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About Myself - for students.doc
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34. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Чем вы увлекаетесь? 2. Как вам больше всего нравится проводить свободное время? 3. Мое увлечение - музыка. 4. Я очень люблю спорт, особенно зимние виды спорта: коньки, лыжи. 5. После работы я люблю встре­титься с друзьями и поговорить с ними. 6. Я часто играю в шахматы со своим братом. 7. Сколько компакт-дисков в вашей коллекции? - Около трехсот. 8. Я увлекаюсь фотографией. Куда бы я ни ехал, я всегда беру с собой фотоаппарат. 9. Мой друг любит путешествовать. Каждый свой отпуск он проводит где-нибудь на севере или на юге. Он посещает также зарубежные страны. Путешествия - его хобби. 10. Мое увлечение - ино­странные языки. Я уже изучил французский и немецкий язы­ки. Сейчас занимаюсь английским. 11. Я обычно остаюсь вечерами дома, читаю книги, готовлю и убираю квартиру.

35. Describe the situations. Discuss and develop them.

1. My friend Boris was an old collector. His hobby was African ritual masks. About 40 of them were on the walls of his room. Last month I returned from a foreign trip and I brought a new mask for him. When I called on him the other day I was sur­prised. Boris had no masks.

1. Who is Boris? 2. What did he collect? 3. Why were you sur­prised? 4. Dramatise your talk with Boris.

2. My groupmate Kostya goes in for basketball like me. He always takes part in all local competitions. He is a good player. I wonder why Kostya missed the last training session though he knew how important it was.

1. Who is Kostya? 2. Is he a really good player? 3. Dramatise your talk with Kostya.

36. Develop the situations:

- you ask your new friend how he spends his free time;

- you talk to an English (American) student about hobbies, interests and favourite pastimes of young people.

37. Do you know what are the typical hobbies of Englishmen (Americans)?

38. Tell about your hobbies or interests using the topical vocabulary.

39. Read and translate the text. The Vologda State Technical University

I study at a technical University. It is one of the largest institutions of higher education in this part of Russia. Studying at our University gives students the solid background they need. After their education they have a well rounded education and are prepared for work.

The VSTU was founded in January 1965 as a branch of the North-Western Extramural Polytechnic Institute. Ten years later it was rearranged into an independent institution and in 1999 it became a University. Nowadays it is а large school where more than 8,000 students are currently enrolled. Most of them are full-time students, like mе, and the rest are students of distant education and part time students. There are also graduate stu­dents, who conduct independent research work. Since the first class thousands of engineers, economists and civil engineers have graduated from the University.

The University's departments have over 400 academic staff with a wide range of professional and academic experience. It also has extensive capabilities and a flourishing research program. National and international scientific conferences are continually held at the University.

The Vologda University is located in six buildings within the city limits of Vologda. It has all the advantages of modern science laboratories and up-to-date equipment, a computer center, and other facilities. There are many large lecture halls that can fit three or four classes together at one time for a group lecture. These classes together can include more than a hundred students. The acoustics in such large rooms is very good, but when students chat during the lecture the room is very noisy.

There's also a large library with three reading halls for the students and faculty members. The library provides them with textbooks, instruction manuals and literature on different subjects. Apart from scientific and specialist's collection it contains a collection of fiction.

The university also includes sports facilities: a sports center with a weight training room, a gym, a multipurpose sports hall and outdoor stadium with tracks and playing fields. The University also possesses a health center in the city and a recreation camp in the countryside. With all these facilities, one can find many different ways to exercise and rest.

For lunch, during a midday break, students may go to any of several cafes at the university and nearby. My favourite one is located in a nearby building and people say that the food there is tasty and very affordable.

There are also several dormitories where students from out of town live. But some students don’t live in a dormitory – they rent an apartment.

There are 7 faculties here: Power Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Faculty, Environmental Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Management and Economics, Faculty of Industrial Management and Innovative Technologies, Humanities Faculty, Faculty of Distant Education. These faculties of the University provide training for industry and commerce in a variety of different fields.

40. Give the English equivalents of the following words and expressions:

курс обучения, присвоить статус, числиться в списках студентов, оканчивать (университет), в распоряжении, спортивные сооружения, обучать, наряду с, прием (в учебное заведение), крупнейшее высшее образовательное учреждение, основательная подготовка, все области знаний, филиал, быть зачисленным, студент дневного отделения, студент заочного отделения, исследовательская работа, состав преподавателей, профессиональный и академический опыт, обширные возможности, иметь все преимущества, тренажерный зал, по средствам, несколько общежитий, снимать квартиру

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