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U niversity of Graz, Austria

Partner Information 2012/13


Graz - European Cultural Capital 2003 - is an important gateway to neighbouring countries and foremost South-Eastern Europe because of its geographical situation (2 hrs to Vienna, 1 hr to Maribor/Slovenia, 4 hrs to Venice). This position has brought Graz many synergies that have influenced the development of the city and it has contributed to its international reputation. The variety of the cultural scene is strongly influenced by the almost 50.000 students who come here to live and learn at one of the four universities or two universities of applied sciences. www.graz.at


As a comprehensive university, the University of Graz offers a wide variety of study programs which are all open to exchange students. Placements in labs, however is generally difficult and can therefore not be guaranteed. The university’s regional focus on South-Eastern Europe is one of the defining factors throughout all areas of study. A unique cooperation with the Technical University of Graz (TUG) allows students to co-enroll at TUG at no extra cost (TUG transcripts available).

  • University website: www.uni-graz.at

  • Fields of study: http://www.uni-graz.at/en/studying/for-prospective-students/study-opportunities/

  • Incoming students: http://international.uni-graz.at/en/stud/incoming/nominiert/bewerbung-uni-graz/


German Language Courses (included in transcript): at a reduced fee of € 155 exchange students can participate in 3-week German Intensive Courses at all levels in September/February (dates see below, : http://www.uni-graz.at/en/fszwww_studierende-deutschintensiv.htm); 60 hours total equaling 6 ECTS credits.

“Treffpunkt Sprachen”, the language center at Uni Graz also offers German Semester Courses at all levels at € 55. Exchange students pay the reduced price of €30 for one of these courses worth (http://www.uni-graz.at/treffpunktsprachen/).

Language of Subject Courses: Most courses are taught in German and the online course guide is published each July for the following academic year (guidelines: http://static.uni-graz.at/fileadmin/bib/downloads/studierende/incoming/ugo/bibwww_s_ugo_guidelines.pdf). A selection of courses at various departments is also taught in English (link: http://international.uni-graz.at/en/s-inc/courses-in-english/)

Language requirement: The equivalent of two years of college German is desirable, if students want to follow courses in German. Students with no German proficiency can be accepted, if they find enough courses taught in English to meet their home university’s credit requirements. Participation in our pre-semester German intensive course is mandatory for these students.

Min/Max number of credits: Graz does not require a minimum or maximum number of courses.

24-30 ECTS credits per semester are considered a full-time load. For more information on the grading system please check http://static.uni-graz.at/fileadmin/bib/downloads/studierende/incoming/ects/bibwww_ects_grades.pdf.

Fall Semester Semester 1 “Wintersemester”

1 Sept

First day housing is available to students

1 or 2 Sept

Arrival for students participating in German Intensive Course

4 Sept

WELCOME WEEK I (mandatory for students taking German Intensive Course)

3 Sept

Start of the 3-week German Intensive Course

by 16 Sept

Arrival for students not participating in German Intensive Course

17 Sept

WELCOME WEEK II (mandatory for students not taking German Intensive Course)

1 Oct

Beginning of classes

1 Feb

End of classes (including exams)

Spring Semester Semester 2 “Sommersemester”

5 Feb

First day housing is available to students

5-6 Feb

Arrival for students participating in German Intensive Course

7 Feb

WELCOME WEEK I (mandatory for students taking German Intensive Course)

11 Feb

Start of the 3-week German Intensive Course

by 17 Feb

Arrival for students not participating in German Intensive Course

18 Feb

WELCOME WEEK II (mandatory for students not taking German Intensive Course)

1 Mar

Beginning of classes

5 July

End of classes (including exams)

* Early exams to be arranged individually; professors are usually accommodating – exception:

Faculty of Business and Prof. Wolf in the English Department

** WELCOME WEEKs include Registration, Orientation, Insurance + Residence Permit sessions



Partner institutions are asked to nominate students by sending the students’ names (exactly as presented in passport) and email addresses to the incoming student contact person (Christa Grassauer).

Online Application

Sending of Documents

After confirmation by Uni Graz, students receive an email from the incoming student contact person providing them with a code and the guidelines for the online application (step 1). Once completed application form and study confirmation need to be printed off from online system, signed and together with all necessary documents sent to the Uni Graz via surface mail (step 2) before the deadline.

Application Deadlines

June 1 (semester 1) and November 1 (semester 2)

Welcome Package

is sent out in July (semester 1) and December (semester 2)


Type of student housing available: Shared flats (self-contained) in student dorms with cooking facilities, single/double occupancy available from Sept 1 or Feb 1. All dorms in Graz are co-ed.

Housing cost estimate: Prices vary greatly according to standard and amount of service that is included in the rent. Double: € 800 - € 1.700 / semester; Single: € 1.400 - € 1.900 / semester.

Arrival pick-up: Students signing up for the buddy program will be assigned a buddy (= Austrian student) who will pick them up upon arrival and help them settle in.


Average cost of living per semester (rent, food, books, health insurance, local transportation) is € 2.600 - 4.600 / semester, depending on the type of housing.

Additional fees to pay: appr. € 20 per semester (Student Union fee + student ID)


Students staying for one semester are allowed to bring health insurance coverage from abroad. Students staying for a full academic year must buy Austrian National Health Insurance. This policy covers students in Austria and all EU countries and costs: appr. € 51/month. In Austria, dental and eye examinations as well as medication costs are included. However, this insurance is only available after students have arrived in Graz and it does not cover medical evacuation or repatriation. We suggest students make sure they have additional travel insurance for their journey to Graz and back home and purchase medical evacuation/repatriation coverage for the entire length of their stay.


Stay of less than 6 months (=1 semester): International students from outside the European Union must apply for a Visa D through the Austrian Embassy/Consulate in their country of residence. Costs: appr. € 100

Stay of more than 6 months (=full academic year): Depending on their nationality students either need to apply for a residence permit via the Austrian embassy/consulate in their country of residence or can apply in Graz after arrival. The list of nationalities that can apply for the residence permit after arrival in Graz can be found at: http://www.oead.at/index.php?id=574&L=1. Students who can apply after arrival in Graz must bring along all necessary documents (check with Austrian embassy for details).

Students who must apply for the residence permit before they get to Graz have to send their application documents timely enough to receive the confirmation letter by regular mail. Graz University cannot bear the costs for sending these documents via courier. Costs: appr. € 120

Student jobs available/allowed? Visa regulations make finding a job very difficult (unless students also hold an EU passport). Graz University has no facilities to help secure a job. Students should NOT rely on getting a job in Graz when budgeting their exchange!


Responsible for: Exchange Agreement


Phone ++ 43/316/380-2214 ■ Fax -9156


Responsible for: Incoming Students


Phone ++ 43/316/380-1254 ■ Fax -9156


Responsible for: Outgoing Students


Phone ++ 43/316/380-1251 ■ Fax -9156

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