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Vocabulary List. Alice in Wonderland 2010.doc
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http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki http://aliceinwonderland.wikia.com/wiki/Glossary_of_Alice_in_Wonderland_Terms http://www.idiomquest.com

  1. Discussion:

  1. Why did Alice have to return to Underland 13 years later?

  2. What does changing the size symbolize? Why did Alice have to grow small to get into Underland?

  3. Why was it still possible to stop Alice, though the Frabjous Day was fixed in the oracle? Is it possible to change future events once they have been predicted?

  4. What is the conflict between the Red and the White queens about?

  5. Why did Bandersnatch give Alice the key from the sword chest?

  6. Why did the Red Queen’s servants wear counterfeit ears, noses, bellies etc.?

  7. Do the Underland creatures live in Alice’s mind, or are they real?

  8. Why did Absolem disappear just as Alice needed him most?

  9. Was the war between the queens inevitable?

  10. Why did Alice succeed in killing the Jabberwocky?

  11. Why couldn’t the White Queen show more kindness to the Red Queen?

  12. Will Alice be back again?

  1. Home assignment.

Do you have an Underland of your own? What is it like? Do you think all people have it?

Remember your introduction and conclusion, please ;-)) We’ll be expecting your essays at filmsteachenglish@gmail.com.

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