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Vocabulary List. About Schmidt.doc
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http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki http://www.wisegeek.com www.urbandictionary.com http://onlineslangdictionary.com

  1. Discussion:

  1. What does the first scene with the clock symbolise?

  2. Was Mr Schmidt well-prepared for his retirement and solitude? Why do you think so? Did he finally accept his new state of life at the end of the film? Why/why not?

  3. Do you think a person is able to prepare themselves for their “old age”? What are the possible ways to do it, from your viewpoint?

  4. What would you like to have when you retire? (These could be traits of character, views, beliefs, knowledge, experience, family, as well as material things) Why would you like to have all these?

  5. Name as many good things about getting old, as you can.

  6. How does Warren’s wife Helen strike you? Did she manage to help Warren through the hard times after he retired? Was she supportive and understanding enough?

  7. How did Warren feel during the breakfast on the caravan with his wife? How did she feel, do you think?

  8. Why did Warren get interested in “Childreach”?

  9. Why didn’t Warren’s successor need any help at the office?

  10. How did Warren feel when Helen was gone? He seems so indifferent in the film, was it really the way he felt?

  11. How did Warren’s attitude to his wife change as the time passed?

  12. What was Warren’s relationship with his daughter like? Did they appreciate each other? Were they selfish and only thinking about their own lives?

  13. Would you call Warren thrifty or stingy? Can you justify his attitude to money?

  14. What did the trip (“the little walk down memory lane”) mean to Warren? Did it change him in any way?

  15. Why did Warren behave like this towards Vicky?

  16. Why did Mr. Schmidt refuse to be involved in new relations with Roberta?

  17. Why was it impossible for Mr. Schmidt to change his daughter’s opinion about her fiancé? Did he try hard enough?

  18. What kind of speech did Warren make at Jeannie and Randal’s wedding? What was Jeannie’s reaction like?

  19. What did the boy Ndugo mean for Mr. Schmidt? Was he a distant friend or more than that? Do you think Ndugo needed Mr Schmidt more than Mr. Schmidt needed him? Explain your viewpoint.

  20. Do you agree that Mr. Schmidt really did not make a difference and was not able to make the world a better place? What else could he have done, in your opinion?

  21. Do you share the opinion that charity is a great way to feel better when you are in trouble yourself?

  1. Home assignment. Answer the question:

What did Warren see in Ndugu’s picture?

Remember your introduction and conclusion, please ;-)) We’ll be expecting your essays at filmsteachenglish@gmail.com.

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