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Kotniuk. Non-finite forms of the verb.docx
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The pattern of a final test on the participle

1.Complete the following sentences using the predicative constructions with the Participle. Define their names and functions.

(2 p. + 1 p. + 1 p.= 4 points for each sentence; 4 points × 5 sentences = 20 points.)

1.When did you hear … 2. … was seen … 3. Did you have … 4. ….was found … 5….could be heard …

2. Copy out the Participles and define their functions.

(1 p. + 1 p. = 2 points for each sentence; 2 points × 15 sentences = 30 points)

1.I’m leaving London next Wednesday.

2.Never play with burning candles.

3.Would you like anything written on it?

4.We must have our car serviced.

5.Admission is money paid by visitors to enter a place.

6.Dianne was shocked.

7.He lay in bed listening to the wind howling outside.

8.Putting down my newspaper, I walked to the window.

9.Not wishing to continue my studies I decided to become a dress designer.

10.Broadly speaking, dogs are more faithful than cats.

11.I found her drinking my coffee.

12.All the money having been spent, we started looking for work.

13. Having slept much after a day’s walk, the tourists felt refreshed.

14. Maria Callas was born in New York in 1923.

15. He was walking down the street whistling a tune.

3.Copy out the Participles and define their forms:

(1 p. + 1 p. = 2 points for each sentence; 2 points × 5 sentences = 10 points)

1. She sat down on the stairs puzzled by the young woman’s mysterious disappearance.

2. Being tired, Katie went to bed.

3. Having seen the film before, I decided to stay at home.

4. Having no friend in the town, he found it hard to get work.

5. Having been warned about the bandits, he left his valuables at home.

4.Paraphrase the following sentences using the Present Participle or the Past Participle or their constructions (2 points for each sentence; 2 p. × 11sentences + 22 points)

1.When I thought back, I realized what a horrible stroke of luck it had been that I didn’t catch that plane.

2.I didn’t fix the fence myself.

3.This address was mentioned. I heard it.

4.Although I like to read at night, sometimes I’m just too tired to stay awake.

5 She was acting as if she were rich.

6.Nick was taking a photograph. I saw it.

7.If he is invited, he always go to parties.

8.He will play until he is stopped.

9. She sat by the window and watched the rain dripping from the grey clouds.

10. As I was getting on the bus yesterday, I fell and hurt my foot.

11. As he was convinced that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything.

5.Copy out absolute constructions, define their names and functions. /3 points for each sentence: 1 p. + 1 p. + 1 p. = 3 points for each sentence; 3 p. × 6 = 18 points)

1.Hands held high, the dancers circle to the right.

2.The meeting over, the students went home.

3.With Peter working in Birmingham, the house seems pretty empty.

4.He sat at the desk, a look of real happiness coming on her face.

5.They left, their jackets in their hands.

6. Her heart full of despair, she couldn’t say a word.


1.За три завдання студенти можуть максимально набрати 100 балів.

(20 балів + 30 балів + 10 балів + 22 бали + 18 балів)

2.Відповідність балів і оцінок:

„5”– 91-100 балів; „4”­– 75-90 балі; „3” – 61-74 бали; „2” – 0-60 балів.

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