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пособие механики 2курс целое.doc
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Engine-Powered Industrial Lift Trucks

A new line of engine-powered industrial lift trucks has been designed to meet the broadest possible spectrum of material handl­ing applications (соответствовать широкому диапазону применений подъемно-транспортных устройств) in the 4,000 to 6,000 1b. capaci­ty range (подъемная мощность диапазона ... фунтов). The line is in­stalled to complete with foreign imports and built for durable, productive operation.

The line is composed of two families of three trucks each. One family is equipped with solid rubber, cushion tires (шины из твердой резины) for indoor or outdoor applications where a smooth ride over rough surfaces is required, (там, где требуется мягкий ход по неровной поверхности),

Features available only on SA (special application) models in­clude a 1404 gas engine (мотор марки 1404, работающий на газ. топливе), a dual-element, air filter; oil-cooled disc brakes (диско­вый тормоз), fabric-covered operator's seat; and a unique, electro­nic system that continually monitors critical machine functions and incorporates a programmable service reminder. The engine for lift trucks are exported from the United States, Prance and England; brakes from Germany and Korea; hydraulic control valves from the U.S.; and starter motors from Japan.

The 4,000, 5,000 and 6,000 lb. capacity models offer a choice of fuel-efficient 2.0 liter gasoline or 2.5 liter diesal engines (дизельный двигатель). Standard features include a high visibility mast, tilt streering column, convenient hydraulic levers (гидравлический рычаг) and power steering (машинное управление с механическим приводом). O-ring seal fittings (в виде кольца) located in hyd­raulic connections at both the control valve and lift cylinders, assure a tight fit to meet high pressure hydraulic needs (чтобы выдержать высокое гидравлическое давление).

I. Прочитайте следующие предложения и определите какие из них соответствуют содержанию текста В:

1. Автопогрузчик используется для выполнения транспортировочных ра­бот широкого диапазона.

2. Автопогрузчик работает на дизельном моторе с использованием газо­вого топлива.

3. Фирма выпускает 2 вида автопогрузчика 5 автопогрузчик на твердых резиновых шинах и автопогрузчик на пневмошинах.

4. Устройство используется только для работы в помещении.

5. Отдельные узлы автопогрузчика закупаются в ряде стран: США, ФРГ.

6. На автопогрузчике работает оператор и может быть заложена прог­рамма на ряд операций.

II. Используя отобранные предложения из упражнения I в качестве ключевых, расскажите об устройстве и работе автопогрузчика.


Прочитайте текст со словарем. Найдите предложения, где говорится об устройстве ковшового транспортера, его преимуществах.

Bucket Conveyor

The conveyor system is used to transport the coated fried chicken pieces from the trier to the freezer on each of three processing lines.

The conveying problem is to transport the fried chicken pieces to a freezer that is, in effect, one floor above (одним этажом выше) the fryer. This configuration was chosen for the freezers in order to be able to locate the utilities and services associated (использования И услуги, связанные) with the freezer at the ground level (на уровне первого этажа), where they would be readily ac­cessible for service and maintenance operations. Also, the pieces had to be conveyed with minimal jostling, so as not to disturb the coating layer (чтобы не повредить шкурку). Weaver decided on the Simplex conveying bucket elevator, supplied by the Meyer Machine Company, of San Antonio, Texas, to provide gentle handling and ele­vation, while holding floor space requirements to a minimum (сводя требования к пространству помещения до минимума).

In the Weaker operation, chicken parts are coated and then dusted before passing through the fryer. Prom the fryer they are deposited into the lower row of moving buckets on the horizontal section of the conveyor loop, rather than the top row, which is usually the case. This reduces the drop from the fryer conveyor to the bucket conveyor to a few inches. After filling, the bucket con­veyor makes a vertical right-angle turn (делает вертикальный поворот под углом направо) and travels upward twelve feet to the freezer level. A tripping device (опрокидыватель или расцепляющее приспособление) tips the buckets so that they empty into a chute lead­ing to the conveyor that feeds the freezer. Again, the equipment is designed and laid out so that the drop is only a few inches (отрезок падения только в несколько дюймов).

As part of its delicate product handling features, the Simplex uses no scooping or digging action (ковыряющие или черпающие движения) that would damage the product (что могло бы повредить продукт) it also eliminates the need for multiple conveyor systems and extra transfer points, thus reducing the chance of product degradation (уменьшая возможность выпадения продукта).

Since it conveys horizontally and vertically, it eliminates the need for inclined belt conveyors that use up much of the valu­able floor space in a plant. With building and energy costs increa­sing, this saving can be significant (экономия может быть значительной).

By using only one bucket conveyor instead of a combination of belt conveyors, only one drive is needed, as compared to 3 or 4 when belt conveyors are used for the same application. This offers an energy saving (предполагает экономию электроэнергии) to the user in that the power required by the single drive of the Simplex is usually small when compared to that required (по сравнению с затратами энергии требуемыми) by a multiple belt system. In some appli­cations, the horsepower requirement may be cut by as much as half or two-thirds (снижены наполовину или одну треть).

These units are not mass-produced elevators that may or may not fit together during field assembly (подойти или не подойти друг к другу во время сборки). Each Simplex is custom-built, assembled to the maximum extent (собран в максимальных пределах возможного) and shop tested before shipment.

I. Какие из данных предложений служат ответами на следующие вопросы.

1) What is the conveying problem?

(a) The conveying problem is to transport different food products

(b) The problem is to reduce energy saving.

(c) The problem is to transport fried chicken pieces to a freezer

2) Where is the freezer situated? Is it far from the fryer?

(a) It is just near the fryer en the second floor.

(b) It is one floor above the fryer on the ground floor.

(c) It is three floors under the fryer on the ground floor.

3) How many bucket conveyors are used instead of combination of belt conveyors?

(a) Only one bucket conveyor.

(b) 2 buckets conveyors.

(c) 3 buckets conveyors.

4) Are the horsepower requiments cut by using Simplex conveying bucket elevator? How much are they cut?

(a) They are not cut.

(b) They are cut 3 times.

(c) They are cut as much as half or two-thirds.

II. Закончите следующие фразы:

1) Simplex Conveying bucket elevator consists of...

(a) endless chains and buckets tripping device and a chute;

(b) belts and a trough;

(c) chains and prockets.

2) From the fryer fried pieces are deposited to...

(a) a chute;

(b) the lower row of moving buckets on the horizontal section of the conveyor;

(c) the belt conveyor.

3) The conveyor moves...

(a) horizontally and vertically;

(b) only horizontally;

(c) gently without noise.