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15. Nuclear reaction induced by neutrons

Fast neutron collision with a nucleus in most cases leads to a neutron scattering , ie, to change the direction of its flight and transfer with the core part of the energy . Possible , however, another result of the collision : the neutron captured by the nucleus , and because of this nuclear reaction takes place . Examples of nuclear reactions induced by neutrons is the splitting of boron : Boron nucleus capturing a neutron splits into the nucleus of lithium and helium , flying at high speed. The reaction of boron with neutrons can be observed by placing the camera in a thin layer of cloud forest. Irradiating the chamber with fast neutrons , we shall see in the pictures fat traces.

Boron nucleus capturing a neutron splits into the nucleus of lithium and helium, flying at high speed. The reaction of boron with neutrons can be observed by placing the camera in a thin layer of cloud forest.

We surround the neutron source material containing a lot of hydrogen , such as paraffin wax 15-20 cm diameter sphere now on the way to the camera neutrons will collide with the nuclei of carbon (A = 12) and, most significantly , with protons. However, as we explained in the previous section, the neutrons are slowed down and fall into a cloud chamber with energy, many times at its initial energy. Action paraffin will be unexpected: the number of tracks in the images, which means the number of disintegrations of boron will repeatedly increase (Fig. 398, b). Consequently, the slower neutrons, the more efficiently they are captured by nuclei and produce nuclear reactions. In addition to the neutron velocity , the efficiency with which neutrons are captured substance also depends on the kind of atoms. Watching the passage of slow neutrons through a layer of boron , we find that they are almost completely retained boron layer thickness of a millimeter . Similar experiments show that except for boron neutron slow strongest sinks are cadmium, lithium, chloro , silver, etc. In contrast, materials such as beryllium, heavy water , carbon, bismuth, absorb slow neutrons extremely weak. Strong absorption of slow neutrons by nuclei due to the lack of electrical repulsion forces ( since the neutron deprived charge ) and the existence of attractive forces between the nuclei and neutrons (see § 225). Fast neutron flies past the kernel in such a short period of time that the forces of attraction does not have time to reject it and draw into the kernel. The slower moving neutron , the more time he is under the influence of forces of attraction by the nucleus and the easier it is captured . Capture nuclei is one of the reasons why the neutrons do not exist for a long time in the free form . The second reason is the radioactivity of the neutron. Experiments show that the free neutron over time turns into a proton , thereby emitting an electron and a neutrino

24. Key koncepts in the physics of nuclear reactions. The nuclei of all atoms can be divided into two broad classes: stable and radioactive. Last spontaneously decay, turning into the nuclei of other elements. Nuclear transformations can occur with the stable nuclei in their interaction with each other and with various microparticles. Any positively charged nucleus and the magnitude of the charge is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus Z (atomic number). The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus determines the mass number of the nucleus A. Symbolically kernel is written as: where X - symbol of a chemical element. Kernel with the same charge number Z and different mass numbers A are called isotopes. For example, uranium is found in nature mainly in the form of two isotopes Isotopes have the same chemical properties and different physical . For example, uranium isotope 23592U interact well with the neutron 10n all energies and can be divided into two lighter nuclei . At the same time isotope uranium 23892U divisible only when interacting with neutrons of higher energies than 1 mega elektronovolta ( MeV ) ( MeV 1 = 1.6 × 10-13 J) . A kernel with the same and different Z are called isobars. While nuclear charge equal to the sum of the charges of its constituent protons , the core mass is not equal to the sum of individual free protons and neutrons ( nucleons) , it is somewhat lower. This is explained by the fact that for the nucleons in the nucleus (for the organization of the strong interaction ) requires the binding energy E. Each nucleon ( proton and neutron) , falling into the nucleus , figuratively speaking, allocates a portion of its mass to form intranuclear strong interaction , which "glues" the nucleons in the nucleus. At the same time , according to the theory of relativity ( see Chapter 3) , between the energy E and mass m there is a relation E = mc2, where c - speed of light in vacuum . So that the formation energy of the nucleons in the nucleus Eb Eb · c2. These views are confirmed by numerous experiments. The dependences of the binding energy per nucleon E St. / A = A, A kernel of the most stable , they have a large binding energy . It offers the possibility of obtaining energy in the fission of a heavy nucleus into two lighter ( medium ) . Such a nuclear fission reaction can be realized by bombarding uranium nuclei free neutron . For example , 23592U divided into two new nuclei : rubidiy37 -94Rb and cesium 14055Cs ( one of the variants of uranium fission ) . Fission of a heavy nucleus is remarkable in that in addition to new lighter nuclei , two new free neutron, which are called secondary . Thus on each fission have to 200 MeV energy released . It is released as kinetic energy of the fission products and may further be used e.g. for heating water or other coolant. Secondary neutrons in turn can cause fission of other uranium nuclei . Formed a chain reaction , which resulted in the multiplying medium can stand tremendous energy . This method of energy is widely used in nuclear munitions and controlled nuclear power plants in power plants and transportation facilities with nuclear power. In addition to the method for producing atomic ( nuclear ) energy , there is another - the fusion of two light nuclei into heavier nucleus . The process of combining light nuclei can occur only when approaching initial nuclei at a distance , where there are nuclear forces ( strong interaction ) , ie, ~ 10 - 15 m This can be achieved at very high temperatures of about 1,000,000 ° C. Such processes are called thermonuclear reactions. Thermonuclear reactions in nature are the stars , and of course the sun. In the Earth , they occur when a hydrogen bomb ( thermonuclear weapon ) , which serves as a primer for a conventional atomic bomb , which creates conditions for the formation of ultra-high temperatures . Controlled thermonuclear fusion has only until the research focus. Industrial installations not, however, work in this direction are in all developed countries , including in Russia.

33. Division scheme of fuel in the reactor on fast neutrons. A fast neutron reactor or simply a fast reactor is a category of nuclear reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained by fast neutrons. Such a reactor needs no neutron moderator, but must use fuel that is relatively rich in fissile material when compared to that required for a thermal reactor. Although it is currently (2010) uneconomic,[5] a fast neutron reactor can reduce the total radiotoxicity of nuclear waste, and dramatically reduce the waste's lifetime.[6] They can also use all or almost all of the fuel in the waste. Fast neutrons have an advantage in the transmutation of nuclear waste. With fast neutrons, the ratio between splitting and the capture of neutrons of plutonium or minor actinide is often larger than when the neutrons are slower, at thermal or near-thermal "epithermal" speeds. The transmuted odd-numbered actinides (e.g. from Pu-240 to Pu-241) split more easily. After they split, the actinides become a pair of "fission products." These elements have less total radiotoxicity. Since disposal of the fission products is dominated by the most radiotoxic fission product, Cesium 137, which has a half life of 30.1 years,[6] the result is to reduce nuclear waste lifetimes from tens of millennia (from transuranic isotopes) to a few centuries. The processes are not perfect, but the remaining transuranics are reduced from a significant problem to a tiny percentage of the total waste, because most transuranics can be used as fuel.

Fast reactors technically solve the "fuel shortage" argument against uranium-fueled reactors without assuming unexplored reserves, or extraction from dilute sources such as ordinary granite or the ocean. They permit nuclear fuels to be bred from almost all the actinides, including known, abundant sources of depleted uranium and thorium, and light water reactor wastes. On average, more neutrons per fission are produced from fissions caused by fast neutrons than from those caused by thermal neutrons. This results in a larger surplus of neutrons beyond those required to sustain the chain reaction. These neutrons can be used to produce extra fuel, or to transmute long half-life waste to less troublesome isotopes, such as was done at the Phénix reactor in Marcoule in France, or some can be used for each purpose. Though conventional thermal reactors also produce excess neutrons, fast reactors can produce enough of them to breed more fuel than they consume. Such designs are known as fast breeder reactors.

  • The fast reactor doesn't just transmute the inconvenient even-numbered transuranic elements (notably Pu-240 and U-238). It transmutes them, and then fissions them for power, so that these former wastes would actually become valuable.

  • Nuclear reactor design

  • Coolant

  • Water, the most common coolant in thermal reactors, is generally not a feasible coolant for a fast reactor, because it acts as a neutron moderator. However the Generation IV reactor known as the supercritical water reactor with decreased coolant density may reach a hard enough neutron spectrum to be considered a fast reactor. Breeding, which is the primary advantage of fast over thermal reactors, may be accomplished with a thermal, light-water cooled & moderated system using very high enriched (~90%) uranium.

  • All current fast reactors are liquid metal cooled reactors. The early Clementine reactor used mercury coolant and plutonium metal fuel. NaK coolant is popular in test reactors due to its low melting point. In addition to its toxicity to humans, mercury has a high cross section for the (n,gamma) reaction, causing activation in the coolant and losing neutrons that could otherwise be absorbed in the fuel, which is why it is no longer used or considered as a coolant in reactors. Molten lead cooling has been used in naval propulsion units as well as some other prototype reactors. All large-scale fast reactors have used molten sodium coolant.

  • Another proposed fast reactor is a Molten Salt Reactor, one in which the molten salt's moderating properties are insignificant. This is typically achieved by replacing the light metal fluorides (e.g. LiF, BeF2) in the salt carrier with heavier metal chlorides (e.g., KCl, RbCl, ZrCl4).

  • Gas-cooled fast reactors have been the subject of research as well, as helium, the most commonly proposed coolant in such a reactor, has small absorption and scattering cross sections, thus preserving the fast neutron spectrum without significant neutron absorption in the coolant.[citation needed]

Nuclear fuel. In practice, sustaining a fission chain reaction with fast neutrons means using relatively highly enriched uranium or plutonium. The reason for this is that fissile reactions are favored at thermal energies, since the ratio between the Pu239 fission cross section and U238 absorption cross section is ~100 in a thermal spectrum and 8 in a fast spectrum. Fission and absorption cross sections are low for both Pu239 and U238 at high (fast) energies, which means that fast neutrons are likelier to pass through fuel without interacting than thermal neutrons; thus, more fissile material is needed. Therefore it is impossible to build a fast reactor using only natural uranium fuel. However, it is possible to build a fast reactor that will breed fuel (from fertile material) by producing more fissile material than it consumes. After the initial fuel charge such a reactor can be refueled by reprocessing. Fission products can be replaced by adding natural or even depleted uranium with no further enrichment required. This is the concept of the fast breeder reactor or FBR.So far, most fast neutron reactors have used either MOX(mixed oxide) ormetal alloyfuel. Soviet fast neutron reactors have been using (high U-235 enriched) uranium fuel. The Indian prototype reactor has been using uranium-carbide fuel.

While criticality at fast energies may be achieved with uranium enriched to 5.5 weight percent Uranium-235, fast reactor designs have often been proposed with enrichments in the range of 20 percent for a variety of reasons, including core lifetime: If a fast reactor were loaded with the minimal critical mass, then the reactor would become subcritical after the first fission had occurred. Rather, an excess of fuel is inserted with reactivity control mechanisms, such that the reactivity control is inserted fully at the beginning of life to bring the reactor from supercritical to critical; as the fuel is depleted, the reactivity control is withdrawn to mitigate the negative reactivity feedback from fuel depletion and fission product poisons. In a fast breeder reactor, the above applies, though the reactivity from fuel depletion is also compensated by the breeding of either Uranium-233 or Plutonium-239 and 241 from Thorium 232 or Uranium 238, respectively.

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