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Chapter I “How etiquette can make or break your career.”

Read the introduction to the subject “Business protocol and etiquette”, try to reproduce this text in English without doing the exercises given further on. You may cover the English version and use the Russian one, which will be helpful at the first stage.

One thing is certain about business – there will be numerous changes in the workplace. As the competition becomes fiercer, getting or keeping a job will hinge not only on how qualified you are but how appropriately you behave, how much you look and act the part for that particular position. People tend to hire candidates they find likeable and to promote people who make them feel comfortable.

Etiquette or behaving in an appropriate manner has become a key strategy in the business world.

Getting to the top and staying there can sometimes be a matter of saying the right thing at the right time or avoiding drinking too much at the Christmas party or giving an appropriate gift, behaving correctly at power breakfasts, lunches and dinners, being aware of male-female relationships at work and behaving accordingly and so on…

Proper business protocol offers you another strategy for getting to the top and staying there.

Rules change not only from industry to industry but from company to company. To get ahead you have to know what those rules (in terms of dress, speech, written communications, behaviors) are at any particular time. Proper etiquette has always been a key element to the smooth operations of a successful business. Improper etiquette costs companies billions of dollars in lost business sales and deals and hiring and training costs.

Improper etiquette may also prevent you from getting the job

Одно можно сказать о бизнесе наверняка - на рабочих местах будет много изменений. Поскольку конкуренция становится все ожесточеннее, получение или сохранение работы будет зависеть не только от того, насколько вы квалифицированны, но надлежащим ли образом вы ведете себя, ведете ли вы себя и выглядите ли вы соответственно занимаемой должности. Работодатели склонны нанимать кандидатов, которые им симпатичны и оказывать содействие тем, с кем им комфортно. Этикет или наука о правильном поведении стал одной из ключевых стратегий в деловом мире. Достичь хорошего положения и сохранить его можно, сказав нужное слово в нужное время или избегая пить слишком много на рождественской вечеринке, или подобрав соответствующий подарок; карьера может зависеть от того, как вы ведете себя на званых завтраках, обедах и ужинах, и от того, насколько вы осознаете правильность рабочих отношений между мужчиной и женщиной и ведете ли вы себя соответствующим образом...

Деловой протокол предлагает вам тактику, как достичь вершины и остаться на ней. Правила меняются не только по отраслям, а и от компании к компании. Чтобы идти вперед, вы должны знать, каковы эти правила (с точки зрения одежды, устной и письменной речи, поведения) в любой конкретный момент времени. Правильный этикет всегда был ключевым элементом для бесперебойной работы успешного бизнеса. Неправильный этикет обходится компаниям потерями в миллиарды долларов от проваленных продаж и бизнес предложений, затрат на найм и на обучение персонала. Неправильный этикет может также помешать вам найти работу

Problem setting:

  1. Name 5 things which may hinge on getting or keeping a job or being promoted? Which one is the most important?

  2. What would you do to make yourself likeable at the interview and at the work place?

  3. There is a word collocation that we hear quite often either at school or at home and it is

“Will you behave well?” How good or bad behavior can affect anyone’s job and relations with other people?

  1. What are the stereotypes of correct and incorrect behavior proper to most of the countries? What do you think about correct and incorrect behavior standards? Name a few positive and negative examples.

Vocabulary hints:

Find a word from the text above which would correspond to each definition.

A word to insert


the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, esp. toward others

Phrasal verb: Something that influences one thing or event depends entirely on it.

a set of customs and rules for polite behavior, especially among a particular class of people or in a particular profession.

[predic.] having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact, to know smth well

Someone or something that is pleasant and easy to like.

suitable or proper in the circumstances

(Verb) become successful in one's life or career

Six basic principles of business etiquette.

They are the general guideline (it is up to you to modify any information to fit the company.)

These six key etiquette rules will improve your Business etiquette quotient and help you get ahead in whatever job you do.

Problem setting (before you study the first principle):

1. Does late coming to the public events (party, meeting, appointment, concert, funeral) seem to be acceptable in your country? Set a few examples that would justify your answer.

2. Is “being frequently late” a habit that needs to get corrected? Why?

3. In what cases it may be possible to arrive late and when it is absolutely inadmissible ? set your own examples?

1. Be on time.

Be sensitive to the people around you in matters of common courtesy, such as being on time, being punctual, scheduling of appointments.

Harold Burson Chairman

Будьте деликатны (внимательны) к людям вокруг вас в вопросах вежливости, таких как не- опоздания, пунктуальность, назначение встреч.

Гарольд Берсон Председатель

Lateness the most obvious tip-off that you are unreliable. If you are late your boss may consider you disrespectful. Your advancement in that job would be questionable. If a rare occasion occurs where you have to be late, and you know about it in advance, call in and let your secretary or some other key person know so you look like a reliable person. Being on time also applies to reports or any other tasks you are asked to do. Any kind of lateness requires an explanation and it makes you look less reliable than someone who gets things in on time. Of course you have good reasons for needing an extension, but that is not what the company cares about! It cares that you get things in on time. So be on time and if necessary, get more time initially so you will have as much time as you need. Being on time is relative depending on the business culture of the country you are working in. For example in Central and South American countries, it is perfectly acceptable to be thirty minutes late; in countries such as Germany punctuality is expected.

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