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Anne Azel - Seasons - Wine, Women and Good Food...docx
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Wine, Women and Good Food

Janet and Robbie Williams had escaped for a few weeks to enjoy the beauty of the west coast of Newfoundland.  They’d spent the previous day hiking through  Gros Morne National Park and then had spent a special evening cuddled up by the fireplace in their cabin. Janet woke to the feel of Robbie’s lips warm and soft on her throat.  “Mmmm, what are you doing up so early?”

“Got you breakfast.” Janet’s eyes popped open.  “Do I need to call the fire department?”

Robbie grabbed Janet and pulled her naked form on top of her.  “Oh ye of little faith.  I got take out from Molly’s Café  down the street.” 

“Wonderful woman.  Smells great.”

Robbie’s eyes darkened and her voice took on the deep liquid tones of passion.  “You smell better.”

After a night of passion here’s a brunch that will restore your energy levels.

Eggs and Newfie Steak

2 slices of Newfie steak (baloney) or Canadian back bacon 2 hamburger buns or any roll 2 eggs cream cheese drizzle of creamy salad dressing Butter and grill two hamburger buns until golden brown.  Spread with cream cheese.  Place grilled Newfie steak or Canadian back bacon on top.  Then on top of this add a poached egg.  Drizzle lightly with any cream salad dressing. Serve with a shot of vodka in a glass of orange juice and finish your leisurely brunch with a coffee.

Nova Scotia Warmth <http://www.peggyscove.ca/>

Late in the afternoon, Janet and Robbie  walked hand in hand along the rocky shore near the picturesque harbor of Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia.  There was a fall crispness to the air mixed with the heady scent of the ocean.  Gulls cried over head and waves lapped against the shore. Janet pulled Robbie into her arms and kissed her softly. “I love you.” “I love you too.” “Are you cold?” “A little.” Janet stood on her tiptoes and whispered into Robbie’s ear.  “I know just what to do to warm you up.” Robbie smiled.   Janet took Robbie’s  hand and started leading her back towards their condo.

After that crisp walk on a fall day with the one you love, try this warm afternoon delight.

Honey Butter Hot Biscuits

½ cup butter or margarine 3/4 cup liquid honey half a dozen biscuits or scones whip cream

Mix the butter and honey together really well.  It works best if made ahead of time and allowed to cool in the fridge.  Warm biscuits in microwave and butter with the mix.  Add a cap of whip cream just before serving.

Serve with hot chocolate with a dash of brandy or coffee with a shot of Baileys.

New Brunswick Tourtiere <http://www.standrewsnb.ca/>

Robbie and Janet had booked into the historical Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea in New Brunswick.  Robbie had been busy all day with a television interview and promotionals for her new movie.  Janet knew that her wife would be tired and grumpy when she returned.  Fortunately, she knew just how to handle that.  First, she talked to the cook about the meal she wanted sent to their room later that evening.  Then she changed, lit candles and put on some soft music. The door rattled and then opened and in came a ruffled looking Robbie.  “Shit!  It was a bitch of a day.” Janet closed the door and slipped the chain in place.  Then she dropped the house coat she was wearing and stepped into Robbie’s arms.  “I think I can make your evening a lot better,” she smiled.

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