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The period of late enlightenment

This period is prominent for the works of Semuel Richardson (1689-1761). Apart from being employed as a printer to the hous of commons he acridly participated in development of didactic literature of that time. In 1740 appeare his work devoted to "how to think and act justly and prudently in the common concernes of human life" - "Pamela". This book was followed by his greatest novel "Clarissa" or "The history of a young lady"(1747). The last work was "Sir Charles Grandison"(1753) which symbolized an ideal gentleman of high character and fine appearance supposed to be the embodiment of musculine character of that time.

"Pamela" - is a daughter of poor parents working as a maid. She is put into care of the son of the woman she works for. He falls in love with her but has no intension to marry. Pamela resists his advances and finally he understand's that he can never win her without marriage and makes her his wife.

"Clarissa" - this story is told by means of letters between Clarissa, a young lady of a good family" and her friend miss Howe. Clarissa meets a wonderful and charming gentleman Robert Lovelace who is attractive and at the same time unscrupulous. Clarissa's family opposes the match because of his doubtful reputation and Clarissa resists for a time. But finally he succedes in sedducing her. Clarissa dies of shame. Lovelace is killed on a duel by her cousin.

Henry Fielding (1707-1754) got good education in Eathen after leaving school he went to London where he published his first satirical poem "The Masquerade" and a comedy "Love in several masques". After this brief writing experience he moved to Holland to study classical languages. After his return 18 months later he dedicated himself to the theatre and produced over 20 separate plays. The most famous of which is Tom Thumb. His first novel "Shamela" was published anonymously in 1741. Shamela is an attack on Richardson's high morals which disgusted Fielding and he produced a scheming heroine (интриганка) of burlesque proportions that is opposed to Richardson's virtuous Pamela. He tries to seducces her neighbor chases him all the time and finally succeeds and the neighbor dies of shame.

The next book was "Joseph Andrews". The story tells about the travelings of a poor servant who has been dismissed from his service because he refuses to yield to advances of his lady (Lady Boobie) and her friend mrs. Slipslop. Mr. Joseph Andrews has a sweetheart and he decides to go her. On his way he is stripped by the robbers and generally meets a lot of ridiculuous adventures.

The last story of his is "The history of Tom Jones, the foundling"(1749). Tom Jones is an ordinary young man with the manners and morals of his age but with a sincere admiration for virtue when he sees it. Tom is brought up in a house of Squire Allworthy along with his cousin Blifil. Tom is open hearted and always falls into trouble taking the blame to protect his cousin. Blifil is hypocrite who constantly tells on Tom and poisons his uncle's mind against Tom. After one of such occasions Tom has to leave the house and he sets on his travels accomponied by his school master. He meets a lot of adventures on the road and finally succeeds in his life.

The last representative of this period is Laurence Stern (1713-1768). He was educated at Cambridge and started his career as a church minister in York. In his leisure he dedicated himself to music painting and writing. His first publishEd work is a political romance (1759) followed by the first two volumes of his famous novel "the life and opinions of Tristram Shandy". After that he published "a sentimental journey through France and Italy" under the pseudonym of Yorick Stern.

“Tristram Shandy” has no plot and gives very little of the life and nothing of the opinions of the nominal hero who gets born only in vol.4. Many of the formal devices of plot are missing. No progression of events. No chronology. Instead there is a group of humorous figures: Walter Shandy ( the father) whose obsession with the names of things and pedantic education have isolated him from responding to others. Uncle Toby whose hobby is the science of attacking fortified towns. Among other characters of the novel Corporal Trim, Toby's servant, Yorick the parson, mrs Shandy, the widow Wadman can be mentioned. The narration is just a series of reflections made by the character Tristram on his conception(зачатие), parturition (роды), christening, growth, education, his family and the family friends.
