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Gerund (Герундий)


Герундий – неличная форма глагола, которая по своим свойствам ближе к существительному, чем к глаголу. Герундий может быть в предложении подлежащим, дополнением, может иметь при себе предлог, притяжательное местоимение, или существительное в притяжательном падеже.

Формы Герундия





having built


being built

having been built

выражает в предложении действие одновременное с действием, выраженным сказуемым

выражает действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному сказуемым


Building the first atomic power station required the application of new methods and materials. –

Строительство первой атомной электростанции потребовало применения новых метод и материалов.

I don’t remember having read it in the paper. –

Я не помню, чтобы я читал это раньше в газете.

Герундий переводится на русский язык:

1)существительным – Reading books gives me pleasure. – Чтение книг доставляет мне удовольствие.

2)инфинитивом – I like reading books. – Я люблю читать книги.

3)деепричастием – I can’t translate this text without using a dictionary. – Я не могу перевести этот текст, не пользуясь словарем.

4)личной формой глагола в составе придаточного предложения. – We know of many new cities having been built in various parts of our country. – Мы знаем, что в различных регионах нашей страны было построено много новых городов.

Запомните следующие глаголы, за которыми следует герундий, а не инфинитив.

stop (give up) – прекращать, отказаться, бросить (что-то делать)

postpone (put off) – откладывать

finish – закончить

deny – отрицать

imagine – представить себе

admit – допускать

carry on (go on) – продолжать

keep (keep on) – продолжать (делать что-то многократно, постоянно)

suggest – предлагать

consider – рассматривать, учитывать

mind – возражать

enjoy – наслаждаться, получать удовольствие

avoid – избегать

love – любить

like – нравиться, любить

Примечание: глаголы start, begin употребляются как с последующим герундием, так и с инфинитивом.

It started raining.

It started to rain.

Герундиальный оборот представляет собой следующие конструкции:

1)притяжательное местоимение + герундий;

2)существительное в притяжательном (общем) падеже + герундий.

Герундиальный оборот переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением, которое вводится словами: о том, чтобы; на том, чтобы; то, что; тем, что; и т.п.

Some specialists insist on these methods Некоторые специалисты

being introduced. настаивают на том, чтобы

эти методы были внедрены.

I didn’t know of his doing an English Я не знал, что он занимается на

course. курсах английского языка.


1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund.

1. At the end of the 60s it became evident that the problem could be solved only by purifying utilized water. 2. After primary treatment polluted water may be used for drinking. 3. Permission to start producing cardboard was received only when the state commission accepted the pollution-control system as operable. 4. Measuring air pressure is the function of the barometer. 5. We cannot determine the temperature without measuring. 6. The material was destroyed by having been exposed to atmospheric changes. 7. He was appointed head engineer of the power station for having much practical knowledge in civil engineering. 8. After heating the mixture the chemist obtained a substance with new properties. 9. An alloy is capable of being heated to a very high temperature. 10. It is impossible to put up modern structures without using concrete. 11. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, aggregate and water. 12. All types of cement shrink (давать усадку) during setting. 13. Concrete is made by mixing cement, water, sand and gravel in the right amount. 14. Cement starts hardening one hour after the water has been added and the process of hardening lasts for about twenty-eight days.

2. Translate the following paying attention to different functions of the Gerund.

1. Smoking is not allowed here. 2. The car needs repairing. 3. After receiving good results they stopped experiments. 4. Reading English technical magazines is important for an engineer. 5. He remembers having added some water to the mixture. 6. They finished installing the apparatus only on Saturday. 7. They began making the experiment in May. 8. After failing the examination in January he had to take it again in February. 9. After graduating from the Institute he worked in the Far North. 10. At the meeting they discussed different ways of improving their work. 11. There are different ways of obtaining the substance. 12.He improved his report by changing the end. 13. Instead of restoring the old theatre they decided to build a new one in the centre of the town. 14. New possibilities for applying atomic energy open up. 15. It is possible to set up power stations based on utilizing the heat of the sun. 16.Before being sent up the balloon was filled with a special gas. 17. Speaking foreign languages is important for every educated man.

3. Translate the following paying attention to –ing forms.

1. What ways of learning words do you find most effective. 2. He had no chance of changing the situation. 3. There are a lot of ways of doing it. 4. She has no experience in looking after patients. 5. He made a decision after considering the problem very carefully. 6.He did a lot of good by being frank (откровенно) with me. 7. Studying abroad gives you a unique chance to learn about the culture of another country. 8.What are your reasons for taking up English? 9. Do they have much experience in dealing with languages? 10.What arrangements do you make before starting on holiday. 11. The monument needs restoring. 12.The monument of what century are you restoring? 13. The monument of what century is being restored? 14. In language learning the emphasis is on speaking but listening, reading and writing is also practised. 15.The police were informed of the criminals having appeared in the city. 16.The committee studied the problem of improving the bus service in the town without increasing the number of buses operating on the routes. 17. Heating the substance to high temperatures may change its properties.

4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the structures with the Gerund.

1. Primitive man had no idea of the Earth’s being round. 2. We know from astronomy of Mars’ having two moons. 3. Before the Revolution few people knew of Tsiolkovski’s working at the problem of space flights. 4. We read about many Oxford graduates remaining unemployed for months. 5. The teacher believes in my being able to improve my English. 6. Everybody was surprised at his having taken part in the competition. 7. The article informs of the new material having great advantages over the old ones. 8. The Roman writer Pliny tells us of the Syrian merchants’ having discovered the art of glass making. 9. We were informed by the radio of a new spaceship having been launched into orbit. 10. We know of many new cities’ having been built in the remotest corners of our country. 11.The organizers of the conference were informed of his refusing to take part in it. 12. I remember his having been interested in languages in his childhood. 13. I know of his having been sent to work to the Far East. 14. What is the reason for his having left our city so suddenly? 15. We heard of the experiment having been started last week. 16. They objected to his staying at home.

5. Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentences. Begin in the way shown. Use –ing.

1. I can do what I want and you can’t stop me. You can’t stop … ? 2. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour. It’s better to avoid … ? 3. Shall we go away tomorrow instead of today? Shall we postpone … ? 4. The driver of the car said it was true that he didn’t have a license. The driver of the car admitted … ? 5. Could you turn the radio down, please? Would you mind … ? 6. Please don’t interrupt me all the time. Would you mind … ?

6. Translate the following, paying attention to the active and passive gerund.

1. I like giving presents. I like being given presents. 2. I don’t like waiting. I don’t like being kept waiting. 3. I like giving parties and inviting my friends. I like being invited to parties. 4. He insisted on my inviting her to the party. He insisted on my being invited to her party. 5. He noticed our overtaking (overtake – обогнать) the front car. He noticed our being over taken by the following car. 6. I don’t like asking personal questions. I don’t like being asked personal questions. 7. I don’t like interrupting people. I don’t like being interrupted. 8. I insisted on the doctor’s examining my son. I insisted on his being examined by the doctor.

7. Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to … .

a. Mind the difference between try to do (пытаться, стараться, прилагая силу и усилие) and try doing (попробовать что-то сделать в поиске способа).

1) I was very tired. I tried (keep) my eyes open but I couldn’t.

2) I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer.

3) We tried (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.

4) Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (ask) Gerry but he was short of money too.

5) I tried (reach) the shelf but I wasn’t tall enough.

6) Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate).

b. Mind the difference between need to do (нужно что-то сделать – с активным значением) and need doing (нужно сделать что-то – с пассивным значением).


You don’t need to clean the room. – Тебе не нужно делать уборку в комнате.

The room doesn’t need cleaning. – Комната не требует уборки.

1) I need a change. I need (go) away for a while.

2) She isn’t able to look after herself. She needs (look) after.

3) The windows are dirty. They need (clean).

4) Why are you leaving now. You don’t need (go) yet, do you?

5) You don’t need (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need (iron).

с. Mind the difference between help to do (help do) and can’t / couldn’t help doing (не могу / не мог не сделать что-то; не могу/ не мог удержаться от)

1) They were talking very loudly. I couldn’t help (overhear) them.

2) Can you help me (get) the dinner ready?

3) He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile).

4) The fine weather helped (make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

5) London has some of the finest architecture in the world. I can’t help admiring those beautiful buildings.


1. UNIT 1 Passive ……….…………………………………………………. 1

2. UNIT 2 Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech.…………………………. 5

3. UNIT 3 Subjunctive Mood. Conditionals..………………………………. 12

4. UNIT 4 Participles. Absolute Participle Construction…...………………. 17

5. UNIT 5 Infinitive. Complex Object. Complex Subject.…………………. 23

6. UNIT 6 Gerund…..………………………………………………………. 28

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