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Відділення: мистецтвознавства та філології

Секція: іноземні мови

Графіті: мистецтво чи акт вандалізму?

Роботу виконав:

Смарж Артур Рафаельович,

учень 11 класу


навчально-виховного об’єднання «Освіта»

Науковий керівник:

Тодавчич Людмила Станіславівна, учитель-методист


Павлова Алла Казимирівна,

кандидат філологічних наук

Iрпiнь – 2011 table of contents

Introduction 4

Тодавчич Людмила Станіславівна, учитель-методист 1

Рецензент: 1

Павлова Алла Казимирівна, 1

кандидат філологічних наук 1

Iрпiнь – 2011 1



1.1 What is graffiti? 6

1.2 Origins and the History of Graffiti 7

2.1 Contemporary trends of graffiti 9

2.4 Is graffiti art? 15

2.4.1 Why is graffiti considered art? 16

2.4.2 The graffiti art culture 17

2.5 Is graffiti vandalism? 19


Surveys 25

Conclusion 27

The scientific novelty of the paper lies in the attempt to investigate the issue of graffiti as a kind of art or vandalism.

The objective of the work is to investigate:

    • concept of graffiti as art or vandalism;

    • reasons for writing graffiti;

    • graffiti styles;

    • social consequences of street art writings;

The theoretical value of the work is observing the history of graffiti in the context of social changes in the society which led to the appearance of the so-called offensive graffiti often classified as crime.

The practical value is in the fact that the work gives the possibility for teenagers to make a choice whether to get involved in doing graffiti by considering this type of activity either a crime or art. The materials of the work can be used by teachers and parents in their work with adolescents.

The choice of the work is connected with our will to investigate and realize inner factors which cause particular tends of self-esteem in many teenagers.


Have you ever thought about graffiti? When you think of graffiti, does your mind go to vandalism... or art? Graffiti: Art or Vandalism is the question in question. On the one hand graffiti by definition can be considered art; personal ambitions are realized by producing something beautiful or extraordinary. Graffiti artists take much time and effort in practicing technique, creating things attracting attention and sometimes interest of the public, devoting countless hours to creating things in contrast to fine art on display in museums. For example murals are painted in memory of respected people and events on places such as the Berlin Wall, to change the way our landscape looks and remind passersby of some important events. In addition, art is an output of feelings and emotions which can express and inform people about particular issues of the society. On the other hand graffiti is something most of us see every day. It can occur anywhere, still, some of the most popular targets include

    • public and private buildings

    • recreational facilities

    • playground equipment

    • bridges and overpasses

    • public transport property and vehicle

Graffiti nowadays looks like the chameleon skin of the urban landscape; it is among the most ephemeral forms of human expression.

These writings can be anything from simple scratch marks to elaborate wall paintings. In modern times, spray paint and markers have become the most commonly used materials in the hands of graffitists. In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without the property owner’s consent is considered vandalism, which is punishable by law. However, graffiti is sometimes employed to communicate social and political messages.

To some people this “art form” is worth displaying in galleries and exhibitions. Still, the public generally frowns upon “tags” that deface bus stops, trains, buildings, playgrounds and other public property. Phrases such as “creativity”, “self-expression”, “imagination”, “urban art”, and “street art” often occur while defining what really graffiti is. Here on one side many people find these writings as art and also a form of self expression and on another side some feel it is nothing but glorified vandalism. Both sides have a very good argument but before we are able to take any of them we must first know what exactly graffiti, art or vandalism are.

Reasons for writing graffiti.

For many who catch sight of a tag or a mural on a wall, their glance leads quickly to speculation as to why someone wrote that word or drew an image in such a place.

Being asked what makes them write inscriptions, some graffitists indicated that their original involvement in graffiti started due to a combination of its aesthetic appeal for them and a sense that it was a kind of activity through which they might make friends with others (in much the same way as other young people are drawn to dance venues or the football team for social interactions).

Pride relates to the sense of accomplishment. Writers are proud of their “canvases” as, for the writer, it is art, and because it has taken a great deal of their work: Al felt pride when he looked at a completed piece because “it’s a piece of artwork that I did”.

They want to be recognized, they want to be praised within their circle of friends.

Some writers rejected the idea that graffiti was mainly about getting recognition.

Interviewee: It is related to recognition and a self-affirmation, it’s like at

home I got no attention, you know, no praise for whatever I did, everything I did was criticized, there was tension at home, there was violence.

At the age of 15 my friends were very important to me . . .

The point is most teenagers, are finding a form of self-esteem amongst their peers, and recognition among their peers as well, the graffitists themselves emphasize.

“Graffiti writing breaks the hegemonic hold of corporate/governmental style over the urban environment and the situations of daily life.

As a form of aesthetic sabotage, it interrupts the pleasant, efficient uniformity of “planned” urban space and predictable urban living. For the writers, graffiti disrupts the lived experience of mass culture, the passivity of mediated consumption.” - Jeff Ferrell, Crimes of Style.

The culture of Graffiti does provide a philosophy to live by for those who choose it. Within the street culture, writers talk about how graffiti “saved” their lives. The phenomenon of graffiti can also provide us with important clues to the human condition, quite apart from what the words actually say. Like most philosophies it will contradict itself. It is a protest against the capitalist system of art galleries. Nobody can own their art; it is there for all to see. At the same time, the artists see themselves as modern day calligraphers, transforming the alphabet, creating it in a different form. The philosophy of graffiti is not in the words or pictures, but in a kind of rebellion which they represent.

According to the graffitists their philosophy provides a structure and purpose that helps people get sense from life.


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