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Билеты 2 семестр основы алгоритмизации (англ).doc
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B ottom Color

Преподаватель ___________________________

Санкт-Петербургский колледж информатизации и управления

(наименование среднего учебного заведения)

Рассмотрено предметной комиссией

“ “ ___________20 г.


Экзаменационный билет №_13_

По Основы алгоритмизации и____



Группа__341a___ Cеместр__VI______


Зам. директора по учебной работе


“ “_______20 г.

  1. Procedures.

2. Problem (A). Display all the integers from 1 to n (n – input value).

Problem (B). Read the coordinates of the point C and define to which region it belongs (see

the figure below)


Problem (C). Declare a record type TStud which contains three fields 1) student’s name 2) student’s speciality 3) student’s age. Declare TStudS type - an array of TStud-records. Declare a variable of TStudS type. Declare a function which counts and returns the number of records containing the word “mathematics” in the name of student’s speciality (for example “applied mathematics” contains the word “mathematics”). The function takes one input parameter of type TStudS. In “the main program” read the array from the StringGrid component. Count the number of records containing the word “mathematics” using a call to the function. Display this number on the form.

Преподаватель ___________________________

Санкт-Петербургский колледж информатизации и управления

(наименование среднего учебного заведения)

Рассмотрено предметной комиссией

“ “ ___________20 г.


Экзаменационный билет №_14_

По Основы алгоритмизации и____



Группа__341a___ Cеместр__VI______


Зам. директора по учебной работе


“ “_______20 г.

  1. Functions.

2. Problem (A). Output the squares of all the integers from 1 to 10 (using loop).

Problem (B). Read real values X1 (initial value), X2 (final value), H (increment). Display the values of function for the arguments in the range from X1 to X2, increment of argument being H.

Problem (C). Declare a record type TFlag which contains six fields 1) 2) X1, Y1 - the coordinates of the top left point of rectangular flag 3) 4) X2, Y2 - the coordinates of the bottom right point of rectangular flag 5) 6) LeftColor, RightColor – two colors of the flag (you may use 5-6 colors and your own coding for these colors, for example 1- red, 2-green, 3-blue, 4-white, 5-black, 6-yellow). Declare TFlagS type - an array of TFlag-records. Declare a variable of TFlagS type. Read the array from a file and display it in StringGrid component. Draw all the flags determined by the array. Two-colored flag must look like that:

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