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Visits to English tourist attractions fell by 2% last year/ according to a new report.

Rural and farm-based attractions, many of which were badly affected by foot and mouth disease, fared particularly badly. Overall, 26% of attractions were forced to close for part of their normal opening season in 2001 because of the disease.

The survey published by the English Tourism Council, on behalf of the four national tourist boards, also shows the impact of 11 September and the resulting decline of overseas visitors to Britain.

Staying at home

He number of overseas visitors to the United Kingdom fell by 9% to 22.8 million.

Visits to historic properties, popular with overseas visitors, fell by 7%.

The Tower of London, Canterbury Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle and St. Paul’s Cathedral all saw their visitor numbers drop significantly.

Despite fewer overseas visitors, trips to museums and galleries were up overall by 1%.

The English Tourism Council said this was partly because of the introduction of free entry for adults in November.

Visitors to London’s Victoria and Albert museum went up by nearly 8% to 1.45 million and those going to the national History museum rose by 7.6% to 1.69 million.

Theme parks

Other destinations traditionally popular with domestic visitors such as theme parks and gardens were also up in 2002.

For example, Legoland Windsor saw a 9.5% increase in visitors to 1.63 million.

While Kew Gardens saw the number of people going through its gates rise by 15% to 989,352.

Mary Lynch, ETC chief executive, said: “Attractions had a difficult year in 2001 but are now facing a period of great opportunity. The tourism industry is recovering, domestic holidays are enjoying a surge in popularity as many British people look to take a short break in this country rather than go abroad. Attractions that invest in providing a quality experience will reap the benefits.”

Exercise 14-1. Decide these statements are true or false according to the text. Change any which are false.

  1. Bad weather affected the British tourism industry in 2001.

  2. After 11 September explosions a lot of people were afraid to travel abroad.

  3. Fewer people came to Britain to see its historic attractions.

  4. Usually historic properties are not popular at all.

  5. It is expensive for most people to take their children to British museums and galleries.

  6. These days, having domestic holidays is not popular.

  7. To get more profit, British tourist attractions have to invest more money in their development.

Exercise 14-2. Answer the questions.

  1. Why was 2001 a difficult year for the British tourism industry? Give examples from the article.

  2. What is changing now? Give some figures from the text.

  3. According to the article, what places are traditionally popular with overseas visitors?

  4. Why are domestic holidays popular in Britain now?

Exercise 14-3. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the words and phrases underlined.

  1. Результаты исследования были опубликованы во всех местных газетах.

  2. Какие факторы влияют на развитие индустрии туризма в Финляндии?

  3. В целом, в 2002 году наблюдался рост числа российских туристов, отправившихся в отпуск за границу.

  4. Определенно, события 11 сентября 2001 года оказали негативное влияние на развитие туризма в США. Многие просто боялись путешествовать на самолете.

  5. Доходы многих туристических фирм значительно упали.

  6. В день города московские власти обещают бесплатный вход во все музеи города.

  7. 90-е годы были периодом больших возможностей для российской экономики. Не все сумели ими воспользоваться.

  8. Зарубежные туристы платят гораздо больше за билеты в музеи, театры и на выставки, чем россияне. Никто не может объяснить им, почему.

  9. Провести отпуск на родине не дешевле, чем поехать за границу.

  10. Исследование базировалось на данных (цифрах), полученных агентством N. в прошлом и этом году.

Exercise 14-4. In your own words.

  1. If you had $500, would you spend it on a holiday abroad or in Russia? Why?

  2. What influences the development of Russia’s tourism industry?