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How to be motivated to start studying

When dealing with difficult courses, you should be prepared to spend two or three hours studying after each class session. However, distractions and negative feelings can decrease motivation and lead you away from your academic goals. You’ll need to make adjustments to your mindset and daily schedule if you want to stay motivated during study sessions.


  1. Set realistic expectations before you begin the study session. Don’t expect to cram several days’ worth of lessons into single night.

  2. Choose a time to begin studying. Set this time on your cell phone or alarm clock. When the alarm goes off, be prepared to drop what you’re doing and get to work.

  3. Find a quiet room in the building and lay your materials out on a desk. This room should be clear of distractions such as television or other students.

  4. Think positive thoughts before you begin studying. Try to imagine the feeling of accomplishment you’ll earn at the end of the session. If you need more help remaining positive, make a list of your motivators, such as academic goals or the pursuit of a dream job.

  5. Divide your study material and homework into sections. For example, if you need to review two chapters from a textbook, break each chapter into two sections.

  6. Work on the subjects you dislike first. Alternatively, study the subjects that will take the least amount of time first.

  7. Reward yourself for each completed section by taking a short break. During this break, eat your favorite snack food or dance to your favorite song. Set an alarm clock or timer to avoid an extensive break period.

  8. Make a study routine and stick to it. Once your study sessions become habitual, you will have an easier time handling them.

Tips & warnings

  • Always focus on how much work you’ve completed, rather than how much more you need to finish.

  • Seek out a teacher or tutor if you’re having problems in any subject.

  • Avoid texting or browsing the Internet while studying. These activities are potential distractions.

Text C

Read the text below and answer the questions and do the assignments.

  1. Who is a good student?

  2. Do you find the instructions below useful?

  3. Do you bear in mind similar (or different) instructions? Do you follow them?

  4. Are you a good student?

  5. Add some more recommendations to the list, if you can.

How to be a good student

Improve your study habits, motivation and organizational skills to improve the quality of your learning at school, regardless of whether you are just starting a new school year or need a fresh start in the middle of a semester. When you have a reason to care – such as a need for good grades, a desire to qualify for a good school or scholarship or a fascination with the subject material – you can use it to motivate yourself to develop the habits that will make you a good student.

Things you’ll need: Class syllabi; Calendar


  1. Minimize your commitments to make sure your schedule is free enough to allow a balanced lifestyle of thorough study, sufficient sleep and regular exercise and recreation. Many people overestimate how much they can get done in a day. If you are overworked, seriously consider dropping an optional club or activity. To overcome fear of disappointing people, remind yourself that a few things done with excellence will be more satisfying than many things left undone.

  2. Create a study plan by checking your course syllabuses and charting the due dates of every major assignment from every class in a calendar. Then, work backward to define milestones you need to complete by certain dates. For example, if you have a 10-page research paper due in a month, aim to have a full draft done a week before the due date, 5 pages written by the week before that and an outline the week before that. Treat the milestones like regular assignments to avoid last-minute panic when major deadlines loom.

  3. Tell at least one other person about your study plan to create an accountability system. This person can apply unpleasant consequences if you miss your milestones. For example, give your roommate a copy of your calendar and tell him you will give him $10 for each missed deadline. Alternatively, ask a teacher to ask you for the partial completions (such as a copy of your outline or 5-page draft) on the dates you have specified. If you are truly brave, you could even ask your teacher to treat the deadlines you set as real due dates and dock points if you do not meet them.

  4. Schedule a specific time each day for studying, reading and working on assignments. Alternate 20 to 30 minutes of working with 5- to 10-minute breaks to keep your mind fresh and alert. Do your best to avoid other activities during your allotted study times; keeping them consistent will begin to build habits and train your brain to move into study mode at certain times and in certain settings.

  5. Ask for help if you are having trouble completing assignments on time or understanding a subject. Seek out resources at your school, such as a writing help center or subject-specific tutors. Instead of looking down on you for not understanding, most educators will be eager for the chance to work with a student who cares enough to seek help. Another way to get help is to form a study group with any classmates who are interested.

  6. Go the extra mile once your basic requirements are under control. Some ways to do this include checking out extra books from the library to help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, finishing extra-credit assignments, listening to free lectures on the Internet or even offering to assist your teacher as an assistant.

Ex 1. Work in pairs. Make up dialogues discussing the issues of Text A, B, C.

Ex 2. Hold on a discussion in group on strengths and weaknesses of students. Exchange opinion concerning the problems raised and the advice given in the above texts. Express your personal view on the issues being discussed. Share your own experience.