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III. Comprehension and Word Study

1. Name the sentence which best reveals the main idea of the text.


There is wide divergence of opinion about many aspects of logistics.


The peculiar position of production planning and control is crucial to manufacturing.


Logistics becomes a topic of critical importance in business today.

2. Complete the text below by filling each gap with one of the following words.

Inventory, supplies, field, sell, run, production, logisticians, responsible

Logistics Management

The term “logistics” originates from the ancient Greek “logos” – “ratio, word, calculation, reason, speech, oration”.

Logistics is considered to have originated in the military’s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, there were military officers with the title “Logistikas” who were 1 for financial and supply distribution matters. Later, with the movement of troops came the need to move 2 for the troops. The people who procured supplies, contrived ways to transport supplies, and distributed supplies throughout the troops were the 3 .

Logistics management has been an integral part of military strategic management for decades. This field is now becoming more and more prevalent in the business arena with the increasing need to make businesses 4 more efficiently. Logistics management delivers many solutions and systems to improve 5 and reduce operation costs of businesses across many sectors.

Logistics management is the management of goods that people 6 . If you plan to open a store of any kind that has inventory, you will need some sort of logistics management.

Logistics management integrates the management of your goods transportation, 7 , warehousing, material handling and packaging. Most store owners hire a third party to handle all of their logistics management.

The need for logistics management has increased over the centuries and presently, logistics management is common in just about every 8 of business.

3. Go through the following statements and say if they correspond to the text. Put a tick next to the correct statements.


Logistics management is used as an integral part of military strategic management only.


Logistics functions can be performed by one person in a company.


Logistics deals mainly with distribution of goods.


Logistics management is not connected with production planning and control.


If one tries hard, it is possible to forecast individual item demands with some accuracy.


Logistics has seen a revolution in recent years, becoming less significant in a firm’s organization structure.


The final purpose of logistics is to meet seller requirements.

4. Give Russian interpretation of the following English sentences. Try not to look up any words, but work from memory.


Since 1987 our company has been providing innovative services for moving your shipments.


The number of companies involved in satisfying consumer demand while reducing the management control on daily logistics operations has increased lately.


Logisticians provide direction and support in driving improved profitability, improved customer service and increased supply chain flexibility.


If you ask a logistics consultant for help, the results are simple – you will gain strategically practical advice with a guaranteed return on investment.


Our logistics consultants have a wide and varied range of logistics skills and experience, gained both within highly competitive manufacturing and retail environments.


Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements.


Some experts distinguish supply chain management with logistics while others consider the terms to be interchangeable.

5. Translate the words, choose one from each line to complete the sentences below. (There is one extra word line).


transportation; transporting; transport; transportable; transporter


involve; involved; involvement; involving


efficient; efficiency; efficiently


manage; management; manager; managed; managing


operate; operated; operating; operation; operational; operative


delivery; deliver; delivering; delivered; deliverance


require; requirement; required; request


The __________ of any business entity would come with a lot of hard work, time money and effort.


In many cases, the response of an organization to difficult times __________ some manner of cost cutting.


Delivery performance depends greatly on how well the entire supply chain is __________ .


If a company with its own __________ facilities decides to employ external warehouse specialist, this would be an example of third party logistics.


The best possible balance between cost and performance should be striven for __________ .


Many people do not really stop to think about the role that … companies play in the overall success of any enterprise.

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