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Your CV/Resume

Business Builder Teacher Resource Series


A Study these points about CVs (European style) and resumes (American style). Remember that there are no fixed rules and it depends on national culture and personal preference.

* Employment comes before Education, and the list starts with the most recent job/course first.

* Use short sentences and bullets and leave a lot of white space.

* Use action verbs (coordinated ... negotiated ... supervised ...).

* Use real results (increased sales by X% ... made savings of £Y).

* European-style CVs generally read like continuous text. They often include a short section on

interests, sports etc. and sometimes give the names of referees (people who will give you references). * American-style resumes are more like notes, are only one page long and do not usually contain

sections on interests, sports and references.

* Some people like to mention their personal characteristics. The following words are typical:

h ighly motivated creative friendly and sociable perform well under pressure

good at taking initiatives efficient work well in a team excellent communication skills

* Common mistakes include:

Using too many long sentences rather than short sentences with action verbs.

Focusing on skills/abilities and forgetting achievements (concrete things you have done).

Including irrelevant information: short jobs/courses, lists of conferences etc.

Making the document too long: two pages (CV) or one page (resume) is usually the limit.

Stating your current salary.

Using too many character styles with the word processor. This becomes confusing.

* Recent graduates. If you are a recent graduate you know that at your stage most CVs/Resumes look very similar to an employer. For your CV/Resume to stand out you should consider the following:

Skills and abilities. Think of occasions in your life where you 'resolved a problem', 'set objectives to achieve a goal', 'met a challenge', 'worked in a team' etc.

Achievements. Even if you have just finished university, you can still think of concrete things you have done in the areas of project work, trips abroad, membership of a Students Association, sports, interests, hobbies.

Travel /Sports. Employers like to see travel (showing independence and self-confidence) and participation in sports (showing teamwork and sociability).

Translating names. Give the real name of the educational establishment and the qualification. Put a simple translation in brackets following the real name.

Grades. Every country has its own grading system, so put your real grade and then write it in brackets as a percentage or indicate the range.

B Look at the example on the next sheet. Does it follow the advice given in section A?

In the example there are lots of gaps. Write your name at the top and fill in a few of the gaps (use real or imaginary information). Then give your sheet to a partner and ask each other questions.

Talk about - or prepare - your own CV/Resume.

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.



Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Example CV/Resume


Name Address

Summary More than a

.years experience in

. Currently employed as a

Telephone Number Date of birth

including management posts as at

I am now looking for an opportunity with a multinational company that


Current employment

- present years)-

(company name)

(job title)

During my

years at

I have been responsible for:


supervising a team of


negotiating contracts worth

managing the accounts of ___

planning and coordinating marketing campaigns for

preparing reports analyzing

increasing sales of by % over two years

achieving % savings in the cost of

obtaining % market share for within one year.

Previous employment


(company name)

(job title)

While at.

. I was part of a team which:

planned the launch of

developed a new

achieved % brand recognition for

organized the installation of

initiated a new system for

.after two years.

.(final year) (final year)




.(establishment) .(establishment)


Computer Skills. Comprehensive knowledge of

Languages. Spoken and written English to


Personal and Professional References provided on request

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.



Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Job interview


A Work with a partner. Discuss the following 'tips' for a successful interview. Do you agree with all of them? Add one more of your own.

  1. Before the interview, ask a friend/colleague to ask you typical questions. In particular, practise talking about your strong points using concrete examples from your current job.

  2. Before the interview, write to the people who will give you references. Tell them to expect a call and give them a recent copy of your CV/Resume.

  3. Arrive 30 minutes early on site and 10 minutes early for the interview. Use the time to walk in the fresh air. When greeting the interviewer, smile, make eye contact and shake hands firmly.

  1. Your clothes, shoes and hair need to be tidy and above your normal standard.

  1. Keep your answers short, simple and relevant - as you would in other business situations. Interviews are a dialogue so don't talk more than 60-70% of the time. If the interviewer wants more information, let him/her ask for it.

  1. Occasionally take the initiative and ask questions to show you are interested.

  1. Be enthusiastic and positive. Never contradict, argue or interrupt. Never criticize previous employers during the interview.

  1. Don't be submissive. Treat the interviewer with respect, but as an equal.

  1. Don't ask questions about the salary. If possible, wait for the interviewer to mention it. Ask for higher than you expect. If in doubt, ask for your current salary plus 15%.

  1. Immediately after the interview make notes: write down names, details about the organization, and especially company 'buzzwords'. If called for a second interview, make sure you use these.

  2. Consider writing a short follow-up letter, particularly after informal interviews where there was no clear job being advertised. Express your pleasure in meeting everyone (list them by name), comment on one part of the meeting (something that emphasizes your qualifications), mention again the benefits you can bring to the company and why you would like to work there (include company buzzwords).


B Work in groups of two/three. Have a formal mini-interview.

Interviewee Before you start, give your CV/Resume to your interviewer/s to look through. Interviewer/s Ask questions, listen carefully, ask follow-up questions.

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.



Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Covering letter


Your CV/Resume will have a covering letter. The paragraphs of this letter might follow the pattern below.

  1. Subject heading at the top of the letter: Vacancy for a Marketing Director

  2. Introduce yourself and mention the purpose of your letter. If you saw an advert in a newspaper/specialist journal, say which one.

  3. Give your background and experience, and emphasize why you are suitable for the job. Refer to your abilities and achievements, perhaps linking directly to things mentioned in the advert.

  4. Ask the reader to look at your CV/Resume, and focus on one or two key points.

  5. Close by thanking them for taking the time to read your CV/Resume and say when you are available for interview.

C hoose a job advert from a newspaper/specialist journal or think of a real job that you would like to apply for. Write the covering letter for your CV/Resume.

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.



Difficult questions


Interviewers need to see evidence of the following skills and personal qualities.

Business skills

Professional skills

Personal qualities

Ability to .make money Ability to save money Ability to save time Ability to follow procedures

Honesty Pride in your work Ability to work in teams Analytical skills Reliability (you can be trusted)

Communication skills Listening skills Self-confidence Motivation and determination Friendliness and openness Right for the department Right for the company image

  • Which ones will be clear from your CV/Resume?

  • Why do interviewers ask difficult questions?

Look at these typical 'difficult questions'. Discuss how you would answer them.

  1. Perhaps you'd like to start by telling us a little bit about yourself?

  2. So what have you learnt from your previous jobs?

  3. What would you say are your strong points?

  4. And your weak points?

  5. Can you work under pressure - time pressure for example?

  6. How do you take direction and criticism?

  7. It sounds like you enjoy your work. Why do you want to leave your current job?

  8. So what sort of challenges are you looking for?

  9. And what are your career objectives?

10 Are you willing to go where the company sends you?

Match the possible responses a-j below with the ten questions from section B.

a 'Maybe I am a little too perfectionist'. 'Perhaps I worry too much about deadlines.' These could be considered strong points.

b Your current job doesn't allow you to grow professionally and you want more challenges. Also, be honest about practical things like distance from your home, job security etc.

c Don't talk too much. Cover your origins, education and work experience. Then make a bridge to why you are there.

d You want to grow and develop, and you want more responsibility. Give some examples: learning new skills, experience of different areas, being in charge of projects etc.

e You have learned the importance of teamwork and of listening to other people's advice. You have also developed a good business sense: everything has to be justified in terms of cost.

f You welcome it and listen carefully. It is necessary in order to learn and develop.

g Give two or three points like honesty, working well in a team and determination. Say a few words about each one to make your comments personal and sincere.

h Yes, you find it stimulating. However, you believe in planning and good time management to reduce last-minute panic.

i Answer 'yes' immediately. Then ask how much travel is involved in the job. You can always not take the job later if you change your mind.

j Say what kind of job you would like about three years


Mini-interview: your background and job


I Prepare for a mini-interview. Decide which of the following questions you want to answer and fill in any gaps with your own personal information. Then work with a partner to discuss how you would answer them.

1 I notice that your university/higher education course was in

Which part of the course did you enjoy most? Why did you like that subject?

Did you do a project in the final year? Can you tell me about that?

2 I see that after university/higher education you worked in several jobs.

■ One of your first jobs was as a (job) in

(company). Can you tell me about that?

3 I see that in your previous job you worked as a (job) in (company).

Can you tell me about that? What exactly did you do there?

What did you learn from that job?

Why did you stay so long/so little time in that company?

Why did you leave?

4 So, your current job is as a (job) in (company).

Can you tell me a little about the company? What exactly do you do there?

What have you learnt in your current job?

What personal and professional skills have you developed?

How have you kept up to date with new techniques?

What experience do you have of technology?

How would you describe your management style?

Why do you want to leave your current job?

5 I see that you are currently unemployed.

Why are you not working? How have you spent your time while you've been unemployed?

Have you had other interviews? Why do you think you weren't successful?

6 Tell me something about yourself.

What do you do in your free time? What hobbies and interests do you have?

What are your strong points?

What are your weak points?

Can you work under pressure? Can you give me an example?

Are you a persistent and determined person? Can you give me an example?

What have been your greatest achievements during your career?

Can you describe an important challenge in your life?

Can you describe an important change in your life?

What are your career objectives? Where do you see yourself three years from now?

■ 4 Work with a new partner and have a formal mini-interview.

Interviewee Before you start, give your CV/Resume and this worksheet to your interviewer. Make sure your interviewer knows which questions you have prepared.

Interviewer Use the questions you are given. Listen carefully and ask follow-up questions.

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.


Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Mini-interview: the job itself


Write down the job that you are applying for.

Job title


Prepare for a mini-interview. Decide which of the following questions you want to answer and fill in any gaps with your own personal information. Add a question of your own that you want the interviewer to ask you. Then work with a partner to discuss how you would answer them.

  1. Why did you apply to this company? What do you know about our company?

  2. What do you know about this business?

  3. What do you know about this market?

  4. What do you know about our products?

  5. What interests you most about this job?

  6. What can you bring to this position? Why should we employ you in preference to the other candidates?

7 You have very little experience in

How will you deal with this?

  1. You appear to be a little young/old for this position.

  2. Are you prepared to travel?


Work with a new partner and have a formal mini-interview.

Interviewee Before you start, give the interviewer this worksheet with the job title and company you are interested in and show him/her which questions you have prepared.

Interviewer Look at the interviewee's chosen job and check you understand what it is. Then use the questions you are given. Listen carefully and ask follow-up questions.

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.



Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Mini-interview: your management abilities


i Prepare for a mini-interview. Decide which of the following areas you want to talk about and make some notes, using examples from your own experience. Then work with a partner to discuss how you would answer each question.

1 Team work

Give an example of when you were part of a team. What was the occasion? What were the objectives? What was your contribution? How did you encourage other team members?

2 Persuasion and negotiation

Give an example of when you attempted to persuade other people. What was the occasion? What preparation did you do? What actions did you take? What was the result?

3 Planning and objectives

Give an example of when you created a plan to meet specific objectives. What did you have to plan? What preparations did you make? How did you check progress? Was there a deadline? Did you achieve your objectives by the deadline?


Give an example of a situation where you made a complex decision. What was the situation? What information did you use? Why did you choose this information? What did you consider before making your final decision? What was your final decision? What were the advantages and disadvantages of this decision?

5 Development of others

Give an example of a situation where you encouraged other people. How did you know they were not performing effectively? What did you do? Why did you do this? What was the result?

Work with a new partner and have a formal mini-interview.

Interviewee Before you start, tell your interviewer which areas you have prepared.

Interviewer Use the questions above. Listen carefully and ask follow-up questions.

€> Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.



Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Mini-interview: using a case-study


Prepare for a mini-interview by making notes on the following points. Then work with a partner to discuss how you would answer each question.

1 Choose one specific problem you have faced in your job and explain it briefly.

2 What was the solution?

3 Which professional and personal skills did you use to help solve this problem?

4 How did your company benefit? (Try to give figures if possible).

5 Re-examine your own role in the process. What exactly did you contribute?

■ 4 Work with a new partner and have a formal mini-interview.

Interviewee Talk about the problem situation you have prepared.

Interviewer Use the questions above. Listen carefully and ask follow-up questions.

© Paul Emmerson 1999. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999.


Model answer: Anna Belinski

ul. Jana Matejki 73/5

01-125 Warsaw


Fast-Track Inc. 1225 Federal St Boston, MA 02110 USA

25 February 200-

Dear Sir or Madam

I would like to apply for the job of Sales Manager for the Central and Eastern Europe area. I have worked as a sales representative in Germany, the US and Poland for more than 15 years. In that time I have had a good sales record. I joined Fast-Track a year ago.

I have good organisational and inter-personal skills and feel I would be good at team building. I have some knowledge of designing websites, and I feel I could manage the development of this area. I speak fluent English and Polish in addition to German, my mother tongue.

I would be happy to say more about my qualifications for the job if invited for an interview. Yours faithfully

Anna Belinski

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