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В ходе прохождения практики нами были изучены компонент пакета Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel, методы использования макросов, а также синтаксис Visual Basic и его взаимодействие с Microsoft Excel.

В результате работы была реализована программа для обработки данных таблицы, содержащей информацию о химическом составе подземных вод, и построения таблицы агрессивностей на основе этих данных.

Код программы

'Функция создающая новый лист

Public Function CreateSheet() As Worksheet

found = False

'Проверка существования листа

For Each CreateSheet In Worksheets

If CreateSheet.Name = "asd" Then

found = True

Exit For

End If


'Создание листа, если его не удалось найти

If found = False Then

Set CreateSheet = Worksheets.Add

CreateSheet.Move after:=Worksheets(CreateSheet.Index + 1)

CreateSheet.Name = "asd"

'Очистка листа, если его удалось найти

Else: CreateSheet.range("A1:AZ1000").Clear

End If

End Function

'Функция для создания клетки из указанной области, с заданным текстом и необходимой шириной

Public Sub CreateCell(range As range, text As String, width As Integer)


range.Value = text

range.ColumnWidth = width

End Sub

'Функция для создающая шапку листа

Public Sub PerformSheet(OurGreatSheet As Worksheet)

OurGreatSheet.range("A5").RowHeight = 80

OurGreatSheet.range("A3").RowHeight = 30

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("A1:A5"), "№ п/п", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("B1:B5"), "Дата (время) отбора пробы", 10)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("C1:C5"), "Интервал отбора, м", 10)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("D1:D5"), "Исследуемая толща", 8)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("E3:E5"), "Тип агрессивности", 16)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("F3:F5"), "Агрессивность к бетону средней плотности [5]", 10)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("G3:G5"), "Агрессивность к несульфатостойким портланд-цементам [4]", 10)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("H3:H5"), "Агрессивность к сульфатостойким портланд-цементам [4]", 10)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("I5"), "a)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("J5"), "б)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("K5"), "в)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("L5"), "a)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("M5"), "б)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("N5"), "в)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("O5"), "a)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("P5"), "б)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("Q5"), "в)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("R5"), "a)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("S5"), "б)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("T5"), "в)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("U5"), "a)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("V5"), "б)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("W5"), "в)", 4)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("Y5"), "При постоянном погружении", 12)

Call CreateCell(OurGreatSheet.range("X5"), "При переодическом смачивании", 12)


OurGreatSheet.range("E1:Y1").Value = "Агрессивность подземных вод и её воздействие"


OurGreatSheet.range("E2:W2").Value = "На бетон"


OurGreatSheet.range("I3:W3").Value = "Степень агрессивности к бетону марки по водонероницаемости с различными цементами [6, 7, 8]"


OurGreatSheet.range("I4:K4").Value = "W4"


OurGreatSheet.range("L4:N4").Value = "W6"


OurGreatSheet.range("O4:Q4").Value = "W8"


OurGreatSheet.range("R4:T4").Value = "W10"


OurGreatSheet.range("U4:W4").Value = "W12"


OurGreatSheet.range("X2:Y4").Value = "На арматуру железо-бетонных конструкций"

OurGreatSheet.range("a6").Value = 1

OurGreatSheet.range("b6").Value = 2

OurGreatSheet.range("c6").Value = 3

OurGreatSheet.range("d6").Value = 4

OurGreatSheet.range("e6").Value = 5

OurGreatSheet.range("f6").Value = 6

OurGreatSheet.range("g6").Value = 7

OurGreatSheet.range("h6").Value = 8

OurGreatSheet.range("i6").Value = 9

OurGreatSheet.range("j6").Value = 10

OurGreatSheet.range("k6").Value = 11

OurGreatSheet.range("l6").Value = 12

OurGreatSheet.range("m6").Value = 13

OurGreatSheet.range("n6").Value = 14

OurGreatSheet.range("o6").Value = 15

OurGreatSheet.range("p6").Value = 16

OurGreatSheet.range("q6").Value = 17

OurGreatSheet.range("r6").Value = 18

OurGreatSheet.range("s6").Value = 19

OurGreatSheet.range("t6").Value = 20

OurGreatSheet.range("u6").Value = 21

OurGreatSheet.range("v6").Value = 22

OurGreatSheet.range("w6").Value = 23

OurGreatSheet.range("x6").Value = 24

OurGreatSheet.range("y6").Value = 25

End Sub

'160 однотипных функций заполняющих таблицу, добавление функций описано отдельно

Public Sub f6ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then

If Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 6.5 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 6) = "Н"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 6 And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 6.5 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 6) = "CЛ"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 5 And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 6 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 6) = "СР"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 5 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 6) = "C"

End If

End Sub

Public Sub f6ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = True Then

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) < 1000 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 6) = "Н"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) < 2000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) >= 1000 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 6) = "CЛ"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) < 8000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) >= 2000 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 6) = "СР"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) >= 8000 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 6) = "C"

End If

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f6su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 6) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f6vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 6) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f6ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 6) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f6am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 6) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f6ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 6) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f6ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 6) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) <> 1 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "?"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "НН"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 5.2 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "Н"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 5.2 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) <> 1 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "?"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 6.2 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "Н"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 6.2 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 6.4 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "Н"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 6.4 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) <> 1 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "?"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 6.7 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "H"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 6.7 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) > 7 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "H"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 5) <= 7 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 7) = "A"

End If

End Sub

Public Sub f7ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = True Then

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) < 1000 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "Н"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) <> 1 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "?"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "НН"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 9000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) <= 9000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "H"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) <> 1 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "?"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 8000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) <= 8000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "H"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 7000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) = 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) <= 7000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "H"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) <> 1 Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "?"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 6000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) = "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) <= 6000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "H"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 5000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "A"

If Лист1.Cells(i, 9) > 1000 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 26) <> 2 And Лист1.Cells(i, 27) = 1 And Лист1.Cells(i, 28) <> "Б" And Лист1.Cells(i, 9) <= 5000 - Лист1.Cells(i, 13) Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 7) = "H"

End If

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 7) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 7) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 7) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 7) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 7) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f7ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 7) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 8) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f8ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f8ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 8) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 9) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f9ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f9ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 9) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 10) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f10ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f10ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 10) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 11) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f11ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f11ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 11) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 12) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f12ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f12ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 12) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 13) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f13ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f13ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 13) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 14) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f14ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f14ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 14) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 15) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f15ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f15ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 15) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 16) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f16ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f16ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 16) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 17) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f17ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f17ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 17) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 18) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f18ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f18ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 18) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 19) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f19ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f19ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 19) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 20) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f20ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f20ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 20) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 21) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f21ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f21ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 21) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 22) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f22ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f22ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 22) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 23) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f23ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f23ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 23) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 24) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f24ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f24ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 24) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25ob(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j, 25) = "---"

End Sub

Public Sub f25ma(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 1, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25su(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 2, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25vi(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 3, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25ug(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 4, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25am(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 5, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25ki(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 6, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

Public Sub f25ed(i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer)

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j - 1

If CheckBox8 = True Then Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + 7, 25) = "---"

If CheckBox1 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox2 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox3 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox4 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox5 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox6 = False Then j = j + 1

If CheckBox7 = False Then j = j + 1

End Sub

'Функция обработчик нажатия на кнопку начала работы

Private Sub StartButton_Click()

'Проверка активен ли хотя бы один чекбокс

If Me.CheckBox1.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox2.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox3.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox4.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox5.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox6.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox7.Value = 0 And Me.CheckBox8.Value = 0 Then

MsgBox "Отметьте хотя бы одно значение"


'Создание листа и шапки (вызов ответсвенных за это функций)

Call PerformSheet(CreateSheet)



'На основе отмеченных чекбоксов создаётся массив необходимых строк

Dim a(20) As String * 20

Dim k As Integer

k = 1

If CheckBox1 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox1.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox2 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox2.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox3 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox3.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox4 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox4.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox5 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox5.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox6 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox6.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox7 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox7.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

If CheckBox8 = True Then

a(k) = CheckBox8.Caption

k = k + 1

End If

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

Dim s As Integer

Dim w As Integer

Dim w1 As Integer

w = 6

w1 = 7

i = 6

j = 7

k = k - 1

i1 = 6

i2 = 0

'Заполнение таблицы

While Лист1.Cells(i, 1) <> ""

'Создание строки с названием скважины

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 1), Cells(j, 25)) = Лист1.Cells(i, 1)

If w <> i Then

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(w, 4), Cells(j - 1, 4)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(w, 4), Cells(j - 1, 4)) = Лист1.Cells(w1, 4)

End If

i = i + 1

j = j + 1

w1 = w1 + 1

w = w + 1

While Лист1.Cells(i + 1, 1) = "" And Лист1.Cells(i, 1) <> ""

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 1), Cells(j + k - 1, 1)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 1), Cells(j + k - 1, 1)) = Лист1.Cells(i, 1)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 2), Cells(j + k - 1, 2)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 2), Cells(j + k - 1, 2)) = Лист1.Cells(i, 2)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 3), Cells(j + k - 1, 3)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(j, 3), Cells(j + k - 1, 3)) = Лист1.Cells(i, 3)

'Вызов 160 функций

f6ob i, j, k

f6ma i, j, k

f6su i, j, k

f6vi i, j, k

f6ug i, j, k

f6am i, j, k

f6ki i, j, k

f6ed i, j, k

f7ob i, j, k

f7ma i, j, k

f7su i, j, k

f7vi i, j, k

f7ug i, j, k

f7am i, j, k

f7ki i, j, k

f7ed i, j, k

f8ob i, j, k

f8ma i, j, k

f8su i, j, k

f8vi i, j, k

f8ug i, j, k

f8am i, j, k

f8ki i, j, k

f8ed i, j, k

f9ob i, j, k

f9ma i, j, k

f9su i, j, k

f9vi i, j, k

f9ug i, j, k

f9am i, j, k

f9ki i, j, k

f9ed i, j, k

f10ob i, j, k

f10ma i, j, k

f10su i, j, k

f10vi i, j, k

f10ug i, j, k

f10am i, j, k

f10ki i, j, k

f10ed i, j, k

f11ob i, j, k

f11ma i, j, k

f11su i, j, k

f11vi i, j, k

f11ug i, j, k

f11am i, j, k

f11ki i, j, k

f11ed i, j, k

f12ob i, j, k

f12ma i, j, k

f12su i, j, k

f12vi i, j, k

f12ug i, j, k

f12am i, j, k

f12ki i, j, k

f12ed i, j, k

f13ob i, j, k

f13ma i, j, k

f13su i, j, k

f13vi i, j, k

f13ug i, j, k

f13am i, j, k

f13ki i, j, k

f13ed i, j, k

f14ob i, j, k

f14ma i, j, k

f14su i, j, k

f14vi i, j, k

f14ug i, j, k

f14am i, j, k

f14ki i, j, k

f14ed i, j, k

f15ob i, j, k

f15ma i, j, k

f15su i, j, k

f15vi i, j, k

f15ug i, j, k

f15am i, j, k

f15ki i, j, k

f15ed i, j, k

f16ob i, j, k

f16ma i, j, k

f16su i, j, k

f16vi i, j, k

f16ug i, j, k

f16am i, j, k

f16ki i, j, k

f16ed i, j, k

f17ob i, j, k

f17ma i, j, k

f17su i, j, k

f17vi i, j, k

f17ug i, j, k

f17am i, j, k

f17ki i, j, k

f17ed i, j, k

f18ob i, j, k

f18ma i, j, k

f18su i, j, k

f18vi i, j, k

f18ug i, j, k

f18am i, j, k

f18ki i, j, k

f18ed i, j, k

f19ob i, j, k

f19ma i, j, k

f19su i, j, k

f19vi i, j, k

f19ug i, j, k

f19am i, j, k

f19ki i, j, k

f19ed i, j, k

f20ob i, j, k

f20ma i, j, k

f20su i, j, k

f20vi i, j, k

f20ug i, j, k

f20am i, j, k

f20ki i, j, k

f20ed i, j, k

f21ob i, j, k

f21ma i, j, k

f21su i, j, k

f21vi i, j, k

f21ug i, j, k

f21am i, j, k

f21ki i, j, k

f21ed i, j, k

f22ob i, j, k

f22ma i, j, k

f22su i, j, k

f22vi i, j, k

f22ug i, j, k

f22am i, j, k

f22ki i, j, k

f22ed i, j, k

f23ob i, j, k

f23ma i, j, k

f23su i, j, k

f23vi i, j, k

f23ug i, j, k

f23am i, j, k

f23ki i, j, k

f23ed i, j, k

f24ob i, j, k

f24ma i, j, k

f24su i, j, k

f24vi i, j, k

f24ug i, j, k

f24am i, j, k

f24ki i, j, k

f24ed i, j, k

f25ob i, j, k

f25ma i, j, k

f25su i, j, k

f25vi i, j, k

f25ug i, j, k

f25am i, j, k

f25ki i, j, k

f25ed i, j, k

If Лист1.Cells(i, 4) <> "" And Лист1.Cells(i - 1, 1) <> "" Then

w1 = i

w = j


If Лист1.Cells(i, 4) <> "" Then

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(w, 4), Cells(j - 1, 4)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(w, 4), Cells(j - 1, 4)) = Лист1.Cells(w1, 4)

w1 = i

w = j

End If

End If

s = 1

While s <= k

Worksheets("asd").Cells(j + s - 1, 5) = a(s)

s = s + 1


i = i + 3

j = j + k



If w <> i Then

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(w, 4), Cells(j - 1, 4)).Merge

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(w, 4), Cells(j - 1, 4)) = Лист1.Cells(w1, 4)

End If

'Создание границ таблицы

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlMedium

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlMedium

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeTop).Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlMedium

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeRight).Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlMedium

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = xlMedium

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlInsideVertical).Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = xlMedium

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).WrapText = True

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

Worksheets("asd").range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(j, 25)).VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

Unload Me

End If

End Sub

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]