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This master dissertation includes the theoretical foundations of cross-border cooperation, analysis of CBC of Odessa region and suggests possible ways to overcome the negative factors of cross-border cooperation and improve areas of CBC area. Among the results of research should identify the following:

1. Recommendations for finding new ways and reform of the old forms of cross-border cooperation in the reform of the organizational component of the CBC.

2. Developed solutions to specific problems of CBC.

3. Developed consistent plan for enhancing the effectiveness of CBC.

4. The calculated forecast data for the development of regional economy through the implementation of cross-border cooperation and information on the possible effect of the introduction of programs of formation of cross-border clusters.


  1. В.О.Скосарєв «Стан транскордонного співробітництва в Україні» //Науковий вісник – ОНЕУ. Всеукраїнська асоціація молодих науковців. – Науки: економіка, політологія, історія. – 2012. - №3 (155). – 193 с.

  2. Скосарєв В. «Єврорегіон «Нижній Дунай» як форма транскордонного співробітництва Одеської області» // Збірник наукових робіт за підсумками студентської наукової конференції МИНУЛЕ, СУЧАСНЕ, МАЙБУТНЄ. Випуск 2, том 1. ФМЕ – Одеса: ОНЕУ, ротапринт, 2012 р. – 358 с.


The subject of research is the cross-border economic relations between the Odessa region and the adjacent border regions of Romania and Moldova.

The object of research is the Odessa region, which makes cross-border cooperation with neighboring border regions of neighboring countries.

The aim of the thesis is to enhance the efficiency of cross-border cooperation by overcoming the negative factors of development and seeking more effective forms and ways of its implementation.

The objectives are the analysis of cross-border co-operation of the Odessa region and economic indicators that characterize it, defining its role and impact on the economy of the region, identify the problems of such cooperation and developing recommendations for their solution, as well as possible directions for improving the efficiency of cross-border relations.

The results can be used to develop cross-border relations with neighboring Odessa region's border regions of Romania and Moldova.

Years of the thesis are 2011-2012.

Year of the finishing master’s thesis is 2012.

Key words: cross-border collaboration, Euroregion, external trade, export, import, border trade, foreign direct investment, cross-border cluster.

Thesis has 103 pages, 17 tables, 17 figures, bibliography of 53 titles, 7 applications for 14 pages.

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