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The area is 652,900 sq km. Population is about 1,000,000. Floral emblem is Prairie Lily Tree: While Birch. The motto is From Many Peoples Strength.

Saskatchewan is a montage of grain fields, gentle waterfalls and rushing rivers. 10,000 lakes and fivers offer the record catches of trout, walleye, and Arctic grayling. Saskatchewan is North America's puck factory and Canada's breadbasket. Saskatchewan also produces oil, gas, potash, uranium and coal. Residents point out a bonus for visitors: no bumper-to-bumper traffic. "We are big, we are beautiful, and what is pollution?'

The capital city; Regina, is situated on the man-made Wascana Lake. A large park surrounding the like houses the Legislature Buildings, the Museum of Natural History, the University of Regina, and Sas- latehewan's largest centre, it is the home to the University of Saskatchewan.


The area is 661,185 sq km. Population is over 2,000,000. The floral emblem is Wild Rose. Tree; Pine. Bird: Owl. The motto is Strong and free.

Alberta is Canada's oil capital. It is a land for all seasons. Spring is a time for awakening prairies. Summer is a time of rodeos. Winter is a time to enjoy in the Canadian Rockies. Calgary is the center of cattle industry. Calgary boasts the largest city area in the North American continent, 156 sq ml. The cities are known for their "old west hospitality". Alberta's most beautiful and interesting areas are the Rockies and Dinosaur Provincial Park. In Alberta there is Ukrainian community. East of Edmonton there is the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village. In Vergeville there is the huge Ukrainian Easter Egg Sculpture. East of Edmonton there is St. Volodymyr’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

British columbia

The area is 948,596 sq km. Population is about 3,000,000. The emblems: Pacific Dogwood, Red Cedar, Jay. The motto is Splendor without diminishment.

British Columbia is a province of great beauty. It is Canada's third largest province and its most geographically diverse. It is also one of the fastest growing regions on the North American continent For­estry is the province's number one industry. Tourism runs a close second. Protected inland waters provide anchorage for countless commercial and pleasure craft. The port city of Vancouver is also known as a fan­tastic natural playground for sailing, golfing, swimming, hiking and skiing. The Cariboo is a region of re­mote cattle ranches and the rodeo. There are 350 parks.

The climate is also diverse. The mild, wet weather of the west coast is good for the giant firs and cedars. Hot sunny summers promote a fruit-growing industry. A multitude of bays and marinas attract thousands of boaters each year.

Victoria, the capital, located at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, enjoys a reputation of fabu­lous parks and gardens. As an example of the gardener's art is Butcharts Gardens.

Yukon territory

The area is 482,515 sq km. Population is over 22,000. The floral emblem is Fireweed. Bird: Ra­ven. Gemstone: Lazurite. Yukon has no motto.

Yukon is rich in minerals. Yukon Territory is a land that has inspired poets and writers. It is the land of igloos, the polar bear, dog sleds and the Midnight Sun. The Yukon had its large influx of popula­tion with the Klondike Gold Rush of 1890. Many people are drawn to the north for the splendour of its un­tamed wilderness. Yukon's National Park boasts of Mount Logan - the tallest peak of Canada /5,950 ml. The Territory's largest city, Whitehorse, is also the capital.

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