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University teachers and students

The hierarchy of university teachers has at its top full professors, but a chair is very rare in the USA Full professors very often do research only and in recent years there has been criticism that most of the teaching is left to other members of the staff. After full professors follow associate professors and then assistant professors. Then there are instructors who do a certain amount of lecturing, but mostly combine lectures and class discussion. Seminars (or sections) are usually held by teaching assistants, who are graduated students teaching while they are doing their graduate work.

The members of the university community whose role is instruction and research are called faculty members. Their rank or classification determines salary, professional status, choice of subjects to be taught and university committee assignments.

The salary scale decreases similarly: instructors receive lower pay than assistant professors, and assistant professors get less than associate professors. Naturally, there are fewer full professors oh a university faculty than there are instructors.

To be a full professor in the US, one must generally have the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Instructors may have the Master of Arts degree and perhaps some work toward a doctorate. Below the instructor level is that of the graduate assistant These student-teachers handle many freshman and sophomore classes while they themselves pursue advanced degrees. Many of them have little previous experience and are therefore supervised by members of the regular faculty. The rank of the honourary professor is usually awarded to retired faculty members.

Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A freshman is a first year student, a sophomore is a second year student, junior is a third year student and a senior is a fourth year student All students who graduated from the senior class and who continue studying at a university are classified as advanced students or graduate students. Some graduate students receive grants or stipends which cover the cost of their education. A person on such a fellowship is called a university fellow. He may assist a professor with special-research or assume responsibility for some class instruction.

It costs a lot of money to study at an American college. Approximately 60 per cent of college students are engaged in some employment during their academic year. They work to help pay their college tuition. Their employment is usually on a part-time basis.

Most US colleges and universities provide students with vocational guidance and career counseling They also arrange meetings between senior students and prospective employers.


according to recent statistics – согласно статистике последнего времени

institution of higher learning – вуз

laboratory technician лаборант

dental hygienist – зубной гигиенист

the greater majority – большая часть private and state-supported universities – частные и госуниверситеты

to offer four-year courses – предлагать четырехлетние курсы

engaged in the study of sciences – занятых изучением наук

to receive many times more applications принимать во много раз больше заявлений

deliberately restrict the size – преднамеренно ограничивать число

to ensure the personal relationship and informality – обеспечить личные контакты и неформальность

colleges are free to residents — колледжи, бесплатные для жителей

university faculty — профессорско-преподавательский состав университета

to be licensed to practise independently – иметь разрешение на самостоятельную практику

to set one's own educational requirements – устанавливать собственные требования к процессу обучения

to make very general regulations составлять самые общие требования

social activities – общественная работа

to vary very widely — очень отличаться друг от друга

a graduate school — выпускная школа

to take a major subject and one or two minors — выбрать один главный предмет и один - два дополнительных

to attend a certain number of courses – посещать определенное число курсов

required courses — обязательные курсы

a minimum amount of mathematics — определенный минимум по математике

usually an enormous variety – обычно большое разнообразие

elective courses – курсы на выбор

advanced courses – усложненные курсы

to do a certain amount of written work – выполнить определенный объем письменных работ

to make oral reports – делать устные доклады

to write term papers — писать курсовые работы

special honours courses – курсы для окончания вуза с отличием

attendance record – посещаемость

to be expelled – быть исключенным

to do research – выполнять научную работу

most of the teaching — основная учебная нагрузка

to do a certain amount of lecturing – выполнять лекционную нагрузку

possible promotion – возможные продвижения по службе

job security — безопасность труда

faculty privileges преподавательские привилегии

university committee assignments – распоряжения университетского комитета

to work toward a doctorate – работать над докторской проблемой

freshman and sophomore classes – занятия с первокурсниками и второкурсниками

to pursue advanced degrees – стремиться к получению высших степеней

the rank of the honourary professor – звание почетного профессора

retired faculty member – ушедший на пенсию преподаватель

to receive grants (stipends) – получать стипендию

to assume responsibility for — быть ответственным за

to provide students with vocational guidance and career counseling – обеспечивать студентов профессиональной ориентацией и консультированием


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