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Англійська мова - методичка .doc
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Vocabulary Notes

automation ["Ltq'meISqn] — автоматизація

previously ['prJvjqslI] — раніше, попередньо

sequence ['sJkwqns] — послідовність

aid [eId] — допомога

handling ['hxndlIN] — робота, обробка; переміщення, транспортування

to substitute ['sAbstItjHt] — замінювати

to resemble [rI'zembl] — бути схожим, нагадувати (когось/щось)

simplification ["sImplIfI'keISqn] — спрощення

to monitor ['mOnItq] — контролювати

sensor ['sensq] — датчик, сенсор

assembly [q'semblI] plant — складальний завод

nonmanufacturing ['nOn"mxnju'fxkCqrIN] — невиробничий

efficiency [I'fISqnsI] — ефективність

steam engine — парова машина, паровий двигун

household thermostat ['TWmqstxt] — побутовий термостат

facilitate [fq'sIlIteIt] — сприяти, полегшувати

punched [pAnCqd] — перфорований

feedback зворотний зв’язок, зворотне живлення


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1). An assembly plant for automobiles is a well-known example of a highly automated system. 2). The term automation denotes manufacturing systems where automatic devices are controlled by people. 3). Mechanization was followed by the development of automation. 4). At the beginning of the XX century the automobile industry used an integrated system of production which was known as Detroit automation. 5) Mechanization has greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing processes. 6). Lately the introduction of microprocessors and computers has made possible the development of CAD and CAM technologies. 7). A computer in FMS can be used to calculate data and perform the operation of the whole factory. 8). Many factories are highly automated or apply automation technology in all manufacturing processes.

2. Choose the right answer:

1).What is automation?

a) performing certain tasks by people only;

b) performing certain tasks by machines only;

c) performing certain tasks by special mechanical devices.

2). What are automatic devices used for?

a) to perform various operations instead of people;

b) to control human work;

c) to compete with people.

3). What were industrial robots originally designed for?

a) to teach people;

b) to perform the most complicated operations in industry;

c) to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human workers.

4) What principle is used in all automatic-control mechanisms?

a) the flyball principle;

b) Detroit automation;

c) the feedback principle.

5). What has made possible the development of CAD and CAM technologies?

a) the introduction of automated systems;

b) the introduction of microprocessors;

c) the introduction of computers.

6). What is a computer in FMS used for?

a) to monitor and control the operation of the whole factory.

b) to operate in dangerous environments;

c) to give the instructions for people.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) Automated manufacturing had several …. . 2). The simplification of work made it possible to … . 3). Industrial robots are now widely used to … . 4). The feedback principle is used in … . 5). Using feedback devices, machines can … . 6). Computers gave rise to the development of … . 7). Automation has also had an influence on the areas of … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) How is the term automation defined in the text? 2) What is the most familiar example» of automation given in the text? 3) What was the first step in the development of automaton? 4) What were the first robots originally designed for? 5) What was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production? 6) What is feedback principle? 7) What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for? 8) What is FMS? 9) What industries use automation technologies?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • steps of the development of automated manufacturing;

  • the feedback principle;

  • computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture technologies.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

An assembly plant, independently of human control, telephone equipment, much faster and better, simplification of work, the motions of the worker, both light and heavy workpieces, household thermostat, to indicate the dimensions, input device, to have an influence.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Автоматичні пристрої, автоматизоване виробництво, виконувати прості задачі, інтегрована система виробництва, принцип зворотного зв’язку, пристрій може розганятися і гальмувати, комп’ютер автоматично посилає команди, високоавтоматизована система, невиробнича система.

3. Match the words in A with their synonyms in B:


To perform to begin

Manufacturing way

Work to do

To design to calculate

Method production

To use to construct

To start job

To count to apply

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

Aid / controllers / sequence / handling / resemble / automated / feedback / efficiency

1) A completely general-purpose machine can carry out any …. of instruction, any program which can be expressed exactly and translated into its command code. 2) Not a single stage or a sequence of operations, but a whole plant is completely …. . 3) Nature thoughtfully provided our earliest ancestors with a simple …. of computation — a digital computer in the strictest sense of the word — copies of which may be seen in active use in any school-room where the youngest generation is counting on its fingers. 4) A revolution in data …. is taking place. 5) Sensors attached to the machines, materials handling systems and package equipment will send data to programmable …. or microprocessors. 6) The robots of our time …. humans very little. 7) In business the computer is a means increasing administrative …. , sales, etc. 7) In assembly operations, the microprocessor-controlled robot with sensory …. capability performs the complex part and tool-handling tasks.