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16. Переведите предложения, определив по формальным признакам функцию причастия. Если при переводе возникнут затруднения, обратитесь к информациям II-VI

1. Lowering the temperature we slow down (замедлять) the molecular motion. 2. The leading scientists of the world doing research in the field of thermonuclear physics come to Dubna every year. 3. The article published in the scientific magazine will be discussed at the seminar. 4. Delivering a lecture the professor demonstrated a number of diagrams and tables. 5. Technology improving the quality of rubber was worked out by our scientists. 6. This chemical plant is producing synthetic fibres for industry. 7. The device produced was powerful. 8. The translating machines are finding wider application. 9. Using cyclotron the physicists have solved many problems of nuclear physics. 10. The motion of the molecules increases in the substance being heated. 11. When leaving the institutes and universities the graduates are provided with work on their speciality. 12. The number of molecules in each cubic centimeter of the substance being compressed is increased. 13. He stopped before a closed door. 14. When proving his thought the scientist referred to Sechenov’s works. 15. The region being investigated is situated in the North. 16. The TV programmes showing the latest scientific achievements are very popular. 17. Starting an experiment a chemist must first determine if the substance is a compound or simply a mixture. 18. All the questions asked were answered. 19. When exploring the Kursk magnetic anomaly Lasarev, a leading Soviet scientist, discovered the richest iron-ore deposits in the world. 20. The molecules begin moving slower while cooling. 21. This group of engineers is working out a new device being used in different conditions underground. 22. The metals being used in the experiment possessed many important properties. 23. Adding heat we can change the state of a substance. 24. When heated, a magnet loses some or all its magnetism. 25. The material tested showed good properties.

Информация IX

Перфектные формы причастия (having used, having been used) в предложении выполняют роль обстоятельства. На русский язык переводятся либо деепричастием совершенного вида (having come – придя, having used – использовав), либо обстоятельственная придаточным предложением having been asked – когда их (его) спросили.

17. Переведите следующие группы слов, содержащие сложные формы причастия в функции обстоятельства

having taken books – взяв книги ….

having been tested the material – после того как (когда) материал испытали.

1. having used the energy of stream …. 2. having come home …. 3. having been invited to the concert he …. 4. having been ill Peter …. 5. having got letters from his friends he …. 6. having achieved good results scientists …. 7. having been elected a leader Victor …. 8. having examined all defects in metal we .... 9. having finished the work students …. 10. having applied this method engineers ….