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Англійська мова - методичка .doc
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Vocabulary Notes

ultimately ['AltimitlI]– в кінцевому рахунку, в кінці кінців

to execute – виконувати, реалізовувати

in sequence – послідовно

to skip over – перескакувати

to implementвиконувати, забезпечувати інструментами, постачати

architecture ['RkItektS(q)] – побудова, структура організації

to initialize [I'nISlaiz] – повертати в початковий стан

a fetch – виборка, виклик (команди чи даних з пам’яті)

to fetch – достати, приносити

request [ri'kwest] – прохання, вимога, запрос, заявка

instruction repertoire ['repqtwR] – система (набір) команд

to remind – нагадувати

to achieve [q'tSJv] – досягати, доводити до кінця, виконувати

to compare – порівнювати

a layout – розміщення, схема розміщення, формат

multiway switch – багатопозиційний перемикач, багатоканальний перемикач

implicit [Im'plIsIt] – не явно виражений, скритий

destination – призначення

contents – зміст, суть, значення

explicit [Iks'plIsIt] – явний, відкритий, прямий

to specify – точно визначати, встановлювати, детально викладати інформацію

Instruction Register – регістр команд

bit – мінімальна одиниця інформації, подвійний розряд


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) Each instruction specifies one data manipulation step. 2) Normally, instructions are executed in sequence. 3) The instruction repertoire is the set of instructions. 4) Different CPU architectures have the same instruction sets. 5) An instruction is represented by a set of bytes. 6) Although some data locations can be implicit, it is necessary to define either the source or destination locations for the other data. 7) CPUs have one way of encoding information about the registers to be used. 8) Some instructions don't need any data.

2. Choose the right answer:

1) The machine is initialized with the program counter holding the memory location of the … instruction from the program.

a) final;

b) first;

c) second.

2) Sometimes, execution of the instruction will … the contents of the PC.

a) define;

b) influence;

c) change.

3) Instructions are usually given short "mnemonic" names – names that have been chosen … one of the effect achieved by the instruction.

a) to remind;

b) to forget;

c) to recognize.

4) Each architecture will have its own special … that are not present on the other.

a) names;

b) instructions;

c) programs.

5) The timing and control component will implement a form of … .

a) multiway switch;

b) multiway choice;

c) computer word.

6) Although some data locations can be … , it is necessary to define either the source or destination locations for the other data.

a) unknown;

b) exlicit;

c) implicit.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) A program is … . 2) Instructions are executed (in what way?)… . 3) Program counter receives back the instruction and stores this in the … . 4) A CPU is characterized by its … . 5) The first few bits of an instruction form the … . 5) The timing and control component will implement a form of … . 6) Different architectures have quite different … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) What is program? 2) How are instructions executed in sequence? 3) What is a CPU characterized? 4) What are common instructions? 5) Why will each architecture have its own special instructions that are not present on the other? 6) What is an instruction represented by? 7) What do the first few bits of an instruction form? 8) What will the timing and control component implement? 9) Can some of this information be implicit? 10) What do different architectures have?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • instruction repertoire

  • instruction sets

  • data locations

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

To be represented, a sequence of instructions, to specify one data manipulation step, control action, to be executed in sequence, the fetch-decode-execute cycle, to receive back the instruction, the Instruction Register, to change the contents, to skip over processing steps, particular data, to be repeated many times, the instruction repertoire, fixed size instructions, to identify the data manipulation, to control operation required, several different layouts, to implement a form of multiway switch, to require the data, to identify two values, information can be implicit, to define the source or destination locations, to fetch additional data from memory, encoding information, explicit data values, addressing modes, to replace the contents.