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Exercises Ex. 1. Translate the following words and remember them.

Pipe, according to, conductor, conductivity, to employ, to distribute, circuit, to look for, series circuit, short-circuit.

Ex. 2. Translate the following words given below paying attention to different suffixes and prefixes.

To pass – passage

to load – to overload – to unload

to supply – supplement – supplementary

to detect – detector – detection – detective

to move - to remove – removal – removable

to determine – determination – determinate

to state – statement

to subject – subjective

wire – wireless

to travel – traveller

to conduct – conductivity – conductive

Ex. 3. Translate the following word-combinations.

Alaska oil heat pipe

heat pipe exchanger

circuit control relay

capillary action heat pipe

highly conductive copper wire

parallely connected circuit elements

manually operated parts

fuel problem solving

Notes on the text

recovering waste heat of industrial enterprises – утилизация сбросного тепла промышленных предприятий

Heat pipes

A heat pipe is a sealed tube containing a working fluid. While heating one end of the tube the working fluid evaporates, absorbing large amounts of heat and moves to the other end of the tube. There it condenses, giving up heat, flows back and the whole cycle starts again.

A heat pipe is known to be invented in the 1940-s. A Ge­neral Motors engineer Richard S. Glauger was the first to develop the idea. The heat pipe was reinvented in the early 1960-s by George M. Grover.

There exist two types of heat pipes: thermo-syphon heat pipe and capillary action heat pipe. They differ according to the method used to transport the working fluid. The characteristic feature of all heat pipes is their high thermal conductance.

Inspite of their valuable properties heat pipes were neglected for many years. The energy crises made countries search for new sources of energy, heat pipes attracting great interest.

Heat pipes and heat pipe exchangers are of great importance in power engineering as a means of recovering waste heat of industrial enterprises, solar energy, geothermal waters. These sources of energy may be used for heating rooms, greenhouses, hot beds, animal shelters without organic fuel. Long heat pipes are already employed in the USA and Japan when building airfields, pavements, subways where it is necessary to keep the pavement free of snow and ice.

Heat pipes systems have some advantages over electric, hot water and steam heating. These include fuel saving, no expenses for auxilliary equipment, high reliability and long life of heaters.

Heat pipes have been used successfully in a variety of ways, their use is expanding to many new applications. Due to their special ability to transport heat and distribute it evenly the heat pipes are being used in automotive design, as in Stirling powered car, to cool computer circuits and in semiconductor industry.

To keep the permafrost from thawing heat pipes were used when building the Alaska oil pipe line and Baikal-Amur Railway. Nowadays capillary heat pipes are used in satellite cooling systems to remove heat generated by the electronic equipment.


Ex. 1. Translate the following words and remember them.

To generate, installation, to release, source, phenomenon, to prevent, dangerous, to turn.

Ex. 2. Translate the following words given below paying attention to different suffixes and prefixes.

Like – unlike – likely

to observe – observation – observer – observable

danger – dangerous – dangerously

to charge – chargeable – to discharge – to recharge

science – scientific – scientist – scientifically

to develop – development

to electrify – electrification

engine – engineer – engineering

Ex. 3. Translate the following word-combinations.

The world's first nuclear power plant

The Joint Nuclear Research Institute

emergency protection system

the light speed

atomic power station capacity

high capacity atomic power station; energy balance


The problem of energy source is a very vital one. Nowadays man gets nine-tenths of the energy he needs by burning valuable raw materials like oil, coal and gas. However, the only viable alternative to organic fuel energy is the nuclear energy and in the next 15-20 years energy problem cannot be successfully solved without a considerable development of nuclear power engineering.

Atomic energy is very advantageous. First of all, the atomic station can be built in any region where the power generated by them is to be used. Secondly, atomic power stations are cleaner than the traditional fuel-burning stations. They do not pollute the atmosphere with harmful leaks and do not extract oxygen from air. Besides, the amount of nuclear fuel which they consume is negligible while the world's uranium and thorium resources will last for hundreds of years.

The first APS is known to have been put into operation in Obninsk in 1954. It should be noted that the unit capacity of the Obninsk APS was 5 megawatts. The unit capacity of the Leningradskaya APS was 1 000 megawatts. More than 40 APS totalling over 21 000 megawatts have been put into operation in our country by 1984. Hundreds of uranium-based electric power plants are in operation all over the world now and produce electric energy at a profit. According to the forecast over 20 per cent of the world’s electricity will be generated by nuclear power stations by the year 2000.

Yet, atoms for peace are also fraught with hazards, as witnessed by the aftermath of accidents at nuclear power stations in various countries. If not handled with care, nuclear energy can endanger the safety and health of people. That is why the nuclear age requires new political thinking and new policies. The world's science and technology should concentrate its efforts in this field on dramatically increasing the safety of' nuclear power projects and building a reliable system of safeguards and mutual emergency relief.