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2000 Test: Paper III

  1. To what extent were the weaknesses of the French Monarchy responsible for the outbreak of revolution in France in 1789?

  2. What part did Napoleon I’s policies play in his fall from power in 1814?

  3. Evaluate the extent to which Metternich achieved his aims for Austria and for Europe.

  4. How far is it true to say that, “Louis XVIII’s policies proved that the Bourbon restoration in France could work, but that the policies of Charles X ensured it would fail.”

  5. Account for the outbreak of any two revolutions in 1848 and assess their results.

  6. Analyze the aims, motives and policies of Cavour between 1852 and 1861.

  7. Compare and contrast Bismarck’s policies towards Austria and France between 1862 and 1871.

  8. In what ways did the domestic and foreign policies of Disraeli benefit Britain?

  9. How far is it true to say that Russia was transformed into a modern country between 1855 and 1900?

  10. How important was the search for raw materials and new markets as a reason for European imperialism?

  11. To what extent, and with what results, did Napoleon III liberalize the Second Empire in France?

  12. Discuss the changing relations between either Sweden and Norway or Finland and Russia in the nineteenth century.

  13. Account for the popularity of the novel in nineteenth century Europe.

  14. In what ways did the crises and political scandals in France both weaken and strengthen the Third Republic between 1880 and 1905?

  15. Compare and contrast the causes of the 1905 and February/March 1917 revolutions in Russia.

  16. “The Versailles Treaty was criticized by both winners and losers.” How justified was the criticism?

  17. What were the political and economic successes and failures of the Weimar Republic?

  18. Why did the history of Italy from 1900 to 1922 lead to the rise of Mussolini and the establishment of a Fascist Regime?

  19. What was the impact of the Wall Street crash upon any one European country (excluding Germany) up to 1939?

  20. Explain why Franco’s forces won the Spanish Civil War, and why the Republican forces lost.

  21. Why, and with what results, was the policy of appeasement adopted by Britain and France in the 1930s?

  22. Compare the Cold War policies of Stalin and Khrushchev from 1945 to 1964.

  23. Explain how any one western European state recovered from the devastation of the Second World War.

  24. What factors led to the collapse of Communist domination in Eastern Europe by 1990?

  25. “A revolution.” How accurately does this describe changes in transport in twentieth century Europe?

2001 Test: Paper III

  1. In what ways and for what reasons was the French Revolution, between 1789 and 1795, a period of constitutional and legal changes?

  2. In 1810 Napoleon I wrote “My principle is France before everything.” To what extent did the career of Napoleon I from 1799 to 1815 follow this principle?

  3. “The success of the Congress of Vienna has been much exaggerated.” How valid is this assessment of the short-term and long-term results of the Congress?

  4. Compare and contrast the aims and policies of Louis XVIII and Charles X.

  5. Why has it been claimed that Italian unification needed both a Cavour and a Garibaldi?

  6. Analyze the successes and the failures of one British Prime Minister between 1837 and 1901.

  7. How far is it true to say that Austria lost control of Germany rather than Prussia gained it?

  8. Evaluate the aims and results of Russian foreign policy between 1850 and 1900.

  9. “Bismarck’s policies both at home and abroad, between the years 1871 and 1890, merely stored up problems for the future, both for Germany and for Europe.” To what extent do you agree with this verdict?

  10. In what ways did developments in transport and industry increase the prosperity of one European country in the nineteenth century?

  11. What were the important trends of intellectual and cultural developments in Europe in the nineteenth century?

  12. Analyze the successes and failures of Napoleon III’s domestic policies.

  13. Examine the impact during the nineteenth century of a) one Scandinavian country on Europe, and b) Europe on one Scandinavian country.

  14. Account for the weakness and decline of Austria-Hungary between 1867 and 1914.

  15. “Much of Lenin’s success was no doubt explained by his towering domination over his [Bolshevik] party.” To what extent does this explanation account for his rise to power and rule, 1917 to 1924?

  16. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the Treaty of Versailles cause political problems in the 1920s in Europe, for both the victorious and the defeated nations?

  17. What is meant by a search for collective security, why was it necessary and how successful were European countries in their search between 1919 and 1939?

  18. Evaluate Mussolini’s rule in Italy between 1922 and 1940.

  19. Assess the impact of political and constitutional developments in either Spain between 1930 and 1939, or Portugal between 1968 and 1976.

  20. Examine the effects of Nazi Germany on either one Scandinavian or on one east or central European country. (excluding USSR and Germany).

  21. Account for the defeat of Germany and her allies in the Second World War.

  22. For what reasons, and with what results, was Western Europe affected by the Cold War after 1945?

  23. Compare and contrast the policies of Khrushchev and Gorbachev.

  24. Analyze political and economic changes since 1953 in either one central or east European country (excluding the USSR).

  25. Examine the impact on one European country of, either education reforms or artistic movements.

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