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  1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

  • New publishers, 26 Greenhouse Sheet. Aberdeen PV31 23TR

Telephone 9593 38549 Fax 9593 75843

23 May 2005

  • Thank you for your letter of application for the post of PR manager.

We would like to invite you to attend an interview.

We shall be conducting interviews on Monday 30 May and ask you to contact us to arrange a suitable time.

  • Dear Mr Castellos,

  • Mr G. Castellos. 37 Star Road. Aberdeen VH42 57GT

  • We look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,


Joan Dumorieur

Personnel Manager

  1. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок

I was very sorry to hear about your problems with the new medical equipment.

I have investigated the complaint and I regret to tell you that the problem is the result of faulty operation. I enclose a copy of the inspector’s report with this letter.

If you require us to repair the machine, please contact me at the number above.

(From Test Your … series by P. Watcyn-Jones)

  • Cv

  • Contract

  • Letter of apology

  • Letter of application

Дополнительные задания (2)

Заполните пропуск.

  1. Did you make your ­­­______ by phone or by fax?

  1. Transition

  2. Impression

  3. Reservation

  4. Institution

  1. A _____ is a structure with triangular sloping sides that meet at the top

  1. Church

  2. Palace

  3. Pyramid

  4. Dome

  1. We are going for a walk. You can go with ______.

  1. Our

  2. Ours

  3. Us

  4. Ourselves

  1. There is one evident _____ between Kate and Ann.

  1. Simile

  2. Similar

  3. Similarity

  4. Similarty

  1. Jack is the ______ of two brothers.

  1. The most cleverest

  2. Cleverer

  3. More clever

  4. The cleverest

  1. I lived in London for five years from 1980 _____ 1985.

  1. Up

  2. To

  3. For

  4. By

  1. Mary ordered a taxi _____ she could get to the theatre on time.

  1. But

  2. If

  3. Or

  4. So

  1. The man ______ at the door is my boss.

  1. Standing

  2. Stood

  3. To have stood

  4. To stand

  1. I’m writing ____the job advertised in last Tuesday’s “Daily News”.

  1. Apply for

  2. Apply at

  3. Apply to

  4. Apply from

  1. You’ll _____ tell your parents about Ann’s behavior.

  1. Had to

  2. Have to

  3. Should

  4. Must

  1. This city is not situated in Canada ______.

  1. Toronto

  2. Boston

  3. Vancouver

  4. Ottawa

  1. ­­­­­_______ is the author of many outstanding plays including “Macbeth and King Lear”.

  1. William Shakespeare

  2. Bernard Shaw

  3. Christopher Marlowe

  4. Oscar Wilde

  1. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения.

Manager: “____________”

Employee: “I think, it’s a harmful habit.”

  1. Can you give me a cigarette?

  2. What’s your idea about smoking?

  3. Can I smoke here?

  4. Have you got any bad habits?

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