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4. Переведите предложения с герундием в функции подлежащего

  1. Heating the gas increases the speed of the molecules.

  2. Studying the universe is necessary for interplanetary communication.

  3. Measuring resistance is not difficult.

  4. Increasing the magnetic field by means of electromagnets results in a considerable increase of the ionic current.

  5. Melting is a physical property.

5. Из данных пар предложений выделите предложения с герундием в функции именной части сказуемого

a) Scientists are finding new sources of energy.

The task of our scientists is finding new sources of energy.

b) Sending up a satellite is making the first step towards conquering the cosmos.

He is making different experiments in the laboratory.

c) The architects are planning new buildings.

The work of an architect is planning new buildings.

6. Переведите предложения с герундием в функции именной части сказуемого

  1. Studying geometry is training logical thinking.

  2. The best way to achieve good results in sport is training.

  3. The privilege of the Greeks was making mathematics a science.

  4. Living is working and studying.

  5. His profession was designing new devices.

  6. The function of an ammeter is measuring.

7. Употребляя модель "существительное + of (for) + герундий", назовите предложения с герундием в роли определения

  1. Our industry is producing thermoelectric devices generating power for various purposes.

  2. They are interested in generating heat and cold from electricity.

  3. Semiconductors are excellent means of generating heat and cold from electricty.

  4. This method of examining a machine tool is connected with a new technology.

  5. The engineer examining the new machine tool works at this plant.

  6. Centrifugal training is an important element of preparing a space flight.

  7. The mechanic preparing the machine is Sergei Novikov.

8. Сделайте перевод

the task of improving; the manner of thinking; the way of speaking; the possibility of using; the method of doing work; the operation of removing; the way of measuring; the capacity for doing work; the necessity for producing; the process for converting.

Информация IV Перевод герундия с предлогами в функции обстоятельства

by – 1. путем, при помощи + существительное

2. деепричастие

By raising the temperature we increase the number of emitted electrons.

Путем повышения (повысив) температуры мы увеличиваем количество испускаемых электронов.

without – 1. не + деепричастие

2. без + существительное

We cannot solve that problem without analysing the results of the experiment.

Мы не можем решить эту проблему, не анализируя результатов эксперимента.

in – 1. при + существительное

2. деепричастие

In studying magnetism we observe the relation between magnetism and the electric current.

При изучении магнетизма мы наблюдаем связь между магнетизмом и электрическим током.

on, upon – 1. при, по, после + существительное

2. деепричастие

On returning from the expedition he began preparing a report.

По возвращении (вернувшись) из экспедиции он начал готовить отчет.

Предлоги: for, after, before, instead of (вместо), in addition to (кроме), from и др. сохраняют свое значение.