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Unit1. Cultural differences: russia – the usa – the uk

  • What do you know about countries from the title?

  • What country would you like to live in? Why?

  • What common features can we find between countries from the title?

E xercise 1

Find the "odd one out". There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.

Write all your answers in your workbook.









a muti-racial society

a multi-lingual society

a monoculture






the Normans

the Romans

the Saxons


to intermarry

to interfere

to integrate









E xercise 2

How well do you know Russia? Russia boasts rich history, strong traditions, influential arts, ballet, literature and architecture. Test your knowledge of facts about Russia.

Write all your answers in your workbook.

1. Russian flag is (from top):

  1. Red, blue and white

  2. White, blue and red

  3. Green, white and red

  4. White and red

2. Russia is a:

  1. Republic

  2. Commonwealth

  3. Federation

  4. Monarchy

3. The head of state in Russia is a:

1.Prime minister

2. President

3. Oligarch

4. King

4. What city is in the South of Russia?

  1. Moscow

  2. Krasnoyarsk

  3. Khabarovsk

  4. Krasnodar

5. What is the most popular Russian souvenir called?

  1. Matryoshka

  2. Matryonka

  3. Matriushka

  4. Matriona

6. Russian cabbage soup is called:

  1. Borscht

  2. Kharcho

  3. Rassolnik

  4. Shchi

7. Leo Tolstoy lived in what century?

  1. 17th century

  2. 18th century

  3. 19th century

  4. 20th century

8. Alexander Pushkin, a famous Russian poet:

1. died of tuberculosis

2. was killed in a duel

3. was executed

4. died when he was very old

9. Russia was baptized:

1. in 888

2. in 989

3. in 899

4. in 988

10. What was the capital of Russia in the 19th century?

1. Moscow

2. Kiev

3. Leningrad

4. St.Petersburg

11. What is The Hermitage?

1. A museum

2. A gallery

3. A palace

4. A shop

12. Which monument is NOT in Moscow?

1. St.Basil's cathedral

2. St.Isaac's cathedral

3. Novodevichy monastery

4. Cathedral of Christ the Savior

13. What is pelmeni?

1. Russian ravioli

2. Russian cheese

3. Russian soup

4. Russian salad

14. What does Kremlin mean?

1. Palace

2. House

3. Fortress

4. Castle

15. Where will the 2014 Winter Olympics take place?

1. In Vladivostok

2. In Nizhniy Novgorod

3. In Moscow

4. In Sochi

E xercise 3

Read and translate the dialogue. Build up your own dialogue comparing Russia, the UK and the USA.

Write your dialogue in your workbook.

A: What do you think is the problem between the English and the Americans?

B: That's a very interesting question, because both nationalities share a common language and are usually on the same side in war-time, yet they rarely speak well of one another on a personal level.

A: Are we talking about a struggle for superiority?

B: Yes, but we measure our superiority in different ways. Ours is cultural and historical. We believe we're more civilized. We're the country of Shakespeare and the industrial revolution. Americans visit England in search of culture and history.

A: So in what ways are they superior?

B: Well, obviously in size. Everything's bigger - their country, their salaries, their roads, their companies. Theirs is the land of MacDonald's, Coca Cola, Microsoft and IBM. They enjoy telling us that they're the best.

A: And are they right?

B: Yes, if you measure success purely in dollars, but there're two points here. Firstly, many English people actually believe that "Small is Beautiful". They prefer countries where you don't get mugged in parks and subways.

A: What's the other point?

B: I was coming to that. It's the difference in character. Maybe you think you're the best in the world, but you don't go shouting about it from the rooftops. Americans lack our modesty and reserve. They're probably warmer and more friendly, but they're often very loud and extrovert to go with it.

A: So you prefer the British character?

B: Not entirely. We tend to be rather oblique in our conversation. When Americans speak, you can take them literally, but when English people speak you have to read between the lines.

A: We say one thing and mean another?

B: Exactly.

E xercise 4

What do you know about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Test your knowledge of facts about this amazing and unique country.

Write all your answers in your workbook.

1) In which town is Hyde Park?

a) Dublin

b) London

c) New York

d) San Francisco

2) What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?

a) Ben Macdhui

b) Ben Nevis

c) Scafell Pike

d) Snowdon

3) What is the name of a famous shopping street in London?

a) Broadway

b) Fleet Street

c) Oxford Street

d) Wall Street

4) Where is Loch Ness?

  1. England

  2. Ireland

  3. Scotland

  4. Wales

5) Which is the symbol of Scotland?

  1. Leek

  2. Rose

  3. Shamrock

  4. Thistle

6) Where in the UK is the Lake District?

  1. England

  2. Northern Ireland

  3. Scotland

  4. Wales

7) Whose statue is on Trafalgar Square in London?

  1. Admiral Nelson

  2. King George VI

  3. Queen Victoria

  4. Winston Churchill

8) What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?

  1. Belfast

  2. Cardiff

  3. Dublin

  4. London

9) Who invented the sandwich?

  1. Earl of Sandwich

  2. George Washington

  3. King Henry VIII

  4. Queen Victoria

10) Which English King had six wives?

  1. Charles I

  2. Harald Godwinson

  3. Henry VIII

  4. Williams III

11) What is a quid?

  1. 100 Pound Sterling

  2. 100 Pound Sterling

  3. 100 US Dollars

  4. one Pound Sterling

13) Who built the Tower of London?

a) Henry VIII

b) Maria Stuart

c) Oliver Cromwell

d) William the Conqueror

14) What is the name of the guards in the Tower of London?

a) Beefeaters

b) Castle Guards

c) Security Guards

d) Tower Guards

E xercise 5

Discuss the following situations. Express your opinion. Create an opposition of opinions. Write an essay on one of the following topics in your workbook.

Write your essay in your workbook.

1. "Cultural differences cause problems. It is better for people to stay in their own countries rather than to migrate to other ones." Do you agree?

2. Would you prefer to live in a monoculture or a multi-racial society? Why?

3. "It is better to study major international languages like English rather than to spend time on minority languages for the sake of regional identity." Do you agree?

4. "Governments should give regions in their countries more autonomy so that they can protect and enjoy their own cultures rather than serving the centralized policies of the capital city." Do you agree?

5. Is it better to marry someone of the same cultural background?

6. "Religion as a school subject should include all the major world religions - not only the majority religion in the country concerned." Do you agree?

7. How do you think "British Culture" differs from "N. American Culture"? How do these cultures differ from the culture of your own country?

E xercise 6

Read the following article about one of the most popular snakes around the world – sandwich. Why do you think it’s so popular nowadays? What other snakes do you know? Prepare a short description of your favorite snake and its recipe.

Write your recipe in your workbook.

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