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III. Составные глаголы:

to be likely — вероятно, может быть

to be not likely — маловероятно, не может быть

to be unlikely — вряд ли, едва ли

to be sure — конечно, несомненно

to be certain — наверное, обязательно

При переводе необходимо учитывать время глагола, стоящего перед инфинитивом; ср.:

Не is considered to be . . . Считают, что он. . . Не was considered to be. . . Считали, что он. . ., а также форму инфинитива. Infinitive Indefinite и Continuous переводится сказуемым в настоящем времени, a Infinitive Perfect и Perfect Continuous — сказуемым в прошедшем времени; ср.:

Не is said to go to Moscow. Говорят, что он едет в Москву. Не is said to have gone to Moscow. Говорят, что он уехал в Москву.

Примечание. После глагола to expect (to be likely) инфинитив обычно переводится будущим временем: Не is expected to come tomorrow. Ожидают, что он приедет завтра.


34. Переведите, обращая внимание на время глагола и форму инфинитива.

  1. Engle, Saxon and Jute are considered to belong to the same Low German branch of the Teutonic family.

  2. Historians appear to know but little of his life.

  3. In Tacitus chronicles the Germans are reported to be people ploughing their fields.

  4. «The Jumping Frog» by Mark Twain is said to have pleased its author best of all he wrote in that style.

  5. Such places were held to be frequented by evil spirits.

  6. The bulk of the people is said to have dwelt along the middle Elbe and on the Weser.

  7. The name of Jutes happens to be still preserved in their district of Jutland.

  8. A number of German tribes appears to have drawn together into the people of Saxons. These are known to have made the land between the Elba and the Ems their homeland.

  9. The Island of Britain is known, to have been revealed to the Roman world by Julius Caesar in the year 55 В. С.

  10. The peoples of all ancient civilizations are known to have made maps.

  11. Tiw, the dark God, to meet whom was death, is supposed to have lent his name to Tuesday.

  12. Great changes are expected to take place in the economies of these small countries in the near future.

  13. Coal has been known to exist in India since 1772, and is said to have been worked as far back as 1775.

  14. In 1611 Shakespeare appears to have retired to Stratford for good27.

  15. Latin was supposed to be the only language worthy of study, and it was studied for a practical end28.

Оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» с модальным глаголом. Модальный глагол в этой конструкции обычно переводится неопределенно-личным предложением:

Our story may be said to begin here. Можно сказать, что наш рассказ начинается здесь.

Can be said — Можно сказать, что. . .

Cannot be said — Нельзя сказать, что. . .


35. Переведите, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и отрицания.

  1. As regards29 the sound of words, we may almost be said to speak one language and to write another.

  2. There is one important class of words to which our analysis does not seem to be applicable: proper nouns.

  3. Four departments of the British Museum might justly be considered to constitute the British National Library.

  4. The individuality which characterises any tongue may be said to consist of those general features, which distinguish it from other tongues.

  5. In this broad sense of the term all the literature of the early nineteenth century may be said to be a product of Romanticism.

  6. If this can be shown to be true, it would greatly improve our understanding of the original code.

Оборот «именительный с инфинитивом» в опрeделительном придаточном предложении. Если оборот стоит в определительном придаточном предложении (которые начинаются словами which, that, who, а также бывают бессоюзными), то инфинитив переводится как сказуемое соответствующего русского определительного придаточного, а глагол в личной форме, стоящий перед инфинитивом, — как вводное безличное предложение типа: «как известно», «как полагают» и т. п.:

Then comes a group of ballads which are known to date from the 14th century. Затем идет ряд баллад, которые, как известно, восходят к XIV столетию.

Оборот «причастие II от глаголов типа to think + инфинитив» и оборот «прилагательное likely+инфинитив». Иногда определительное придаточное предложение отсутствует и инфинитив стоит после причастия II от глаголов указанного типа или слова likely, выполняющих функцию определения. Перевод в этом случае не отличается от перевода определительного придаточного, причем слово likely переводится как вводное «вероятно», а инфинитив после него -- чаще всего сказуемым в будущем времени:

Now let us turn to the words likely to have taken their origin in Latin. Теперь обратимся к словам, которые, вероятно, произошли из латинского (языка).

Now we shall describe some objects thought to belong to this class. Теперь опишем некоторые предметы, которые, как полагают, относятся к этому классу.


36. Переведите.


  1. The place of discovery was a hall which appears to have been the king's throne-room.

  2. In the fifth century A. D. the one country that is known to have borne the name Angeln or England lay in the district now called Sleswick.

  3. By far30 the greatest of this school of dramatists is Marlow who may well be said31 to have prepared the way for Shakespeare.

  4. All the mental functions and activities which are said to be products of mind as distinct from32 matter, are products of matter.


  1. This is one of the oldest roads in England, believed indeed to be prehistoric.

  2. Cult-objects may also be identified by the peculiar form, known from other sources to belong exclusively to some group of cultic equipment.

  3. Japan had the drama, said in its very beginning to have been associated with its religion.

  4. The Classical Scholar will appreciate that the civilization, reputed to have furnished Greece with many myths, was very ancient and very real.