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Повелительное наклонение (The Imperative Mood)

Повелительное наклонение выражает побуждение к действию (приказание или просьбу), относящееся ко второму лицу. Глагол в повелительном наклонении по форме совпадает с инфинитивом без частицы to и с Present Indefinite, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа (to write - Write! - I, we, you, they write). Это грамматические омонимы. В отличие от русского в английском языке в' повелительном наклонении единственное и множественное число не различаются; независимо от того, обращено ли приказание к одному лицу или к нескольким, форма глагола будет одинакова (ср. с русским: ед. ч. - пиши, мн. ч. - пишите). Когда побуждение к действию относится к 3-му лицу единственного или множественного числа (пусть он пишет, пусть они пишут), употребляется сочетание глагола let с инфинитивом смыслового глагола, причем между let и инфинитивом стоит существительное в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже:

Let the boy repeat it.

Let him speak!

Let the children rest.

Let him pass.

Глагол to let позволять имеет здесь очень ослабленное значение и поэтому не переводится. Побуждение к действию в таких случаях передается другими словами: Пусть мальчик повторит это. Дай ему пройти.

Это же сочетание (let + инфинитив) употребляется и с первым лицом множественного числа для выражения призыва к совместному действию.

Let us go there. Пойдемте туда.

Let us help them. Давайте поможем им.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов в повелительном наклонении:

1. Now ask your question! Go ahead! 2. Relax! There is no hurry. Take your time. 3. If you want to be happy, be. 4. Come in, please. 5. Sit down, please. 6. Show me your passport, please. 7. Please don’t make so much noise. 8. Don’t be late, please. 9. Let’s wait a while longer. 10. Let’s not be late. 11. Everybody sit down, please. 12. Please sit down, everyone. 13. You men come with me. 14. Let’s all be here at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. 15. Come in, will you? 16. Don’t make so much noise, will you? 17. Let’s wait a while longer, shall we?

9. Прочтите текст и найдите предложения в повелительном наклонении. Переведите их на русский язык.

It was Matilda’s first day in Miss Honey’s class. After the usual business of going through all the names of the children, Miss Honey said, “Now this is the very first day of school for each one of you. It is the beginning of at least eleven years of schooling that all of you are going to have to go through. And six of those years will be spent right here at Crunchem Hall where, as you know, your Heard-mistress is Miss Trunchbull. She insists upon strict discipline throughout the school, and if you take my advice you will do your best to behave yourselves in her presence. Never argue with her. Never answer her back. Always do as she says. If you get on the wrong side of Miss Trunchbull she can liquidize you like a carrot in a kitchen blender. Take that grin off your face. All of you will be wise to remember that Miss Trunchbull deals very very severely with anyone who gets out of line in this school. Have you got the message?”

“Yes, Miss Honey,” chirruped eighteen eager little voices.

10. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и переведите их:

Example: Let’s keep it a secret. –

Let’s not keep it a secret.

1. Let’s go tomorrow. 2. Let’s tell him about it. 3. Let’s go by plane. 4. Let’s wait for them. 5. Let’s make some noise. 6. Let’s get some coffee now. 7. Let’s watch television tonight. 8. Let’s buy something. 9. Let’s think about it. 10. Let’s tell somebody what happened.

11. Образуйте повелительные предложения в первом и третьем лице и переведите их:

Example: Keep it a secret.

Let’s keep a secret.

Let him keep it a secret.

Let her keep it a secret.

Let them keep it a secret.

1. Go tomorrow. 2. Tell him about it. 3. Go by plane. 4. Wait for them. 5. Get some coffee now. 6. Make some noise. 7. Watch television tonight. 8. Buy something. 9. Think about it. 10. Tell somebody what happened.

12. Переведите предложения в повелительном наклонении на русский язык:

1. If you are a recent graduate with limited business experience, begin with your education first. 2. Highlight achievements and honours, and note extracurricular activities. 3. Expand on any courses you took which are relevant to the position you desire, or specialized training you may have participated in. 4. Progress to your part-time or summer employment, and indicate responsibility and achievements. 5. Emphasize responsibilities and highlight personal achievements, advancement and recognition. 6. Your list of positions should be in reverse chorological order, so begin with your current employer. 7. Choose references carefully and always get permission to use their names as references. 8. Rule one – never be late. 9. If you are late, apologize distinetly, offer a reasonable explanation, and try to forget about it for the rest of the interview. 10. Pay attention to the way you are dressed. 11. Tell me about yourself. 12. Never distort the facts. 13. Get ready to answer this question beforehand, and don’t hesitate and don’t think too long. 14. Be ready for your interviewer to assess what you can do for the company that is going to employ you. 15. Be ready to speak about failures or mistakes in your career, but don’t start enumerating all of them. 16. Tell your interviewers what conclusions you have drawn from your failures. 17. Just remember that an employee who has the experience of overcoming failures and analyzing his mistakes is much more valuable for the company. 18. Think about the achievements you can mention at the interview. 19. If possible, quote some figures or examples. 20. Be ready for practical tests. 21. Think of concrete figures. 22. Remember that you should not only be selected but actively choose the job.

13. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Относитесь к этому легче. 2. Замри! Вольно! 3. Улыбнитесь и расслабьтесь! 4. Давайте не будем ссориться! 5. Бюрократы! Боже, спаси меня от них. 6. Будь собой! 7. Ну, ну, дорогая, не плачь! 8. Никогда не доверяйте незнакомым людям. 9. Откройте широко рот и скажите: «А»! 10. Никогда, никогда не пререкайтесь со мной. 11. Голосуйте за нашего кандидата! 12. Пусть играет музыка, пусть поют голоса, давайте будем вместе до конца! 13. Не обращайте внимания на собачку, она просто играет. 14. Не смейте опять делать что-то через мою голову (to get over one’s head). 15. Держитесь от меня подальше! 16. Сохраняй спокойствие! (Не горячись!) 17. Наслаждайся жизнью! 18. Берегитесь воров! 19. Парковки нет! 20. Здесь не курят! 21. Не волнуйся! Будь счастлив!

14. Переведите предложения с реальным условием на русский язык:

1. If you have had previous experience in various phases of employment, it may be to your advantage to have two-three different resumes, each emphasizing a different area of competence. 2. Business phone number is recommended only if your present employer is aware of your job search. 3. If you have only one version of your resume, it may be better to include this section in a covering letter. 4. If you are a recent graduate with limited business experience, begin with your education first. 5. If you possess a strong background in the work, you should begin with your work experience first. 6. If you want to succeed, you must spend a little time preparing for the interview. 7. Rule Two – if you have come too early, it is better to walk around outside. 8. If you are late, apologize distinctly and offer a reasonable explanation. 9. During the interview some inaccuracies may turn up and if you fail to explain them you may be struck off the list of candidates. 10. The enumeration of your valuable merits will produce no effect unless you back them up with examples. 11. If you can’t answer questions about your achievements or mumble something unintelligible, your chances won’t be great. 12. If you apply for a job as a salesperson you may be asked to sell something. 13. If you are sure that the company is interested in you, you may increase your demands. 14. They will ask at the end of an interview if there is anything you would to know.

15. Запомните: Present Indefinite Tense употребляется для выражения будущих действий в придаточ­ных предложениях времени и условия.

В этом случае в русском языке мы употребляем будущее время.

I shall talk to him when he comes.

Я поговорю с ним, когда он придет.

I’ll be good if you don't send me home.

Я буду вести себя хорошо, если вы не отправите меня домой.

I shall finish the work before the bell rings.

Я окончу работу, прежде чем прозвонит звонок.

Will you be able to help me if a shark attacks me?

Сможешь ли ты помочь мне, если на меня нападет акула?

Don’t let him out until he pays for my horse.

Не отпускайте его, пока он не заплатит за мою лошадь.

Примечание: Следует различать случаи, когда союзы when и if вводят придаточные дополнительные предложения, а не придаточные предложения времени и условия. В дополни­тельном предложении будущее действие выражается глаголом в форме будущего времени:

I don’t know when he will come.

She is not sure if he will return in time.

Ср.: I don’t know when he will come but when he comes,

I shall talk to him.

Употребите глаголы в Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite вместо инфинитивов в скобках:

1. I (not to mention) it unless he (to do). 2. You go home and if we (to see) Tommy Flynn we (to tell) him. 3. Of course it can’t last, but when it (to come) to an end it (to be) a wonderful experience for him. It really (to make) a man of him. 4. He (to dance) attendance upon her as long as she (to let) him. 5. I (not to want) Eliza to have the shock of your news until she (to make) it up with these two gentlemen. 6. If you (not to intend) to go in for the whole day you’d better let me know now and I (to ring up) when I (to get) to work and tell them you (to be) sick. 7. You just stay there until I (to tell) you, my girl, and I (to clean up) the house. 8. If you (to wait) ten minutes, I (to run) both of us round in the car. 9. When you (to be up) in the sanatorium it (not to seem) so bad, I (to be) sure. 10. Now I (to tell) you a secret if you (to promise) not to tell anyone. 11. It (not to be) so long till we (to be) together and then it (not to be) so hard for him. 12. Once I (to get) her into one of those sanatoria, you (to have) no expenses at all, but until there (to be) a vacancy I can’t get her in.

  1. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени (Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite):

1. If the car (be) out of order again, you (have to) call the service station, but I doubt if they (be able to) serve it very quickly. 2. Nobody (know) what (happen) in ten or twenty years if life (get) tougher and tougher. 3. I wonder if they (turn) to us if any need (arise). 4. My little son (want) to know if there (be) some cartoons on TV on Saturday. If there (be) some, he certainly (watch) them. 5. Everybody (be interested) if the weather (change) for the better next week. 6. I (leave) a message at the office in case the customer (phone). But it’s difficult to say if he (do) it today. 7. He (wonder) if Caroline (change) her mind about going to the party. If that (happen), he’ll be really glad. 8. Nobody can definitely tell us when he (come) back from London. But as soon as he (return), we (get in touch) with him. 9. – If Linda (want) to learn Italian, she (have to) attend a special course. – I wonder if it (cost) her a lot. 10. We (have) the meeting this week provided no one (object). 11. I (be) always by your side as long as you (promise) to listen to me. 12. Not (speak) to her unless she (speak) to you first.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени (Present Indefinite или Future Indefinite):

An Important Visitor

The Middleburg Airport is full of people. They are waiting for an important visitor – the president’s wife, the First Lady. They are expecting her to arrive soon. She is going to attend the opening of a new rehabilitation center for war veterans built at the expense of the charity funds. The Mayor of Middleburg is waiting for the First Lady too. His administrative assistant is telling him the plans for the day.

  1. She’ll be here soon. We (wait) until the plane (be) on the ground.

  2. When the plane (land), the band (start) playing.

  3. Your son (give) her some flowers when she (get) off the plane.

  4. You (make) a speech before she (leave) the airport.

  5. As soon as she (arrive) at the rehabilitation center the people (begin) cheering.

  6. After she (attend) the opening, we (go) to the Pureboy Hotel.

  7. When she (get) to the hotel, we (have) lunch.

  8. After we (have) lunch, she (make) a speed.

  9. Before she (leave) Middleburg, you (give) her a present, a souvenir of her visit.

  1. Замените предложения с союзом if предложениями с союзом unless по образцу и переведите их:

Example: He will be here by 8 o’clock if he doesn’t have car trouble on the way.

He will be here by 8 o’clock unless he has car trouble on the way.

1. He’ll lose his hearing if the operation isn’t successful. 2. You’ll get a headache if you don’t wear your glasses. 3. We’ll go for a drive in the country if it doesn’t rain. 4. I’ll come to your party if I don’t have to work. 5. He ought to graduate in June if he doesn’t fail his exams. 6. He is coming on the 15th if there is no change of plan. 7. The trip to town takes half an hour if there is no traffic delay. 8. He can’t afford to go to college if he doesn’t win a scholarship. 9. That play isn’t worth seeing if the star is not appearing in it. 10. He will get in serious trouble if he doesn’t behave better. 11. The school should be finished next year if there is no strike of the construction workers. 12. The bill will become law if the president doesn’t veto it. 13. There will be a serious water shortage if we don’t get rain soon. 14. She hopes to buy that painting if her husband doesn’t object.

  1. Прочтите и переведите тексты: