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2. Виконання після текстових вправ

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where is the shopping center in your town?

  2. What time the shops are most crowded at?

  1. Which is the best department store in your town? Is there always a good choice of goods there

  2. What do you call a department where they sell shoes (socks and stockings handbags and gloves; perfumes and powder)?

  1. What size do you take in suits (shoes, hats, shirts)?

3. Make up questions

a) Ask your friend:

  • if he often goes shopping;

  • where he generally does shopping;

  • when the shops close in his town;

  • where you can buy a cheap suit for everyday wear; b) Ask the shop-assistant;

  • if they have got pullovers;

  • if she can show you jeans and trousers in your size;

  • what suits they have for summer wear;

  • if they have something cheaper in grey (in dark);

  • what dress of the latest fashion she can recommend you.

4. Put all possible questions to the sentences:

  1. I had come to the department store by 3 o'clock.

  2. They had done shopping by 5 o'clock.

  3. They had sold out chains and silver earrings by that time.

5. Make up one complex sentence out of two simple sentences according to the model. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

Model: She studied Spanish. She came to Madrid.

- She had studied Spanish before she came to Madrid.

  1. We got to the supermarket It was closed.

  2. We got home. It began to rain,

  3. My mother cooked dinner. She went shopping.

  4. Helen tried on a lot of jackets. She bought one.

  5. They bought fruits and vegetables. The green-grocer's was opened.

  6. I bought a present for my mother. My father asked me about it.

  7. He tried on a sweater. He bought it

6. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1 I (did, had done) shopping by 3 o'clock. 2. He (had received, received) the telegram by that time. 3. My brother (tried on, had tried on) the raincoat before he (bought, had bought) it 4. We (bought, had bought) vegetables before our mother (had come, came) home. 5. She said that she (bought, had bought) new high-heeled shoes. 6. We (had discovered, discovered) that we (spent, had spent) all the money.

7. Complete the sentences.

1. When you want to buy something … 2. There are different kinds of shops in our city:… 3. A department store is divided into several departments:… 4. In the men’s clothing department you can find… 5. In the women’s clothing department you can choose…6. After you have chosen the thing you… 7. If you need a jacket or a pullover you can go to … 8. Shoes are sold at… 9. In a supermarket you can buy…. 10. The greengrocery is stocked by … 11. At a dairy you can buy…

8. Say in one word.

1. What do we call a person who sells goods (does shopping, to whom you pay money in a store)?

2. What do you call a place where you do shopping (pay for your goods, try on clothes, the goods are displayed)?

3. What do we call the department where ready-made clothes (shoes, face cream, milk, meat, bread, ) are sold?

9. Translate the following sentences.

1. Я б хотів купити декілька нових сорочок та краваток, які б до них підходили.2. Цікаво, скільки коштує цей костюм? 3. Покупець попросив продавца показать костюм 48 розміру. 4. Сьогодні у продажу є сорочки всіх кольорів та розмірів. 5. Ганна любить носити туфлі на високих підборах 6. Зазвичай вона робить покупки у невеликому магазині поблизу дома.7. Цей костюм підходить мені за розміром, але не дуже мені лічить.8. У нашому гастрономі можна купити всі продукти крім овочів та фруктів. 9 У відділі одягу є великий вибір товарів. 10. Покупець платить за чек, складає покупки у валізу та йде із крамниці. 11. Я надаю перевагу покупкам у великих магазинах самообслуговування. 12. Ввічливий продавець запропонував мені приміряти сірий светр та підійти до дзеркала. 13. Мені потрібно підійти у відділ, де продають речі для домашнього господарства. 14. Скільки коштує ця сукня? 15. Мені повністю підходить цей колір та розмір.

16. Вибір товарів у цій крамниці дуже обмежений. 17 Я надаю перевагу одягу, зробленому із вовни та хлопку. 18. Наші продавці гарно обслуговують клієнтів. 19 Чи великий вибір товарів в універмазі?


Nowadays people travel on business and as tourists much more than in the past. Accommodations as well as rates vary from hotel to hotel. There are deluxe hotels, the most luxurious and more expensive. There are resort hotels used for entertainment or recreation. There are also a lot of motels which grew with the development of highways in America. They provide accommodation with parking space near the guests' rooms. There are hotel chains, consisting of several hotels controlled by one company having its own trademark, or logo.

Most hotels offer single and double rooms, for one and two people respectively. Of course rollways (collapsible beds on roller) can be placed in a room for other family members. If a guest requires more than one room, some hotels have fine suites consisting of several rooms.


The secretary of the Ukrainian Delegation in London telephones the Tavistock Hotel to reserve a room for Mr. Kozlov.

Receptionist: Reception desk. Tavistock Hotel. Good morning. Secretary: Good morning. This is the Ukrainian Trade Delegation. We’d like to reserve a room for Mr. Kozlov for three nights from the 20th of October.

Receptionist: Mr. Kozlov. Could you tell me what accommodation Mr.Kozlov would like to have? Secretary: Yes, certainly. A single room with a private bath.

Receptionist: Just a minute. I'll see whether we have the accommodation available.

Secretary: Thank you.

Receptionist: Yes, I can reserve a single room with a bath from the 20th of October, for three nights. Secretary: Thank you. What's the charge?

Receptionist: Eight pounds ten pence a night. Secretary: Thank you. Good-bye.

Receptionist: Good-bye.


At about I o'clock in the afternoon Mister Kozlov arrived at the Tavistock Hotel. A hotel-porter took Kozlov's suit-case and showed him to the reception-desk. Kozlov told the receptionist that the Delegation had reserved a room in his name a few days before. The receptionist checked that and said that they could let him have a nice room on the third floor. After that the receptionist gave Mister Kozlov a form and asked him to fill it in.

Mister Kozlov wrote his name, address, nationality and occupation on the form and gave it back. Then the porter took the key to Kozlov's room and they went to the lift. In a minute they were on the third floor. The porter unlocked the door, brought in the suitcase and asked if that was all. Kozlov thanked him, gave him a tip and the porter went out. Kozlov unpacked his suit-case and rang the bell for a chambermaid because he wanted to have his suit pressed.

Chambermaid: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

Kozlov: Good afternoon. Could I have my jacket and trousers pressed?

Chambermaid: Very good, sir. I think I can do it right away.

Kozlov: Thank you. By the way, could I have an extra blanket? I'm afraid I'll be cold at night as the weather is damp today.

Chambermaid: I'll attend to it, sir.

Kozlov: Thank you. I wonder if the restaurant is open now.

Chambermaid: Yes, sir. The restaurant serves breakfast from eight to ten, lunch from twelve to two thirty and dinner from six to eight.

Kozlov: Thank you very much.


.the Tavistock Hotel ['taevistok] — гостиница "Тависток". Перед названиями гостиниц всегда употребляется определенный артикль.

... for three nights — ... на трое суток

Could you tell me... — He могли бы вы сказать мне ... Could — форма прошедшего времени от глагола сап — часто употребляется в речи как вежливая форма по отношению к настоящему времени.

a pound — фунт (денежная единица). На письме фунт изображается знаком £. В фунте 100 пенсов; пенс изображается на письме буквой d. penny [peni] — ед. ч.— пенни; pennies — мн. ч. употребляется только по отношению к отдельным монетам.

pence [pens] — мн. ч., употребляется для выражения денежной сум­мы и пишется слитно с числительным от twopence до elevenpence, twopence [ tupans], threepence; euro — евро, обще­европейская единица валюты.

eight pounds tenpence a night — 8 фунтов 10 пенсов в cутки.

В английском языке не употребляется предлог в сочетаниях "в день", "в неделю", "в месяц" и т.д.

Не works eight hours a day. — Он работает 8 часов в день.

She reads 50 pages a week. — Она читает 50 страниц в неделю.

...in his name...— на его имя

... they could let him have a nice room on the third floor — ... они могут предоставить ему хорошую комнату на третьем этаже.

The porter... brought in the suit-case. — Портье внес чемодан.

Kozlov... rang the bell for a chambermaid. — Козлов позвонил (нажал кнопку), чтобы вызвать горничную.

1. Read, translate and try to retell the text.