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V. Case study.


Weimar's Furniture Emporium (617 Sherman Road, North Hollywood, California 91605) has owed the Eastgate Furniture Manufacturing Company, Inc., $ 750 for forty-five days. Eastgate has sent two statements and one letter, which Weimar's has ignored.

Write the next letter that Eastgate (305 Bush Street, San Francisco, California 94108) should send to Weimar's.


For eight years, Mr Josef Larsen, of 1 Penny Lane, Summit, Pennsylvania 17214, has been a charge customer of Browne's Department Store ( 900 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107). ‘slow pay’, he has nevertheless always remitted within sixty days of purchase. However, Mr Larsen's balance of $ 269.48 is now ninety days past due. He has not responded to the two statements and two letters Browne's has already sent him.

Write the next letter the Browne's should send to Mr Larsen.


Write a final letter of collection to R J Hill Esq, BSc, Econ, ACMA, Accounts Manager of Maxi-Markets Ltd, whose head-office is at 14 - 18 Richmond Way, Edinburgh ED14 6ST. Maxi-Markets are a chain of retail supermarkets. Your company has been supplying their Newcastle branch with a range of delicatessen sausages. Your company is owed $ 436.13 in respect of purchases invoiced for the month of September 1992. Your letters are neither being acknowledged nor replied to.

Provide your letter with a suitable letter-heading and adopt an appropriate format.

Составители: ФИЛИППОВА Людмила Борисовна

ТИМОШЕНКО Людмила Петровна

Редактор Н.И. Золотина

Подписано в печать

Формат 60х84,1/16.бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная.

Усл. печ. л. Уч.-изд.л. 2,25. Тираж 500 экз.

Заказ . Бесплатно.

Издательство Российской экономической академии имени Г.В. Плеханова.

113054 Москва, Стремянный пер., 36.

Отпечатано в типографии РЭА имени Г.В.


113054 Москва, ул.Зацепа, 41/4.

1 under advice – drawee is to be notified

2 given our protection – honored on presentation


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