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Chapter 8

Discuss the chapter answering the following questions

  1. What happened to the people from the introduction story? Do you consider them the characters of the novel too?

  2. Relate Clare’s conversation with John and Maureen. Why did they share with her their opinions on each other?

  3. Speak on the production of “Macbeth” at school stage. How did Clare feel during and after the play?

  4. What do you think about school theatre?

  5. Describe Clare’s visit to the doctor. What is really happening to her?

  6. Why did Clare decide to visit Burford? Give an account for her trip.

Find in the text the sentences containing the following words and word combinations; translate them into Russian; use them in the sentences of your own.

Contemplate, crescent, cumbersome, cheesecloth, dummy, gabble, hoarding, incantation, rapt, waterworks.

Chapter 9

Discuss the chapter answering the following questions

  1. What changes took place on the island from the introduction story? Were they positive or negative?

  2. Speak on Clare and John’s visit to London. Were they going to observe sightseeing only?

  3. How does historic atmosphere of the city correlate with the general mood of the novel?

  4. Comment on the different points of view on modern and steam trains. Is it funny that a young girl felt nostalgic about the past while the aunts were curious about modernity?

  5. What do we learn about Clare’s childhood?

  6. Describe Clare’s dream travelling to the past.

Find in the text the sentences containing the following words and word combinations; translate them into Russian; use them in the sentences of your own.

Buttercups, compunction, gnome, endear, hibernate, placate, misdemeanor, ramp, shamble, tingle.

Chapter 10

Discuss the chapter answering the following questions

  1. Why do the changes in the life of the tribal people continue? What were they?

  2. Why did Clare hate winter? What is you favorite season?

  3. Describe the lesson of Art at school. Why did Clare refuse to admit the “correction” of her drawing? Was she right?

  4. Why did Clare want the reassurance of hearing the aunts’ voices?

  5. Speak on her visit to Mrs. Hedges. Is her family atmosphere differ from the atmosphere of Clare’s house?

  6. Speak on Clare’s returning home. What was she afraid of?

  7. Is the end of the chapter a climax of the story? Why?

Find in the text the sentences containing the following words and word combinations; translate them into Russian; use them in the sentences of your own.

Brocade, cheeky, cineraria, facetious, hunch, oblong, rook, pram, scurry, whoop.

Chapter 11

Discuss the chapter answering the following questions

  1. What kind of visitors come to the tribal people?

  2. Speak about Clare’s physical condition and her state of mind in hospital.

  3. How did her dreams end? Did the reader expect such an ending?

  4. How did Clare feel at home after returning from the hospital? What did she do? Comment on the words: “I’m spring-cleaning” (p. 142).

  5. Describe her one more visit to the doctor. Why did she feel recovered?

  6. Speak on Clare’ decision not to buy a present for Aunt Susan at the antique shop.

Find in the text the sentences containing the following words and word combinations; translate them into Russian; use them in the sentences of your own.

Billow, excavate, incessant, miscellaneous, murky, rove, tatter, writhe.

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