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Тексты аудиозап-ей к учебн. пос.8 кл. Авт. Лапи...doc
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Тексты аудиозаписей к учебному пособию «Английский язык. 8 класс»

Авторы: Л. М. Лапицкая, Н. В. Демченко,

А. И. Калишевич, Н. В. Юхнель, А. В. Волков,

Т. Ю. Севрюкова


LESSON 5, Ex.3a, 3b

The Giant’s Causeway

The Giant’s Causeway is a place of breathtaking beauty, one of the greatest wonders of the world, covered in mystery. It’s located in the County of Antrim in Northern Ireland, in the north-eastern part of Ireland.

Its beauty was opened to people by the Bishop of Londonderry who visited the north of Ireland in 1692 and discovered the causeway. Later he spoke about it in Dublin and London and in 1694, a debate started on how it was formed. Theories ranged from men-made to natural formation, but scientists were puzzled by the amazing symmetry of thousands of columns. The mechanism of their formation was not clear until 1771 when a Frenchman explained it was the result of volcanic activity. The columns that make up the causeway were formed about 60 million years ago by cooling lava.

While the Bishop brought knowledge of the causeway to a wider world, the first people who probably saw it were the hunters and gatherers who settled in the area after the last ice age (10,000 years ago). It is believed that they travelled around the densely forested north coast by boats and saw the causeway on their travels. Perhaps they created a lot of myths and legends about this area. This is one of them.

Once upon a time on the north coast of Ireland, there lived a gentle giant called Finn McCool with his wife Oonagh. At fifty two feet six inches, which is more than 17 metres, he was a small giant. But across the sea in Scotland there lived a giant called Benandonner, who used to shout that he was stronger and could easily beat Finn McCool if there was no sea between them.

So Finn decided to build a causeway (a bridge) out of huge stones across the water, as no boat at their time was large enough to hold a giant. But the work was so hard and Finn was so tired that he fell asleep without waiting for the Scottish giant.

Oonagh, Finn's wife, woke up early the next morning to find Finn sound asleep. Then she heard the sound of huge footsteps and saw the strong Benandonner. He was truly gigantic. She understood that Finn would not win the fight against this Scottish giant. And she knew that fights aren’t always won on the basis of size and strength. Quick thinking Oonagh covered the sleeping Finn with a dress and hat.

"Where's Finn?" thundered Benandonner, "Where is he hiding?"

Oonagh pointed to the sleeping Finn. "Be quiet," she told Benandonner, "or you'll wake the child!"

Benandonner panicked. If the child was that big, how much bigger might Finn be? He did not stay to see. He quickly went back across the causeway, destroying it behind him so that Finn McCool couldn’t follow him.

Believe it or not, but this amazing place is called the Giant’s Causeway. In 1986, the Giant’s Causeway was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a year later it became a Natural Nature Reserve in Northern Ireland. Today it’s Northern Ireland’s most popular tourist attraction.


LESSON 1, Ex. 4a, 4b

Natalie: Hi, Alesya. My name’s Natalie.

Alesya: Hi, Natalie. Nice to meet you.

Natalie: How was your first day at Alesya? Do you feel all right?

Alesya: Yes, I like the school and the teachers; and I also like our class but I still need to learn a lot about the school rules and the school day and I need to learn the girls’ and the teachers’ names.

Natalie: You will very soon! The teachers and the girls and I will be helping you.

Alesya: Oh, thank you… Can you please tell me again what time I have to be at school. I hate being late.

Natalie: The registration starts at 8.40 am. And then we have lessons from 9 am to 4 pm.

Alesya: Oh, that’s so long! Are there breaks during the day?

Natalie: Of course, there are. We have 15-minute breaks in the morning and in the afternoon and there’s a long lunch break at 12.05.

Alesya: Sounds good! Are lunches good here?

Natalie: Yes, they are! They always serve us a freshly cooked lunch. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like the food here!

Alesya: Yes, I liked the lunch today very much! What else do I need to know about school rules, Natalie?

Natalie: The rules are easy: do your homework every day and don’t forget to bring it to school as well as your exercise-books and stationary – pens and pencils and that kind of stuff.

Alesya: It’s easy. These rules are the same as we had in Belarus. Natalie, I wanted to ask you about the school uniform. Do we really have to wear our shirts and skirts every day? What if I come in jeans or a dress?

Natalie: That’s not a good idea, Alesya. We all have to wear our uniforms every day. I know it is kind of boring if you wear the same clothes every day, but we have some choice (выбор)! You can choose from trousers or a skirt, a jumper, a cardigan or a blazer. We also have a choice of blouses and tank tops.

Alesya: I see.

Natalie: Why are you so unhappy about our school uniform? Was the uniform in Belarus much better?

Alesya: We didn’t have to wear school uniform, that’s why I’m so upset… Don’t worry, Natalie, I’ll learn to like it.

Natalie: I’m sure you will. Good news is you can wear whatever you like on school trips and at weekend activities.

Alesya: It is really good news!

Natalie: Here’s our school booklet. On the first page you’ll find the most important rules.

Alesya: Thanks a lot!

Lesson 4, Ex. 3a, 3b, 3c


Hi, Mr Smith. This is Alesya. She’s my new friend.

Club advisor:

Hi, Alesya.


Hello, Mr Smith.

Club advisor:

Well, Alesya, it’s time to choose a club or two. The aim of our clubs is to develop our students. We have wonderful facilities. Are you ready?


Yes, Sir. You have such great clubs here! I like all of them!

Club advisor:

Thank you, Alesya. We try to have clubs interesting for everyone. OK… Have you chosen anything?


Well… I’m afraid of speaking in front of people but I need it for my lessons. So I think I need the Speaking skills club… I’m fond of working on the computer - so I’d like to join the web design club.

Club advisor:

OK, Alesya. It’s a good choice. I’m sure you’ll get good help from our experienced teachers. Anything else?


Oh, yes, Mr. Smith! I’ve always been interested in world dances. This is my third choice… Then, I think the Shakespeare fans club is also fun. I want to learn more about William Shakespeare and his plays and I think it will also help me not to be afraid of the stage.

Club advisor:

Yes, Alesya, this club is a very good choice. The club teacher is a professional actor and they always make very good performances. Is this all?


No, Mr. Smith. I would also like to learn to play field hockey because everybody here plays it but I‘ve only watched it on TV.

Club advisor:

I agree, Alesya. Field hockey is very popular here. You can take the Field hockey club now but you can also learn to play it next term.


Oh? Can I choose other clubs in January?

Club advisor:

Yes, of course, Alesya! In January you can stay in your club or change it.


It sounds great! I’d like to learn more new activities!

Club advisor:

So, Alesya, you’ve chosen five clubs.


Yes, Mr. Smith. I’d like to choose more.

Club advisor:

No, Alesya. I’m afraid, five is a lot. Don’t forget that each club is two or three times a week and you also have homework to do and books to read.


Oh? Is five a lot?

Club advisor:

Yes, I think it’s too many. You will also need time for being with your school friends and for relaxing. What if you take three clubs now and then choose other clubs in January? What do you really want to do now?


OK, Mr. Smith… Three clubs… I need the Speaking skills clubs… I’ll take the World Dances club… And I’ll do the Web Design.

Club advisor:

A very good choice, Alesya! These clubs will develop your talents and skills. Good luck!


Thank you, Mr. Smith.