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Student mobility is the overseas movement of students which helps them to improve their employability skills, develop international networks, broaden their cultural outlook, learn in a different environment and gain a new perspective.􀀂􀀙􀀈􀀌􀀁􀀃􀀁􀀌􀀆􀀠􀀁􀀎􀀆􀀏􀀐􀀎􀀆􀀅􀀑􀀈

National governments support the idea of international education and recognize the benefits that their students get while studying overseas. Students who graduate with internationally relevant degrees are required by industries, companies and other enterprises in their own countries. They help their countries to compete internationally. Therefore, those students are preferred employees everywhere and employers indicate that an overseas study experience is becoming more and more important. Fortunately, all the credits earned at overseas universities are accepted in transfer by universities back home.

There are a lot of student-exchange programs which are a vehicle for those young people who are keen to experience education abroad. These programs do not just provide opportunities to take courses in other institutions, but also to experience how these courses are taught elsewhere. If the exchange program is in an overseas institution, students get the benefit of experiencing life in a different country, living in a different culture or among several cultures, learning a foreign language.

For those who are interested in this option, funding may be the only problem as many exchange programs generally require that the exchange students pay their own way to and from the overseas institution. The expenses can come up to a hefty sum including the prices of return air tickets, travel, and room and board.

2. Переведите слова и выражения.

Student mobility, overseas, to improve, employability skills, international networks, to broaden, environment, government, benefit, to graduate (from), to compete internationally, experience, exchange program, funding, expenses, outlook, enterprise, room and board, employee, employer, abroad.

3. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод выделенных слов.

  1. A strong economy offers greater opportunities for social mobility.

  2. A car can give you greater mobility.

  3. Your English will improve with practice.

  4. The course helps people to gain the skills they need to run a successful business.

  5. All employees have access to a computer network.

  6. College will broaden your horizons.

  7. We try to go abroad at least once a year.

  8. She has been on unemployment benefit for six years.

  9. We are too small to compete with a company like that.

  10. She has years of experience in the computer industry.

  11. The government can`t provide adequate funding for research.

  12. The company pays all your expenses.

  13. Children need a happy home environment.

  14. This company is one of the biggest enterprises in our city.

  15. They have gone to live overseas.

3. Представьте, что вы отправляетесь учиться в зарубежный университет. Расскажите о своей будущей поездке.

  • What are my objectives and reasons for wanting to study overseas?

  • What are my academic and career goals?

  • How will I finance 6 months or a year overseas?

  • When will be the best time to go abroad?

  • What are my outside interests? (Student Governments, sport competitions, Volunteer Activities (rebuilding homes, planting trees, etc.), Multicultural Activities; plays, musicals, dance concerts, singing groups; Religious organizations; Media organizations)

  • What sort of accommodation do I want to live in? (family homestays; college/university halls of residence with shared facilities; flats (offered by universities) where students can prepare and cook; independent hostels; private rented accommodation)

  • What are my language skills? (my English is fluent and accurate; I can speak English with some confidence; I have a good basic ability to communicate and understand; I can communicate in a very basic way; I have never studied English)