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Mary Poppins - Assignments.doc
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IV. Read and translate into Russian:

p. 21 "Mary Poppins put her hat straight...The more Mary Poppins the better."

p. 34-35 "Andrew's most special friend ... he didn't care."

V. Answer the following questions. Use the active vocabulary:

1. What visit were Mary Poppins and the children going to pay? What made the children feel worried on their way?

2. Who opened the door? What blunder did Jane make on entering the house?

3. Where did the visitors find the host? What made him get there? Do you agree that people sometimes "catch Laughing Gas" and laugh hysterically without any reason? Has it ever happened to you or your friends?

4. How was Miss Persimmon rewarded for her scornful behavior?

5. How was Mr Wigg's birthday celebrated?

6. Why do you think the children didn't get an answer from Mary Poppins to their question?

7. What was the reason of Admiral Boom's jealousy?

8. Why was Miss Lark so offended in the case with the butcher?

9. Was Andrew's life hard on him? What was his daily routine?

10. Andrew had a secret dream. What was it about? What did it come from?

11. What can you say about Andrew's most special friend? What was his repu­tation in the street?

12. What ultimatum did Andrew deliver to Miss Lark? Was he sure of success? Why?

VI. Review the active vocabulary of the two assignments. Make up 10 sentences with it for your mates to translate. They should be neither too difficult nor too easy.

Assignment III

(Stories 5, 6)

I. Translate and transcribe the words given below:

smooth, prosperous, curtsey, improper, astonishment, gorgeously, muscle, emerge, weary, peer, grove, kimono.

II. Find the English equivalents for the following words. Find and read aloud the corresponding sentences from the book:

происходить (41), торопиться (41), допытываться (42), особенный (44), приличный (47), бродить (50), неловкий (51), волочить (54), оружие (62), месть (62), глухой (63).

III. Learn the active vocabulary. Reproduce the situations with the given phrases:

to have (make) an appointment with smb (45)

anxious (47)

to burst into tears (49)

to be sound asleep (53)

to upset smth (54)

to pull oneself together (56)

to happen to smb (56)

to look in (57)

to wear out (58)

to serve smb right (62)

IV. Translate into Russian, pay attention to the use of the active vocabulary:

1. The babies were sound asleep in their cots. 2. If anything happens to your son, let me know. 3. What's happened lo my clothes? 4. Having heard about the ac­cident the woman burst into tears. 5. Her patience was at last worn out. 6. They were worn out, after a long day spent working in the fields. 7. Just listening to his silly chatter wears me out. 8. I got soaked in the rain. - That serves you right. I told you to take an umbrella. 9. You just must take Nick's invitation to the party. His cousin James is anxious to meet you. 10. I’m very anxious for them to get well soon. 11. He was anxious for his family, who were travelling abroad. 12. You must try to pull yourself together - your family depend on you. 13. I have a dental appointment at 3 p.m. 14. Interviews are by appointment only. 15. The doctor will look in again this evening. 16. Why don't you look in on me next time you're in town? 17. I may look in at the party on my way home. 18. A large wave upset the boat.

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