940. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $21,270, and the top 10 percent earned more than $54,250. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of child, family, and school social workers in 2002 were:

Elementary and secondary schools


Local government


State government


Individual and family services


Other residential care facilities


Median annual earnings of medical and public health social workers were $37,380 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $29,700 and $46,540. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $23,840,

and the top 10 percent earned more than $56,320. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of medical and public health social workers in 2002 were:

General medical and surgical hospitals


Local government


State government


Nursing care facilities


Individual and family services


Median annual earnings of mental health and substance abuse social workers were $32,850 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $25,940 and $42,160. The lowest 10 percent earned less

than $21,050, and the top 10 percent earned more than $52,240. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of mental health and substance abuse social workers in 2002 were:

State government


Local government


Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals


Outpatient care centers


Individual and family services


(From: http://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp.)

11 In pairs discuss the challenges provided by the text you have just read and think what could be done to improve the situation.


12What do you know about working conditions and earnings of social workers in Russia? Speak about the main problems that social workers come across in our country. In groups of four make a plan of your ideas and develop some strategies on how to improve the situation. Be ready to present your opinion in class.

13Read the following passage about the structure of social work in the USA and to answer the questions bellow.

Social Work

Social work is a term used to describe a variety of organized methods of helping people in some need which they cannot meet unaided. The organization of social work has always tended to be related to specific needs or problems, such as poverty, delinquency, and mental or physical disablement.

Social work methods fall into three main categories: social casework which is concerned with individuals and their families; social group work in which association with others is the primary therapeutic agent and community resources. The boundaries

between these three methods are not distinct and in all social work great emphasis is placed on enabling people to use their own resources, and those resources which already exist within the community, in order to help themselves.

The uniqueness of social work is in the blend of some particular values, knowledge and skills, including the use of relationships as the basis for all interventions and respect for each person’s choice and development.

(From: http://www.nber.org/papers/w9913)

14What are the three main categories of social work methods?

15What are about the distinctions among the methods?

16Match the words with their definitions.








a. Making use or finding use for something

b.The practice of performing charitable actions

c.Capacity to endure something

d.A manner, a process or the regular way of doing


e.The condition or state of needing money


17 What do you know about the history of social work? Read the text about Jane Addams, “the mother of social work”. Have you know this name befor?


Jane Addams – Mother of Social Work

Growing up as the eighth of nine children in rural 1860’s Cedarville, IL, Jane Addams described herself as an “ugly, pigeon-toed little girl” with a crooked back. Surgery eventually corrected her congenial spinal defect, but not before Jane identified herself with the misfits and victims of society. The “horrid little houses” in the slums nearby Freeport shocked her and got her wondering about what could be done to improve them. She was six years old at that time.

Jane was blessed with a father whom she adored and who impressed her with his virtues of tolerance, philanthropy and his strong work ethic. He was a man of influence himself, an owner of grain mills, officer in the Civil War, State Senator for 16 years and personal friend of President Abraham Lincoln, also from Illinois. John Addams encouraged his daughter to pursue an education. Her schooling emphasized social responsibility and passion for culture and good works. For a while, she set her sights on becoming a doctor and stayed at the school for another six years.

After school Jane and a friend from college, Ellen Starr were touring Europe and Britain when she visited London’s East End and Toynbee Hall. Toynbee Hall was a “settlement house”, ministering to the needs of London’s

poor. They decided to bring the concept to America, and found a decayed mansion on Chicago’s Halstead Street originally built by a merchant named Charles Hull. Hull house opened its doors for all those who cared to enter on September 18, 1889. So great was the need for basic social service that 2,000 people a day asked and received help. The old mansion grew to include many firsts for Chicago, including a playground, gymnasium, citizenship preparation classes, public baths and a swimming pool. It led to the enactment of the first factory in Illinois, the first tenement code and was the birthplace of four labour unions. Hull house became a national historic landmark in June of 1967.

Jane Addams made her childhood dream of improving living conditions for the poor come true. She didn’t make it to Oslo for the Nobel Prize, though, as her health had begun to fail by 1931. When she passed away on May 21, 1935, a train carried her from the funeral services at Hull House to rest in Cedarville, the place where she grew up and began her life’s passion of service. So great has been the lasting effect of her works that Jane Addams has been described as one of social work’s “founding mothers”.

(Adapted from Shepler, J. (1999)).

18Look at the words in bold in the text above and try to explain


19Fill in the sentences with the correct word (s) from the text.


a.Jane Addams has been described as one of social work’s “ ..1.. mothers”.

b.She made her childhood dream of ..2.. come true.

c.Jane and a friend from college, Ellen Starr were touring ..3.. when she visited London’s East End and Toynbee Hall.

d.So great was the need for ..4.. that 2,000 people a day asked and received help.

e.John Addams encouraged his daughter to ..5.. education

f.Jane Addams described herself as an “ugly, ..6.. little girl” with a crooked back.

Creating a timeline when reading helps you to understand the order of events in the text. Some texts present a series of events in chronological order. If you record these events on a timeline, it will help you to understand and remember the order of these events.

20 A timeline with key dates from “Jane Addams – Mother of Social Work” is shown below. Record the events that happened on those dates in the spaces provided. Use the timeline to help you to review the story.

Where and/ or when?

Events in the life of Jane Addams

1860’s Cedarville, IL


Europe and Britain


September 18, 1889


June of 1967




May 21, 1935


21 What do you know about the history of social work in our country? Find information about the main steps in the development of social work in Russia and be ready to share it with your group.


22 The manager of the company you work for has asked employees to give their opinions on the role of social work in modern Russian society. Write an article for a newspaper. Before you start writing, be sure you know the main features of a newspaper article (see below Language Learning Strategies section).

Articles are pieces of writing which appear in newspapers or magazines aiming to make a topic interesting to readers. They can be formal or informal in style depending on the type of publication and the topic of the article itself.

A good article should consist of:

an eye-catching headline which gives the reader an idea of what the article is about. Headlines are normally brief and are written in the same style (i.e. formal or informal) as the article itself.

an interesting introduction.

a main body consisting of two or more paragraphs where details on the topic are given.

a conclusion which gives an appropriate ending to the article.


1.What have you done in this unit?

2.What have you learnt from it?

3.What did you enjoy about it?

4.Have you any criticisms of it?

5.Have you any recommendations or suggestions for doing it differently?


Social Workers Code of Ethics

God is dead, but fifty thousand social workers have risen to take his place.

J.D. McCoughey,

Delegate of NASW in America


1 Look at this drawing. What are your associations connected with the social workers’ code of ethics? Work with a partner and complete the drawing with as many words as you can.







2 Compare your drawing with another pair’s. How many words are the same? Extend your diagram.

3 Give your own definition of ‘code of ethics’ and write it down. Work in pairs and share your ideas with your partner.


4 You are going to read the preamble from the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers in America. Skim the following text in order to understand the main ideas.

The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. A historic and defining feature of social work is the profession's focus on individual well-being in a social context and the well-being of society. Fundamental to social work is attention to the environmental forces that create, contribute to, and address problems in living.

Social workers promote social justice and social change with and on behalf of clients. "Clients" is used inclusively to refer to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers are sensitive to cultural and ethnic diversity and strive to end discrimination, oppression, poverty, and other forms of social injustice. These activities may be in the form of direct practice, community organizing, supervision, consultation,

administration, advocacy, social and political action, policy development and implementation, education, and research and evaluation. Social workers seek to enhance the capacity of people to address their own needs. Social workers also seek to promote the responsiveness of organizations, communities, and other social institutions to individuals' needs and social problems.

The mission of the social work profession is rooted in a set of core values. These core values, embraced by social workers throughout the profession's history, are the foundation of social work's unique purpose and perspective: service

social justice

dignity and worth of the person importance of human relationships integrity


This constellation of core values reflects what is unique to the social work profession. Core values, and the principles that flow from them, must be balanced within the context and complexity of the human experience.

(adapted from http://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp)


5 The preamble describes the mission and core values of this profession. Read the text again and make a list of the purposes of the social work profession.


The purpose of social work is to enhance the life of human beings, helping…… etc.

6Look at the words in bold in the text and try to explain them.

7 Fill in the correct preposition or the word, then make sentences using the phrases.

a) to … somebody’s needs

b) to focus …. individual well-being

c)to contribute …… social development

d)to pay attention …. empowerment of people

8 In groups of three discuss the purposes of social work. Can you add any other purposes besides those mentioned in the preamble? Do you know whether such a document exists in Russia?


10 The NASW (National Association of Social Workers) Code of Ethics sets forth basic values, ethical principles and ethical standards to guide the conduct of social workers. The following extract from this document deals with values and ethical principles.

Skim the table below and match the values in the left column with their ethical principles in the right column. There is a description of the principles in the right column, too.


Ethical principles



1. Competence

A. Social workers' primary goal is to help people in


need and to address social problems.


Social workers elevate service to others above self-


interest. Social workers draw on their knowledge,


values, and skills to help people in need and to address


social problems. Social workers are encouraged to


volunteer some portion of their professional skills with


no expectation of significant financial return.



2. Service

B. Social workers challenge social injustice.


Social workers pursue social change, particularly with


and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals


and groups of people. Social workers' social change


efforts are focused primarily on issues of poverty,


unemployment, discrimination, and other forms of


social injustice. These activities seek to promote


sensitivity to and knowledge about oppression and


cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers strive to


ensure access to needed information, services, and


resources; equality of opportunity; and meaningful


participation in decision making for all people.




3. Importance of

C. Social workers respect the inherent dignity and


worth of the person.


Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful



fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and


ethnic diversity. Social workers promote clients' socially


responsible self-determination. Social workers seek to


enhance clients' capacity and opportunity to change and to


address their own needs. Social workers are cognizant of


their dual responsibility to clients and to the broader society.


They seek to resolve conflicts between clients' interests and


the broader society's interests in a socially responsible


manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and


ethical standards of the profession.



4. Integrity

D. Social workers recognize the central importance


of human relationships.


Social workers understand that relationships between and


among people are an important vehicle for change. Social


workers engage people as partners in the helping process.


Social workers seek to strengthen relationships among


people in a purposeful effort to promote, restore, maintain,


and enhance the well-being of individuals, families, social


groups, organizations, and communities.



5. Dignity and

E. Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner.

Worth of the Person

Social workers are continually aware of the profession's



mission, values, ethical principles, and ethical standards and


practice in a manner consistent with them. Social workers


act honestly and responsibly and promote ethical practices


on the part of the organizations with which they are





6. Social Justice

F. Social workers practice within their areas of


competence and develop and enhance their


professional expertise.


Social workers continually strive to increase their


professional knowledge and skills and to apply them in


practice. Social workers should aspire to contribute to the


knowledge base of the profession.


11 Imaging that you are taking part in the All-Russia Conference whose agenda is to develop the Code of Ethics for social workers in Russia. Which values and which ethical principles are the most important ones for Russia? Make a list of values and principles according to their importance for Russia. Now you will take part in a round – table discussion in which you will be expected to put forward a certain point of view. Examine the Learning Strategies section to be sure how to plan your speech.

When speaking about a topic, you need special words and phrases for organizing your ideas. Group the phrases in the box below according to the purpose of the speaker.

Expressing ideas/Suggesting:


Interrupting politely:


Agreeing / Disagreeing:


Bringing discussion back to the point: ………………………………..

Concluding: ……………………………………………

1.Certainly/ I agree entirely

2.Perhaps /Though / We should consider an alternative option. For example…

3 .I see what you mean but …

4. I think that


That is not what I meant….

6. Could we conclude our discussions?


Perhaps I might summarize our view….

8. My main point is…


To return to what I was just saying …

10. Yes, but….


That is all very well but …

12. I take your point, but …


Forgive me for interrupting, but ….

14. My view is that …..


If there are no objections, let’s see if we have a consensus. It seems to me….


As I said before….

17. Let’s get back to your point


Getting back to the original idea….

19. In my opinion….


As far as I am concerned … 21. Perhaps we might consider …


Well, I suggest that … 23. Can I say something here?


I couldn’t agree more …





12 On the home page of the NASW of America you can find a lot of information about the Association and its activities including description of social workers ethical standards.

These standards concern:

(1)social workers' ethical responsibilities to clients,

(2)social workers' ethical responsibilities to colleagues,

(3)social workers' ethical responsibilities in practice settings,

(4)social workers' ethical responsibilities as professionals,

(5)social workers' ethical responsibilities to the social work profession, and

(6)social workers' ethical responsibilities to broader society.

Navigate this site http://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp Choose one issue in all of the 6 areas (total 6 standards) depending on your preferences and interests and write short annotations. Be ready to make a presentation to your peers on the ethical standards you have chosen at the next lesson.

13 The next text describes three client profiles. Read it and complete the table.



Her/his challenge

Social worker’s



























Client Profiles


Tara, a new mother, is 16 years old. She lives with her grandparents and hasn't finished high school. Her social worker helped her child get health insurance and regular check up, and helped Tara apply for public assistance. With her social worker's support, Tara enrolled in evening

classes to finish high school and found a support group to help young mothers with parenting skills.

Bob is experiencing stress as a single parent. He is referred by a social worker to a good child care agency. The social worker also helps Bob explore flextime with his employer and works with a coalition of local employers to make flextime and child care more available to others in the same situation. In addition, the social

worker provides therapy to help this young father handle the immediate stress of raising children on his own.

Scott is 8 years old and loves to learn. He began skipping school after bigger kids started teasing him. His school's social worker alerted Scott's teachers who helped control the bullying. He met with Scott's parents to suggest ways to help the situation. Now, he and Scott talk a lot not only about bullies, but also all the things Scott is excited to be learning about.


14 Scan the text again and highlight all the verbs, verb phrases and verb collocations. Transfer them to the Infinitive form in your exercisebook. If you don’t know the meaning of them, look them up in the dictionary (e.g. to enroll in evening classes, to handle the stress, etc.).

15What are the profiles of clients in your city, in your social and cultural context? Have you already had experience as a social worker? What were your clients’ profiles? Discuss these questions with your partners.

16Write one client’s profile from the social and cultural context you are concerned with.

17Look at the press releases (A, B and C) taken from the web site of the NASW and try to answer the questions below. Work in pairs.

i.Which press release is the most recent?

ii.What programs or projects do the press releases cover?

iii.Which press release refers to family planning?

iv.Which press release focuses on working with young people to prevent suicides?

v.Which program will be implemented in schools?

vi.How are the programs and projects funded?