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часть 2, unit 3.doc
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Типы брендов

Выделяют различные типы брендов.

  • Бренд премиум-класса — цена продукта выше средней по товарной категории.

  • Бренд эконом-класса ориентирован на сегмент рынка с большим ценовым разбросом.

  • «Бренд-боец» (Fighting Brand) — бренд, продаваемый с минимальными рекламными затратами. Создается для конкуренции с дешевыми частными марками и небрендированными товарами.

  • Частная марка (бренд магазина, «белый бренд» (white label) или own-brand) — бренд розничного торговца (например, пельмени «Перекресток» или сорочки Marks & Spencer).

  • Семейный бренд — одноименные продукты близких категорий (например, зубные щетки и пасты Colgate).

  • Расширение бренда — использование уже существующего бренда для вывода на рынок нового продукта или товарной линейки.

  • Лицензия на бренд — передача прав на использование бренда другому производителю.

  • Совместный брендинг — объединенные маркетинговые усилия двух или более производителей (пример — Nike iPod).

  • Корпоративный бренд — брендом является название компании.

  • Бренд работодателя — образ компании в глазах потенциальных работников. В крупных компаниях бренд работодателя органически включен в общую бренд-концепцию для потребителей.

Describing trends

    1. Describe the pie chart using the phrases from Appendix ():

For example: According to the results of sales, we can highlight that in America the product has 15% of the market share.

2. The chart below compares monthly sales for two months from a fruit wholesaler. Now write sentences about the changes in fruit sales from July to November.


1. Choose a company that makes a product you have purchased. Research that company to determine how many different products or product lines they offer. Make an oral presentation describing all the products this company produces and why it offers the different product lines.

2. You are the manager of a large grocery store that has recently remodeled. An exasperated customer confronts you because he cannot find a product. He complains that the new organization of products makes no sense. What might you do to pacify the customer and encourage him to continue shopping at the store?

Role play

The management team at Wrigley meet to discuss a new product in chewing gum. Form two groups and decide on a new gum, its market and its advertising image.

Group 1: You want to create a gum that gives you energy. Think of the market (drivers, students, office workers etc.), think of a name and an advertising phrase.

Present it to the other group and take questions.

Group 2: You want to create a gum that helps you to relax. Think of the market (stressed, too much energy, over excited, etc.), think of a name and an advertising phrase. Present it to the other group and take questions.

Discuss the options, or think of another one.

Case study

Developing a global brand

Zumospa needs to reposition it for the global market. Initial research suggests that Zumo is perceived as a Spanish drink, and its close identification with Spain may not be suitable when developing a global brand.

Zumospa would like to launch a global campaign focusing first on South America, Mexico, the Southern states of the US and Japan, where they have regional offices. A decision has been taken to use a standardized advertising theme in these markets, although the copy of the advertisements and language of the TV and radio commercials will be adapted to local needs.

Before setting up focus groups in these areas and commissioning market surveys, the Marketing Department of Zumospa have organized an informal departmental meeting to brainstorm ideas for their global marketing strategy.


You are members of the Marketing Department of Zumospa. Work in groups and brainstorm the points listed in the rough notes. One person in the group should take notes. Then meet as one group and select some of the best suggestions for further study.

Brainstorming Session

  1. Does Zumo need a new name? If so, what?

  2. Introduce new Zumo varieties for different market segments e.g. Diet Zumo? Other versions.

  3. Redesign Zumo bottle/can? If so, how?

  4. Create a new slogan. Suggestions?

  5. Ideas for TV or radio advertisement? Also, newspapers and magazines?

  6. Price – medium range?

  7. How to compete against similar products from Coke, Pepsi, Heinz, etc?

  8. New market opportunities for Zumo?

  9. Create a special division to market Zumo worldwide.

  10. Apply to be official sponsor at next Olympic Games.

Project work

You work for a magazine chat provides information about products and other issues relevant to consumers. It is your job to evaluate and compare products and prepare reports about them.

With your team:

  1. Select the products that you want to compare.

  2. Research and describe the features of your chosen products.

  3. Describe the benefits of the products for the consumer.

  4. Find out if it is possible to buy these products online.

  5. Determine the cost of buying these products online as compared with a regular store.

  6. Discuss the benefits of both types of shopping.

  7. Present your findings to the rest of the group.

  8. Hold Questions and Answers (Q&A) session

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