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1)What is philosophy?

  • Is inquiry into what really exist

2)The object of philosophy.World in whole and the place of man in this world.

3)The methods of philosophy rational, irrational

4)The main parts of philosophy.

  • Ontology

  • Epistimology

  • Ethic

  • Aestheties

5)The meaning of the notions of ALETEIA - unconcelalment, EPISTEME - knowledge, DOXA – opinion, ARCHE - the first principle

6) The meanings of Ontology, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics.

Epistemology is: study of nature, origin and limits of human knowledge.

Ethic is: A philosophical study of principles, moral and human behavior.

Aesthetics is: A philosophical study that researches the sphere of artistic activity and its principles.

Ontology the study of being

7) The translation of the word philosophy – Love wisdom

8) Who first introduce the word “philosophy”? Pythagoras

II. 1)The first philosophic school in Greece. Milesian

2)What did the representatives of Ionian school sought to discover? Arche

3) The primary substance according to Thales - water, Anaximander - apeiron, Anaximenes - air .

4)Who defined ARCHE as fire Heraclitus

5) Who is the author of this statement: “Into the same river you could not step twice” Heraclitus

6) Who said that: “Good and evil are the same” Heraclitus

7) Who is the author of this statement: “Nature loves to conceal herself”? Heraclitus

* 8) Representatives of what school believed in metempsychosis? Pythagorean

9) What Greek school saw ARCHE in number and numerical relations? Pythagorean

*10) What Greek philosopher ridiculed the anthropomorphic gods and introduced God as pure spirit in philosophy? Xenophanes of Colophon

*11) How did Heraclitus call the unity underlying all change and opposition? Logos -God

12) Who is the founder of Eleatic school? Parmenides of Elea

13) According to Parmenides, what can lead us to the truth about the existence? Reason

14) Two kinds of Zeno’s paradoxes.

  • Against plurality, divisibility(1.If smth in space, it also in space etc.2.if we have 2 objects we have 3 objects.3.a sack of corn)

  • Against motion ( =Achilles and tortoise, flying arrow)

*15) What Greek philosopher defined four elements and two forces as basic in the universe? Empedocles of Acragas -4 elements water, fire, earth, 2 – love, strife

16) Who introduce a separate, immaterial, creating principle in Greek philosophy? Anaxagoras

*17) Who first held that void exists? Leucippus and Democritus

18) What did Sophists teach? How to get ahead in the world?

19) Who said that: “Man is a measure of all things”? Protagoras.

20) Who discovered that good argument could be made on either side of an opposition? the Sophists

21) What was the principal question that concerned the Sophists? How the virtue is acquired?

22) What is PHYSIS- the unchanging fundamental existance, NOMOS-convention or law.

Sophistry allowed rhetorical victory at the cost of - morality

III 1) Socrates’s main interest in philosophy. Ethics.

2) The Socratic ‘elencus’ eventually gave rise? Dialectic

3) The Socratic paradox. Virtue is knowledge

4) The main Plato’s dialogue, devoted to his teacher. Apology

5) Socratic schools. Cynics, Cyrenaics, the Megarian

6) The most fruitful Socrates’s disciple. Plato

7) The founder of Cynic school. Antisthenes

8) Who wanted to destroy social conventions and return to ‘natural’ life? Synics

9) Who advocated anti-conventionalism, shamelessness, outspokenness and austerity? Diogenes

10) Who intended to show that happiness and independence were possible even under reduced circumstances? Diogenes

11) What Greek philosophic school held that the pleasure of the moment is the criterion of goodness? Cyrenaics

*12)What type of government did Socrates prefer? He believed that a government by the few (like the Spartan oligarchy) was the best form of government, provided that these few were educated and virtuous.

*13)Who was accused to be a sophist? Protagoras

*14)Who appealed “ to avoid excess in everything”? Socrates

*16)Why Socrates considered that he had no need of travelling? he rest of his life he stayed at home and engaged all the more keenly in argument with anyone who would converse with him, his aim being not to alter his opinion but to get at the truth.

18) The founder of the Cyrenaic school. Aristippus

*19) Who said that: “I possess, I am not possessed”? Aristippus

20) The founder of Megarian school. Eucleides

21) What Greek school cultivated dialectical skills? Megarian

IV. 1)The founder of Academy. Plato

2)What was the genre of Plato’s writing? Dialogues

What Socrates considered his wisdom? – his admitting of his ignorance

Who identified himself as a gadfly sent to awaken the sleeping citizens from their torpor? Socrates

*3)The most famous of Plato’s dialogues. The Republic

*4)What philosopher created the doctrine of ‘eidoses’? Plato

*5)Who was the author of the theory of ‘anamnesis’? Plato

*6)What does the word ‘anamnesis’ mean? is a concept in Plato's epistemological and psychological theory that he develops in his dialogues Meno and Phaedo, and alludes to in his Phaedrus.

*7)The main part of Plato’s theory. Plato's theory of Forms or theory of Ideas asserts that non-material abstract

*8)What problem begins Plato’s dialogue “The Republic”?

9)The hierarchy of Plato’s ideal state. Guardians – auxiliaries – producers

Plato’s allegory of the cave divides the world into – two parts

11)According to Plato, what can we have of the visible (loxa) world? illusion

12)According to Plato, what can we achieve of the intelligible (episteme) world? Knowledge

*13) Into what two regions the visible or changing world can be divided? AB (lowest Opinions, illusions (eikasia) "Shadows" and "reflections" of physical objects and Beliefs about physical things (pistis), including empirical science Physical objects

*14) Into what two regions the upper region can be divided? Mathematical reasoning (dianoia), including theoretical science Abstract mathematical objects, such as numbers and lines and Philosophical understanding (noesis) Ideas (Forms), especially the Idea (Form) of the Good

*15)Who first brought philosophy into a comprehensive system? Aristotle//Plato

*16) Whose philosophical doctrines did Plato combine to create his own system? Eleatic doctrine of the One with Heraclitus’svision of the world and with Socrates’ athics and method of questioning

*17) What division was the groundwork of Plato’s scheme? into dialectic, ethics, and physics; its central point is the theory of forms

18) According to Plato, can our visible world be perfect and why?

*19) What is the perfect world, according to Plato? Perceived circles or lines are not exactly circular or straight, and true circles and lines could never be detected since by definition they are sets of infinitely small points. But if the perfect ones were not real, how could they direct the manufacturer?

20) How can we characterize Plato’s “eidoses”? Ideas

*21) What is the most fundamental distinction in Plato’s philosophy? The most fundamental distinction in Plato's philosophy is between the many observable objects that appear beautiful (good, just, unified, equal, big) and the one object that is what beauty (goodness, justice, unity)

*22) The distinction between soul and body, according to Plato. Plato then believes that the soul/body distinction allow him to “see beyond” a person’s sex. The soul and body then are two different kind of things.

*23) The main difference between a philosopher and common people, according to Plato.

*24) Whose ethics became the foundation for Plato’s ethical doctrine? Socrates

*25) What three parts of the soul did Plato distinguish? cognitive, spirited, and appetitive

*26) What three virtues did Plato distinguish? Wisdom, Courage, and Temperance or Continence

*27) According to Plato, what should we do to be virtuous? Combine Wisdom, Courage, and Temperance and justice

*28) What virtue is the bond among parts of the soul and what is its function? Virtues of state and soul ....a harmony among the disparate parts of the soul, but their goodness depends

V. * 1) Who was considered a know-it-all in Ancient Greek philosophy? Aristotle

*2) Who was the teacher of Alexander the Great? Aristotle

3) Who founded Lyceum? Aristotle

Aristotle developed the method of – inductive reasoning

4) According to Aristotelian classification of knowledge, by what does knowledge that is true all the time characterized? Certainty(precise)

5) According to Aristotelian classification of knowledge, by what does uncertain knowledge characterized? Probability(verisimilitude)

*6) According to Aristotelian classification of knowledge, to what kind of knowledge do mathematics, ethics belongs? Probability

7) The four Aristotelian causes. Material, formal, efficient, final

8) According to Aristotle, everything is always moving and changing and has some – aim, goal or purpose

9) Aristotle’s analysis of phenomenon and change.is fundamentally teleological

*10) Why does Ethics admit a high degree of uncertainty?

The Philosophy of Ethics is also called moral philosophy and is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. Meta-ethics investigates where our moral principles come from, and what they mean. Normative ethics is more practical and is concerned with finding moral principles to govern how we should act. Applied ethics considers applying our moral principles to particular real world situations.

*11) Aristotelian Doctrine of the Mean.virtue is a mean between excess and defect or what is “good” and what is “extreme” (vice-virtue-vice)

*12) The foundation of modern law and justice.

VI. 1) The main Hellenistic schools. Epicureanism, Stoicism, Skepticism, Neo-Platonism

2) What borrowed doctrine did Epicurus develop in physics? The Doctrine of Atomism

3) What concept did Epicurus introduce to physics? “Severing of atoms”-3 types of atom motions: weight, impact with other atoms, without reasonable explanation

4) Epicurus’s supreme good and ultimate end in ethics. The highest pleasure – the absence of pain

5) According to Epicurus, where does the principle of utility find its highest expression? In friendship

*6) Who appreciated a withdrawn and quiet life very high? Epicurus

*7) Who asserted that we must not feel the fear of death and fear of gods? Epicurus

8) What school did Pyrrho of Elis found? Sceptic

9) Why did Pyrrho dispute the possibility of attaining the truth? Total suspension of judgment on things

10) The author of the 10 tropes. Aenesidemus

11) What did Sceptics show in their tropes? We have no opportunity to gain knowledge about anything

*12) What should we do in the situation of impossibility of the truth about the world, according to Sceptics?

13) Who was the founder of Stoic school? Zeno of Citium

*14) The formula that connected with Stoic teaching. “Living in agreement with nature”, “rational selection of the things according to nature.”

*15) What did Stoics assert about of cause of human passions? The Stoics did not seek to extinguish emotions; rather, they sought to transform them by a resolute 'askēsis' that enables a person to develop clear judgment and inner calm; the ancient meaning of 'passion' was "anguish" or "suffering"

*16) “Preferable things”, according to Zeno of Citium. Having the necessities of life and health-external things; These preferable things are not goods -- only virtue is a good.

*17) Into what categories did Zeno of Citium divide all people? Completely wise/completely fool

*18) By what is Stoic mode of conduct characterize? By tranquillity of mind and certainty of moral worth.

19) The founder of Neo-Platonism. Plotinus of Lycopolis

20) According to Neo-Platonism.There is a plurality of what is arranged in hierarchical descending order? Plurality of levels of being.

21) Degrees of being, according to Plotinus. Unity

22) The lowest level of being, according to Plotinus. The corporeal world

23) The highest level of being, according to Plotinus. The One (the Good)

24) According to Plotinus, by what is Soul produced? Intellect

25) According to Plotinus, by what is Intellect is produced? By the One

26) According to Plotinus, by what is corporeal world produced? Soul

27)According to Neo-Platonism, by what means can a human reach the contemplation of the One? Only through intellectual tremendous efforts

28) The purpose of human life, according to Neo-Platonism. The union with the One, which gives the state of ecstasy.

VII 1)The defining characteristic of Hindu belief. is the recognition of the Vedas

2)According Hindus believe what is the foundation, cause and goal of all existent? Brahmans

*3)What does Brahman cause the universe and all beings?

*4)What two main images has the Supreme essence Brahman got? Universe and ?

*5)The meaning of Ahimsa in Hinduism. non-injury

6) What is Pracriti, according to Hindu philosophy? material components of the universe

7)The meaning of Guna. Quality

The guna which characterized by harmony – sattva guna

The guna which characterized by activity – raja guna

The guna which characterizaed by inertia – tama guna

9)The meaning of Samsara. The whole process of rebirth

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