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Unit VII refridgiration and drying equipment

I. Грамматика

1. Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II).

2. Причастив настоящего времени (Participle I).

3. Герундий (Gerund).

II. Тексты.

A. Refrigeration.

B. Freeze-drying

Активная лексика

freeze - замораживать

consumer - покупатель

take for granted - считать само собой разумеющимся

preservation - консервирование, сохранение

freeze-drying - сушка при t ниже 0 С, сублимационная сушка

metamorphosis - превращения

shelf-stable – стабильные сроки хранения

quality качество, свойство

order of the day products – продукты спроса

fresh-like products – похожие на свежие продукты

mass merchandising outlets – торговые точки (лотки, палатки и т.д.)



In modern supermarkets and mass merchandising outlets, products seem to sprout from the shelves like mushrooms overnight. Nowhere is this more evident than in the frozen and refrigerated supermarket cases where attractive new products are the order of the day.

The consumer takes this horn of plenty for granted, rarely considering the technological wizardry that makes many of the most useful and exciting products possible. Old and new, big and small, following is a handful of freezing and refrigeration-related technologies that have opened the floodgates of possibility to food makers.

While freezing is a key part of the process, it turns out not to be the method of preservation in the backward world of freeze-dried foods and their three-stage metamorphosis from fresh to frozen to shelf-stable.

Freeze-dried products can be amazingly fresh-like when rehydrated. Freeze-dried shrimp plump up like a freshly cooked sea critter and look just as good as their freshly caught cousins on the rim of a cocktail bowl. Freeze-dried fruit and vegetables of comparable quality have been around even longer. The first freeze-dried product was a strawberry created for cereals.

Today, new cereal products containing freeze-dried fruit seem to be arriving daily. What's more, they are reinvigorating cereal sales. Peaches, strawberries, bananas and berries of all sorts are buried in those cereal boxes. General Mills has even employed a branded ingredient strategy with its recent fruitful offerings, listing the Oregon Freeze Dry name on products containing the freeze-dry leader's fruit


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What modern supermarkets have a big variety of products?

2. What makes many of the most useful and exciting products possible?

3. Freezing is a method of preservation, isn't it?

4. How many stages are there in metamorphosis of freeze-dried foods from fresh to frozen to shelf-stable?

5. How do freeze-dried products look like when rehydrated?

6. What was the first freeze-dried product?

7. How often do new cereal products containing freeze-dried fruit arrive?

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих фраз:

1. Товарные ряды;

2. В замороженном и охлажденном состоянии;

3. Самые полезные продукты;

4. Технология заморозки и охлаждения;

5. Основная часть процесса;

6. Метод хранения;

7. Трехэтапное превращение;

8. Продукты из хлебных злаков.