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Health and safety

Staying safe is a question of common sense and taking some basic pre­cautions. Inner city areas and townships are probably the most dangerous places - .especially at night. It’s not safe to go out alone, anywhere, and go exploring unless to be sure where to go. It’s not necessary to wear expensive-looking accessories.

Pickpockets may sometimes become a problem so the travelers shouldn't carry large sums of money. It’s better to keep some change in a side pocket so that you don't have to produce your wallet whenever you need to tip. A money belt worn under your clothes is useful for keeping documents and money.

You should not go near deserted or poor areas except as part of a tour group. When travelling on foot, it would be much more wisely to leave valuables in the hotel safe-deposit box and to avoid using any suburban trains at off-peak times, unless in a group of at least ten.

When travelling by car, people should always keep the doors locked and the windows only slightly open. When leaving the car, it’s better to lock it, and to make sure nothing of value is visible inside. Besides supervised car parks should be whenever possible.

Everything already said is concerned to the safety in town areas but a lot of danger is followed in the country. So visiting national parks as for example Kruger is South Africa the travelers are to remember the rules and necessary regulations.

First of all it is important not to drive fast because the animals use the roads. Then visitors are not allowed to leave their cars except at the special picnic areas. If the travelers want they can book guided safaris. It’s forbidden to give food to the animals because it changes the animals' natural habits and can produce aggression.

Forest and bush fires are a major danger, especially during the dry winter months. So the visitors shouldn't throw away burning matches or cigarette ends. Then the protection from the sun with the hat and a sunblock is important.

Most snakes in the Africa are not poisonous but watch where to put hands and feet when on safari. Malaria is still common in the Mpumalanga region where the park is located.

To conclude I’d like to say that it’s necessary to follow the rules of safety and mind taking the precautions wherever you are.


  1. What is a question of common sense?

  2. What are the most dangerous places, especially at night?

  3. What is necessary to remember going out?

  4. Why may pickpockets sometimes become a problem?

  5. How can the travelers decide the problem with pickpockets?

  6. What precautions are to be made when travelling by car?

  7. Is there a danger in the country?

  8. What rules should the visitors of parks remember?

  9. Why should the visitors not to feed the animals?

  10. What may be dangerous on a safari?

Tourist business

The tourist business deals with promoting, transportation and accommodation. Among the promoters are tour wholesalers who design and, package tours, tour operators who sell tour packages to tourists and act as escorts guides, travel agencies who sell on behalf of airlines, rail and bus companies. The transportation businesses are airlines, cruise lines, rental auto and bus companies. The accommodation businesses are hotels for motorists, so called motels; hotels in exotic places for people on holiday or resort hotels; as well as organizations that are in charge of developing and implementing tourist programs in the areas attractive to tourists, known as destination-management companies.

The tourist market is divided into segments (user-groups) according to the buying possibilities of the clients: mass, middle and luxury markets. People who travel with a group make a group inclusive tour, and those who prefer to travel alone are called independent.

Tourism can be understood using a variety of different perspectives, including geography, sociology, culture, ethnicity and politics. We can speak about leisure and health tourism. The first is considered with a British invention due to sociological factors. Britain was the first industrial country and its society was the first in offering time for leisure to a growing number of people. Initially it didn’t apply to the working masses but to the owners on the machinery of production, the factory owners and the traders. As for health tourism some people prefer to visit warm lands of the South of Europe and the others like to visit places with health- giving mineral waters in order to relieve a whole variety of diseases.

In 1903 there appeared the first packaged winter sports holidays or vacations in Switzerland. Organized sport was well established in Britain before it reached other countries. Winter sports were a natural answer for a leisured class looking for amusement during the coldest season.

Improvement in technology and benefits of leisure time were the reasons for developing mass tourism. The father of the modern tourism was Thomas Cook who organized the first package tour in 1841. He took a group of campaigners from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough and saw the potential for business development in the - sector. By the end of the 20th century the number of international tourist arrivals grew a lot as well as the revenue from tourism.

The World Tourism Organization forecasts that international tourism will continue growing at the average annual rate of 4%. By 2020 Europe will remain the most popular destination, but its share will drop from 60% in 1995 to 46%. Long-haul will grow slightly faster than intraregional travel and by 2020 its share will increase from 18% in 1995 to 24%. Space tourism is expected to “take off’, although compared with traditional destinations the number of tourists in orbit will remain low until technologies such as space elevator make space travel cheap.

Perhaps it will be most common to build air-hotels as well as underwater hotels such as Hydropolis, started to open in Dubai in 2006. On the surface of the oceans tourists will be welcomed by large cruise lines or even floating cities.

Group inclusive tour – организованное групповое турне Independent tour — индивидуальная поездка

Leisure and healthtourism — развлекательный и оздоровительный туризм

Packaged wintersportsholidays - комплексный тур на курорты с возможностями спортивных занятий

Masstourism— массовый туризм

Long-haul- длинный (о расстоянии)

Spacetouri- космический туризм



1. What does the tourist business deal with?


2. Who are the promoters of the tourist business?


3. What are the possibilities of transportation and accommodation?


4. What is the difference between a group inclusive tour and an independent



5. What is concerned under leisure and health tourism?


6. What are the reasons for space tourism development?


7. What are the forecasts made by the World Tourism Organization?


8. What appeared in 1903?


9. What started in Dubai in 2006?


10. What forecasts can you make concerning the development of tourism in our
