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. Read the texts. Give your own titles for these texts. Write down your own plan of the texts. Choose one of the texts and retell it in detail using your plan.

Text 1

Ukraine takes part in international tourist exchange. It is a comparatively small country occupying a favourable geographic position in the center of Europe. It has common frontiers with many European states, a development network of air, railway, river, sea and motor routes.

The most popular tourist regions are the Crimea, Prychornomorya, Podillya, Volyn and such cities as Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv. Ukraine is among those countries that use their natural resources intensively.

There are about 200 thousand cultural, historical, architectural and archaeological monuments, places and parks and more than 300 museums in Ukraine. The most important of them such as Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and St. Sophia Cathedral have been included to UNESCO’s registers. Tourists might be interested in visiting places connected with lives of prominent figures in history and culture. Tourists have a good opportunity to come closer to Ukrainian folk culture, songs, dances and cuisine.

The national network of tourist and excursion routes of different historical and cultural themes has been developed in the areas most densely packed with monuments which cover 12 regions of Ukraine, mainly towns along the banks of the Dnipro and the city of Kyiv. The whole network is called the Beads of Slavutych.

In our region we can find some beautiful and famous places of interest. First of all National Park “Sophia Park” in Uman’. The whole network is called the Golden horse-shoe. It comprises some places connected with lives of prominent figures in history and culture of Ukraine.

So, welcome to Ukraine!

Text 2

Ukraine is a country with the glorious past. It is rich in historical monuments and different places of interest. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest cities in the Eastern Europe. It has already celebrated its 1500th anniversary. That’s why it is not surprising that a lot of interesting monuments are situated there, for example, the well known to all Slavonic world St Sophia’s Cathedral and Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. It is breathtaking to wander along the streets of the old town, to feel the breath of history.

The most ancient building in Kiev is St. Sophia's Cathedral, founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1037. He meant to turn it into the cultural center of his Eastern Slavic state, but the Cathedral was also the place where the Kiev community gathered for assemblies, and where the Prince gave official audiences to foreign ambassadors.

The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the oldest monastery in Ukraine, owes its name to the numerous caves which were used as dwellings from pre-historic times. About a thousand years ago the caves were taken over by monks who set up a monastery there, and very soon the Lavra became a major center for the promotion of early Russian culture.

The Golden Gate, St. Vladimir's Cathedral, St. Andrew's Church, Andriyivsky Uzviz, Kreschatik, these are the places of interest in Kiev which it's better to see once, than to hear about them many times.

The town of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky is situated not far from Kiev and happens to be the third oldest town in Ukraine after Kiev and Chernihov. This town is a real wonder and one cannot help admiring its 22 museums of all possible kinds.

Lviv is one of the richest cities in Ukraine for the number and value of historical and architectural monuments. It was founded in the 13th century by Prince Danilo Galitsky, who named the town after his elder son Lev. A relic coming down to us from that period is the Church of St. Nicolas (late 13th c.), which is the oldest church in Lviv. The highest point of the city is the hill of High Castle, where a mediaeval fortress bearing the same name is situated, and from which one can see the whole city with its beautiful churches, cathedrals and other historical monuments.

It is claimed that anyone who has ever been to the Crimea wants to return there again and again. The first written mention of the Crimea occurs in Herodotus' «History». One will be affected by the ruins of ancient Roman, Byzantine and Genoese fortress as well as by the Swallow's Nest, Vorontsov's Palace and Park, Armenian church, to say nothing of its gentle sea and beautiful mountains.

But Ukrainian places of interest are located not only in big cities. Near the small town of Kanev there is the monument to the Ukrainian national genius Taras Shevchenko. The museum, where the books, drawings and manuscripts of Shevchenko are kept, is situated in the village not far from Kanev. Even the house, where he was born, is preserved. It is very interesting to look at it. One may come to Poltava and visit the museum of the famous Poltava battle, the field where Peter the Great defeated the Swedes.

One may also go to Zaporizhia, to the island of Khortytsia, where the Ukrainian Cossacks’ organization was born. One can go to Odesa and walk along the boulevards, where Pushkin walked a long time ago, and one can touch the trees, which Pushkin touched. It is also possible to visit the last house of Chekhov (now the museum in Yalta), where Chekhov lived, and where he wrote his last works, and where he died.

It is possible to go through Gogol places in Poltava Region and see Dickanka, Sorochintsy. One can continue this list, because there is also Western Ukraine with the Carpathians and their legends, feudal lords’ castles and cathedrals, with their unique culture and nature. There are a lot of places to see in Ukraine and to be proud of. And I am glad to live in such a country, with all those beautiful monuments.

Read and translate the text. Using the material of the text, your own experience and opinion make up the list of necessary skills and personal qualities in tourism and catering industry.

Common features of all jobs in tourism and catering industry

A majority of the jobs in tourism and catering industry have one common feature: contact with the public, including both the positive and negative aspects of dealing with ordinary human beings. Anyone who has chosen a career in these fields should enjoy working with people and be tolerant, especially since the irritations of services can bring out the worst qualities in some people.

Many qualities are desirable: some of them come naturally, but others can be acquired by good training and development of social skills and personal attributes. A smile of welcome from a charming, attractive, well-spoken employee immediately creates a warm, friendly atmosphere for a visitor. But a capable, competent, intelligent person is also needed to ensure that the many tasks he has to deal with every day in the office are carried out smoothly and efficiently and at a good relationship and communication with all other branches.

Diplomacy is the art of conducting negotiations between people.

Tact is the skill of handling a difficult person or situation without giving offence.

The day-to-day experience of dealing with people and problems will develop the skills of tact and diplomacy. It is not difficult to deal with people who are pleasant and cooperative, but it requires intelligence, understanding, common sense and self-discipline to handle difficult and awkward people or situations without giving offence and putting yourself or the management in the wrong. The employee must always try to remain cool, calm and in control of the situation.

In many jobs in which it is necessary to deal with the public, language skill is essential or desirable. The degree of language skill may vary from using special terms in catering service jobs to speaking fluently among travel agents and tour guides. The degree of language skill may vary according to the location of the job.

And some words about appearance. A person who has to deal with the public or who is in continual contact with other people must always be aware that attention to their appearance is of the utmost importance. Neat well-groomed hair cut in a style that suits the face and personality is much more pleasing. As usual staff wears uniforms. Uniforms should be kept fresh and crisp. If one is permitted to wear clothes of one’s own choice, they should be smart and attractive, but extremes in fashion should be avoided and colour kept discreet.

Read the conversation between two students. Then look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space.

Example: Lisa: Who _______is____ Michelle talking to?

a) are b) do c) does d) is

Amy: I can't see Michelle.

Lisa: You(l)____________ looking in the right place. She's over there.

Amy: Oh, that's Adrian. He's new here.

Lisa: Really? Where (2)_________ he live? (3) ________ you know?

Amy: No, 1(4) ________ know anything else about him.

Lisa: What (5) _______they talking about, I wonder?

Amy: Well, he (6) ________ look very interested. He's got a very bored expression on his face. And he (7)_________saying anything.

1. a) aren't b) doesn't c) don't d) isn't

2. a) are b) do c) does d) is

3. a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is

4. a) aren't b) doesn't c) don't d) 'm not

5. a) are b) do c) does d) is

6. a) aren't b) doesn't c) don't d) isn't

7. a) aren't b) doesn't c) don't d) isn't

Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Write the correct sentence.

Example: The childrens doing their homework now. – The children are doing their homework now.

1. The girls are play tennis at the moment.


2. Both my brothers likes sport.


3. Anna wearing her new coat today


4. What colour you like best?


5. My suit case is weighing ten kilos?


6. At the moment I stay at a hotel.


7. Robert catсh the same bus every month.


Write the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

Example: There were lights on the spacecraft, (had). - The spacecraft had lights on it.

  1. I had my old coat on. (wearing) ____________________________________________________

  2. I was on holiday, and you were on holiday, too. (we) ____________________________________________________

  3. It isn't true that I made a mistake, (didn't) ____________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________

  4. The boys were in the middle of a game of cards, (playing) _____________________________________________________

  5. No one told me about the change of plan, (know) _____________________________________________________

  6. My friend was the winner of the competition, (won) _____________________________________________________

  7. Is it a fact that the Romans built this wall? (did) _____________________________________________________

Complete the sentences. Put in the correct form of each verb. Use the past continuous or past simple.

Example: When Martin arrived (arrive) home, Anna was talking (talk) to someone on the phone. Martin started (start) to get the tea.

  1. I _____ (lie) in the bath when the phone _____ (ring). It _____ (stop) after a few rings.

  2. It ____ (be) cold when we ____ (leave) the house that day, and a light snow _____ (fall).

  3. Your friend who _____ (come) here the other day ______ (seem) very nice. I ______ (enjoy) meeting her.

  4. When I ______ (see) the man, he ______ (stand) outside the bank. He ______ (have) a black baseball cap on.

  5. When I______ (open) the cupboard door, a pile of books ______ (fall) out.

  6. I ______ (walk) along the street when I suddenly______ (feel) something hit me in the back. I ______ (not / know) what it was.

  7. We ______ (go) to London yesterday, but on the way We ______ (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So We ______ (drive) back home straightaway.

  8. Something very strange ______ (happen) to me on my way home from work yesterday afternoon. I ______ (drive) along the bypass at the time. Suddenly I ______ (see) my mother in the seat beside me. But she died three years ago.

Complete the sentences with the past participles of the verbs in brackets.

Example: We've found (find) all the answers.

  1. Have you __________(wash) the car?

  2. You haven't _______ (eat) very much.

  3. They've________ (open) a new supermarket.

  4. You've_______ (write) it in pencil.

  5. I've_______ (make) the sandwiches.

  6. We've_______ (have) our lunch.

  7. United have_______ (score) a goal.

  8. The balloon has_______ (land) in a field.

  9. Who's_______ (break) this glass?

  10. It's warm because the heating has _______ (be) on.

  11. Have you ________ (sell) your flat yet?

  12. I've________ (finish) that job at last.

Complete the second sentence so that it follows on from the first. Use the present perfect.

Example: My hair is tidy now. I‘ve brushed my hair.

  1. The door is open. Someone ________________________________ the door.

  2. This is Oliver's drawing, look. Oliver_________________________ a picture.

  3. The calculator is broken. Someone_________________________ the calculator.

  4. United are the winners. United _________________________the game.

  5. There's no more wine in the bottle. We _________________________ all the wine.

  6. The floor is clean now. I _________________________ the floor.

  7. I know my number now. I _________________________my number by heart.

  8. The guests are here now. The guests _________________________

  9. I'm still working on the computer. I _____________________ with the computer yet.

Decide which word is correct.

Example: I'd like to borrow this book. Has Anna read it yet?

a) done b) for c) just d) yet

1. Ben writes very quickly. He's_____________ finished his essay,

a) already b) been c) for d) yet

2. What are you going to do? ~ I don't know. I haven't decided ______________

a) just b) long c) since d) yet

3. I've ______________to London. I went there in June.

a) been b) gone c) just d) yet

4. Have you ______________done any skiing?

a) ever b) for c) just d) long

5. My boyfriend hasn't rung ______________ week,

a) for b) last c) since d) this

Put the words in the correct order and ask the question.

Example: everyone / is / ready Is everyone ready?

  1. been / have / where / you _______________________________________________

  2. do / postcards / sell / you _______________________________________________

  3. belong / calculator / does / this / to / who ___________________________________

  4. are / here / how / long / staying / you ______________________________________

  5. is / like / new / office / what / your ________________________________________

  6. are / flights / full / of / the / which ________________________________________

  7. carnival / does / start / the / time / what ____________________________________

  8. decided / has / holiday / Nancy / on / what _________________________________

Complete the questions.

Example: What did you buy? ~ A box of chocolates.

  1. ____________________ is this building? ~ It's about two hundred years old.

  2. ____________________ does your team play in? ~ Red.

  3. ____________________ bag are you carrying? ~ Judy's.

  4. ____________________ money do you earn? ~ About £250 a week.

  5. ____________________ hand do you write with? ~ My right hand.

  6. ____________________ of shop do you work in? ~ A toy shop.

  7. ____________________ first stepped on the moon? ~ Neil Armstrong, wasn't it?

  8. ____________________ is your mother? ~ She's much better, thank you.

  9. ____________________ is it to the post office? ~ About two hundred metres.

  10. ____________________ do you take a holiday? ~ Once a year.

  11. ________________ name will you give the baby? ~ We haven't thought of one yet.

Using prompts in brackets tell a friend some news. Use active and/or passive voice.

Example: (Past simple: Claire / go / to Florida / last month)

You remember Claire? She went to Florida last month.

(Present perfect: send / our luggage / to Australia)

Bad news about our luggage. It's been sent to Australia.

  1. (Past simple: Claude Jennings / win / the quiz competition)

Did you hear about the quiz competition? It ___________________________________________________________

  1. (Past simple: Mrs Miles / do / a parachute jump / last week)

You know Mrs Miles? She ____________________________________________________________

  1. (Present perfect: a bull / attack / David)

Have you heard about David? He's ____________________________________________________________

  1. (Present continuous: build / the house)

Trevor and Laura have bought a house. It's still ____________________________________________________________

  1. (Present simple: Andrew / like / Jessica)

Did I tell you about Andrew? He ____________________________________________________________

  1. (Present perfect: throw away / your stamp collection)

Bad news about your stamp collection. It's ____________________________________________________________

  1. (Present perfect: Martians / kidnap / my neighbours)

Did I mention my neighbours? They've ____________________________________________________________

  1. (Past simple: five people / see / the ghost)

Did you hear about the ghost? It ____________________________________________________________

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