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Popular Culture

Questions 1–3 are based on the following passage.

The following selection is about the invention of the compact disc, and explains how it works.

(1) Compact discs (CDs), which may be found in over 25 million Amer­ican homes, not to mention backpacks and automobiles, first entered popular culture in the 1980s. But their history goes back to the 1960s, when an inventor named James Russell decided to create an alterna-(5) tive to his scratched and warped phonograph records—a system that could record, store, and replay music without ever wearing out.

The result was the compact disc (CD). Made from 1.2 mm of poly­carbonate plastic, the disc is coated with a much thinner aluminum layer that is then protected with a film of lacquer. The lacquer layer (10) can be printed with a label. CDs are typically 120 mm in diameter, and can store about 74 minutes of music. There are also discs that can store 80, 90, 99, and 100 minutes of music, but they are not as com­patible with various stereos and computers as the 74–minute size. The information on a standard CD is contained on the polycar-(15) bonate layer, as a single spiral track of pits, starting at the inside of the disk and circling its way to the outside. This information is read by shining light from a 780 nm wavelength semiconductor laser through the bottom of the polycarbonate layer. The light from the laser follows



the spiral track of pits, and is then reflected off either the pit or the alu-(20) minum layer. Because the CD is read through the bottom of the disc, each pit looks like a bump to the laser.

Information is read as the laser moves over the bumps (where no light will be reflected) and the areas that have no bumps, also known as land (where the laser light will be reflected off the aluminum). The (25) changes in reflectivity are interpreted by a part of the compact disc player known as the detector. It is the job of the detector to convert the information collected by the laser into the music that was origi­nally recorded onto the disc. This invention brought 22 patents to James Russell, who today says he working on an even better system for (30) recording and playing back music.

1. According to the passage, why did James Russell invent the CD?

a. He was tired of turning over his records to hear both sides.

b. He wanted to record more music on a new format.

c. He wanted a purer, more durable sound than he could get from vinyl records.

d. He was interested in getting patents.

e. He wanted to work with lasers.

2. What would happen if the detector on a CD player malfunctioned?

a. The spiral track would not be read properly.

b. The pits and land would look like one unit.

c. The changes in reflectivity would be absorbed back into the laser.

d. The music would play backwards.

e. The information read by the laser would not be converted into music.

3. Paragraph 3, lines 14–21, explains all of the following EXCEPT

a. how the information on a CD is read.

b. why semiconductor lasers were invented.

c. where information is stored on a CD.

d. what pits and bumps are.

e. the purpose of the aluminum layer of a CD.



Questions 4–6 are based on the following passage.

The selection that follows is about the current state of the modeling industry.

(1) The beginning of the twenty-first century has been called the end of the supermodel era by fashion magazines, trend watchers, and news organ­izations around the world. The models are being replaced, so the the­ory goes, with actors. Check the covers of fashion magazines, and you

(5) will find that many on any given month feature an actor, rather than a model. But, as with most trends, this is nothing new.

From its beginnings in the 1920s, the modeling industry has pro­vided beautiful people to help sell everything from magazines to com­puters to vacation destinations. John Robert Powers, who opened the

(10) first modeling agency in 1923, was a former actor who hired his actor friends to model for magazine advertisements. Cary Grant, Lucille Ball, and Princess Grace of Monaco were clients. However, for many models simply being “great-looking” was where their resumés began and ended. The height of popularity for them was in the 1980s and

(15) 1990s, the era of the supermodel. A handful of “perfect” women com­manded salaries of up to $25,000 a day to walk catwalks at fashion shows, appear in print ads, and pose their way through commercials. They were celebrities, treated with all of the lavish attention usually paid to heads of state or rock stars.

(20) But that was in the supermodel heyday. As designers and magazine editors began to favor more exotic and more “real” looking models, the modeling handful grew into an army. The demand for the perfect-looking select few dropped, and women who had quirky smiles, a few extra pounds, spiky hair, or were past their twenties, gained favor. This

(25) group was joined by those who achieved success in some other venue, such as music (think Renee Fleming raving about a watch), sports (Tiger Woods happily devouring his Wheaties®), and acting (Danny Glover waxing rhapsodic over MCI). Iconic fashion designer Calvin Klein summed it up: “I don’t think that people are that interested in

(30) models anymore. It’s not a great moment for the modeling industry. It says a lot about our society and I think it’s good.”

4. According to the passage, the author believes that

a. today’s fashion models are not as perfect looking as were the supermodels.

b. people still respond to perfection in advertising.

c. today’s fashion models are thinner than those in the past.

d. to be a model, one must be taller than average.

e. in the 1980s, models were paid more than they are today.



5. The phrase in lines 13 and 14, “great-looking” was where their resumes began and ended, is

a. a description of the models’ work experience.

b. meant to be taken literally.

c. meant to be taken figuratively.

d. a truthful statement.

e. an example of pathos.

6. Waxing rhapsodic (line 28) most nearly means

a. orchestrating a positive statement.

b. becoming musical.

c. burning a candle for.

d. making overtures.

e. becoming enthusiastic.

Questions 7–9 are based on the following passage.

This selection introduces the Computer Museum of America, and details an important item in its collection.

(1) Wondering what to do with that old Atari Home Video Game in the attic? It’s on the wish list of the Computer Museum of America, in San Diego, California, which hopes you will donate it to their holdings. The Museum was founded in 1983 to amass and preserve historic

(5) computer equipment such as calculators, card punches, and typewrit­ers, and now owns one of the world’s largest collections. In addition, it has archives of computer-related magazines, manuals, and books that are available to students, authors, researchers, and others for his­torical research.

(10) One item currently on display is a 1920s comptometer, advertised as “The Machine Gun of the Office.” The comptometer was first sneered at by accountants and bookkeepers, many of whom could add four columns of numbers in their heads. The new machine was the first that could do the work faster than humans. The comptometer

(15) gained a large following, and its operation became a formal profession that required serious training. But by the 1970s, computers took over, and comptometers, and the job of operating them, became obsolete.



7. All of the following are probably part of the collection of the Computer Museum of America EXCEPT

a. adding machines.

b. old computers.

c. operation manuals for calculators.

d. card punch machines.

e. kitchen scales.

8. In line 12, the author used the words sneered at to show

a. a negative image of accountants.

b. what accountants and bookkeepers looked like.

c. the negative reaction to the comptometer.

d. the precursor of the comptometer operator.

e. how fast accountants and bookkeepers could add.

9. What term paper topic could probably be researched at the Computer Museum of America?

a. Alexander Graham Bell’s contributions to American society

b. IBM’s contribution to the development of the modern computer

c. more than just paintings: the museums of California

d. the rise and fall of the comptometer operator

e. why video games are harmful to our nation’s youth

Questions 10–17 are based on the following passage.

The following selection explains the origins and development of the modern shopping mall.

(1) Today’s shopping mall has as its antecedents historical marketplaces, such as Greek agoras, European piazzas, and Asian bazaars. The pur­pose of these sites, as with the shopping mall, is both economic and social. People go not only to buy and sell wares, but also to be seen, (5) catch up on news, and be part of the human drama. Both the market­place and its descendant the mall might also contain restaurants, banks, theaters, and professional offices.

The mall is also the product of the creation of suburbs. Although villages outside of cities have existed since antiquity, it was the tech-(10) nological and transportation advances of the 19th century that gave rise to a conscious exodus of the population away from crowded, industrialized cities toward quieter, more rural towns. Since the sub­urbs typically have no centralized marketplace, shopping centers or



malls were designed to fill the needs of the changing community, pro- (15) viding retail stores and services to an increasing suburban population. The shopping mall differs from its ancient counterparts in a num­ ber of important ways. While piazzas and bazaars were open-air ven­ ues, the modern mall is usually enclosed. Since the suburbs are spread out geographically, shoppers drive to the mall, which means that park- (20) ing areas must be an integral part of a mall’s design. Ancient market­ places were often set up in public spaces, but shopping malls are designed, built, and maintained by a separate management firm as a unit. The first shopping mall was built by J. C. Nichols in 1922 near Kansas City, Missouri. The Country Club Plaza was designed to be an (25) automobile-centered plaza, as its patrons drove their own cars to it, rather than take mass transportation as was often the case for city shoppers. It was constructed according to a unified plan, rather than as a random group of stores. Nichols’ company owned and operated the mall, leasing space to a variety of tenants. (30) The first enclosed mall was the Galleria Vittoria Emanuele in Milan,

Italy in 1865–77. Inspired by its design, Victor Gruen took the shopping and dining experience of the Galleria to a new level when he created the Southdale Center Mall in 1956. Located in a suburb of Minneapolis, it was intended to be a substitute for the traditional city center. The 95-(35) acre, two-level structure had a constant climate-controlled temperature of 72 degrees, and included shops, restaurants, a school, a post office, and a skating rink. Works of art, decorative lighting, fountains, tropical plants, and flowers were placed throughout the mall. Southdale afforded people the opportunity to experience the pleasures of urban life while (40) protected from the harsh Minnesota weather.

In the 1980s, giant megamalls were developed. While Canada has had the distinction of being home to the largest of the megamalls for over twenty years, that honor will soon go to Dubai, where the Mall of Arabia is being completed at a cost of over five billion U.S. dollars. (45) The 5.3 million square foot West Edmonton Mall in Alberta, Canada, opened in 1981, with over 800 stores, 110 eating establishments, a hotel, an amusement park, a miniature-golf course, a church, a zoo, and a 438-foot-long lake. Often referred to as the “eighth wonder of the world,” the West Edmonton Mall is the number-one tourist (50) attraction in the area, and will soon be expanded to include more retail space, including a facility for sports, trade shows, and conventions.

The largest enclosed megamall in the United States is Blooming-ton, Minneapolis’s Mall of America, which employs over 12,000 peo­ple. It has over five hundred retail stores, an amusement park which (55) includes an indoor roller coaster, a walk-through aquarium, a college,



and a wedding chapel. The mall contributes over one billion dollars each year to the economy of the state of Minnesota. Its owners have proposed numerous expansion projects, but have been hampered by safety concerns due to the mall’s proximity to an airport.

10. The statement that people went to marketplaces to be part of the human drama (line 5) suggests that people

a. prefer to shop anonymously.

b. like to act on stage rather than shop.

c. seem to be more emotional in groups.

d. like to be in community, interacting with one another.

e. prefer to be entertained rather than shop for necessities.

11. In line 1, antecedents most nearly means

a. designers.

b. planners.

c. predecessors.

d. role models.

e. teachers.

12. All of the following questions can be explicitly answered on the basis of the passage EXCEPT

a. Who designed the Southdale Center Mall in Minnesota?

b. Why was the Country Club Plaza automobile-centered?

c. What are three examples of historical marketplaces?

d. Where is the Galleria Vittoria Emanuele?

e. What is the Edmonton Mall often referred to as?

13. How was the Country Club Plaza different from an urban shopping district?

a. It consisted of many more stores.

b. It was built by one company that leased space and oversaw operations.

c. It was enclosed.

d. It had both retail stores and restaurants, and offered areas for community programs.

e. It was based on an Italian design.



14. According to the passage, how did Southdale expand the notion of the shopping mall?

a. It added an amusement park.

b. It was unheated.

c. It was the first to rise above two stories.

d. It was designed with more parking spaces than any previous shopping mall.

e. It was intended to be a substitute for the traditional city center.

15. According to paragraph 5, which is the only activity visitors to the West Edmonton Mall cannot enjoy?

a. staying in a hotel

b. gambling in a casino

c. visiting animals in a zoo

d. playing miniature golf

e. riding an amusement park ride

16. When the author states in lines 38 and 39 that Southdale afforded people the opportunity to experience the pleasures of urban life she means that

a. they could perform necessary and leisurely activities in one location.

b. they could have a greater variety of retailers to choose from.

c. they could see more artwork and botanicals than they would in a city.

d. they could be entertained as they would be in a city.

e. they could have taller buildings in their landscape.

17. What is NOT a probable reason for the proposed expansion of the Mall of America?

a. so it can contribute more to the economy of its state

b. to keep it closer in size to the other megamalls

c. so it can employ more people

d. to attract more tourists

e. to compete for visitors with the Mall of Arabia



Questions 18–25 are based on the following passage.

The following selection explains the origins of sushi, and its popularity in the United States.

(1) Burgers, fries, pizza, raw fish. Raw fish? Fast food in America is chang­ing. Sushi, the thousand year old Japanese delicacy, was once thought of in this country as unpalatable and too exotic. But tastes have changed, for a number of reasons. Beginning in the 1970s, Americans

(5) became increasingly more aware of diet and health issues, and began rejecting their traditional red-meat diets in favor of healthier, lower-fat choices such as fish, poultry, whole grains, rice, and vegetables. The way food was prepared began to change, too; rather than frying food, people started opting for broiled, steamed, and raw versions. Sushi, a

(10) combination of rice and fish, fit the bill. In addition, that same decade saw Japan become an important global economic force, and companies began flocking to the country to do business. All things Japanese, including décor, clothing, and cuisine, became popular.

Sushi started small in the United States, in a handful of restaurants

(15) in big cities. But it caught on. Today, sushi consumption in American restaurants is 40% greater than it was in the late 1990s, according to the National Restaurant Association. The concession stands at almost every major league stadium sell sushi, and many colleges and univer­sities offer it in their dining halls. But we’re not just eating it out. The

(20) National Sushi Association reports that there are over 5,000 sushi bars in supermarkets, and that number is growing monthly. This incredi­ble growth in availability and consumption points to the fact that Americans have decided that sushi isn’t just good for them, or just con­venient, but that this once-scorned food is truly delicious.

(25) The origins of this food trend may be found in Asia, where it was developed as a way of preserving fish. Fresh, cleaned fish was pressed between rice and salt and weighted with a heavy stone over a period of several months. During this time, the rice fermented, producing lactic acid that pickled and preserved the fish. For many years, the fish was

(30) eaten and the rice was discarded. But about 500 years ago, that changed, and hako-zushi (boxed sushi) was created. In this type of sushi, the rice and fish are pressed together in a box, and are consumed together.

In 1824, Yohei Hanaya of Edo (now called Tokyo) eliminated the fermentation process, and began serving fresh slices of seafood on

(35) bases of vinegared rice. The vinegar was probably used to mimic the taste of fermented sushi. In fact, the word sushi actually refers to any vinegared rice dish, and not to the fish, as many Americans believe (the



fish is called sashimi). In Japanese, when sushi is combined with a mod­ ifier, it changes to the word zushi. (40) Chef Yohei’s invention, called nigiri zushi, is still served today. It

now refers to a slice of fish (cooked or uncooked) that is pressed by hand onto a serving of rice. Popular choices include ama ebi (raw shrimp), shime saba (marinated mackerel), and maguro (tuna). In addi­tion to the vinegar flavor in the rice, nigiri zushi typically contains a (45) taste of horseradish (wasabi), and is served with soy sauce for dipping. Maki zushi contains strips of fish or vegetables rolled in rice and wrapped in thin sheets of nori, or dried seaweed. Popular ingredients include smoked salmon, fresh crab, shrimp, octopus, raw clams, and sea urchin. Americans have invented many of their own maki zushi combi-(50) nations, including the California roll, which contains imitation crabmeat and avocado. They have also made innovations in the construction of maki zushi. Some American sushi bars switch the placement of nori and rice, while others don’t use nori, and instead roll the maki zushi in fish roe. These colorful, crunchy eggs add to the visual and taste appeal of (55) the dish.

18. According to the passage, what other food also gained popularity in the 1970s?

a. salads

b. pepperoni pizza

c. fried chicken

d. fast-food burgers

e. fried rice

19. What was Yohei Hanaya’s contribution to sushi?

a. He pressed the fish and rice together in a box.

b. He introduced the population of Edo to the dish.

c. He smoked the fish before putting it on vinegared rice.

d. He used wasabi to flavor it.

e. He used raw fish.

20. According to the passage, what does shime mean?

a. salmon

b. shrimp

c. marinated

d. roe

e. seaweed



21. All of the following can be explicitly answered by reading the passage EXCEPT

a. What is the definition of the word sushi?

b. Did Japan’s economic status have a bearing on sushi’s popularity?

c. Have Americans adapted sushi to make it more in keeping with their tastes?

d. Why do some Americans prefer maki zushi over nigiri zushi?

e. What happens to fish when it is layered together with rice and left for a period of months?

22. The passage describes Americans’ sushi consumption as

a. more than it was five years ago.

b. important when watching baseball.

c. taking place primarily in their homes.

d. a trend due to supermarket marketing.

e. beginning for many in college.

23. In line 3, unpalatable most nearly means

a. not visually appealing.

b. not good tasting.

c. bad smelling.

d. too expensive.

e. rough to the touch.

24. What happens when fish is pickled (line 29)?

a. It becomes crisp.

b. It turns green.

c. It dissolves into the rice.

d. It is preserved.

e. It gets dry.

25. What would be the best name for maki zushi that has the placement of the rice and nori switched?

a. rice ball

b. maki maki

c. zushi deluxe

d. inside-out

e. wasabi sashimi



Questions 26–33 are based on the following passages.

Both of these passages were adapted from high school newspaper editorials concerning reality television.