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My Travelling by TRAIN.docx
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Travelling by train

1. When do people usually travel?

2. Where do they go?

3. What things do people buy for a summer (winter) trip?

4. Do you think that travel broadens one’s mind?

You understand different ways of life more after you have traveled to new places.

5. Do you think travel helps a person to become wiser?

6. Some travel to avoid people and visit faraway places, others travel to meet people. What about you?

7. What do you think is the aim of traveling?

8. Why do people travel for?

9. What places are you attracted by?

10. What places would you like to visit?

11. What do you like better, to travel alone or in a group? Why?

12. What means of traveling do you prefer?

13. Why do you prefer this means of transportation?

14. Which means of traveling are the most popular with the passengers?

15. Which is the fastest way of traveling?

16. Have you ever traveled by air?

17. What is the most important factor when you are traveling?

(SAFETY- is the most important factor. e.g. many people never fly because they believe it is dangerous

For some people SPEED is a very important factor. They want to reach their destination as quickly as possible

Some people prefer COMFORT. They like to relax during the journey and enjoy themselves as much as possible.

18. Why do some people like traveling by train?

19. Do you book a ticket in advance?

20. Do you like to change trains?

21. Which berth do you prefer a lower or an upper berth?

22. How do you spend the time during the journey?



Platform number

Номер перрона

Waiting room

Зал ожидания



Fellow passenger




Electric train


A stopping train

Пассажирский поезд со многими остановками

Fast train

Скорый поезд

Local train

Местный поезд

Long-distance train

Поезд дальнего следования

Through train

Поезд прямого назначения

A suburban train

Пригородный поезд


Спальное место, полка ( в поезде)

Lower berth

Нижняя полка

Upper berth

Верхняя полка



Dining car



Спальный вагон



To catch the train

Попасть на поезд

To go via

Ехать через, проезжать

To miss the train

Опаздывать на поезд

Arrivals and departures board

Таблица прибытия и отправления поездов



Ticket office





Железная дорога

Railway station




Luggage rack

Багажная полка

Single ticket

Билет в одну сторону

Return ticket

Билет в оба конца

To take seats

Занять места

To pull out

Отправляться (о поезде)

To wave good-bye

Махать на прощание



Please give me two tickets for…

Пожалуйста, дайте мне два билета до….

Is there a through train to….?

Есть ли поезд прямого сообщения до…?

When is the first train to….?

Когда отходит первый поезд на …?

I arrive at my destination at….

Я прибываю в ….

The train is due to arrive

Поезд должен прибыть

Facing the engine

По ходу поезда

When is the train due at

Когда поезд прибывает в…?

Do we get out here?

Мы здесь выходим?



To carry luggage

Вести багаж

To push


A truck

Багажная тележка

A luggage van

Багажный вагон

A label

Бирка, этикетка

A station master

Начальник станции

A bookstall

Книжный киоск

A left-luggage office

Камера хранения

To travel light

Путешествовать налегке

Heavy luggage

Тяжелый багаж

To run on time schedule

Идти по расписанию

The bedding

Постельные принадлежности


1. What do we call…? For your answer use the model: We call this…

1) a place where passengers can wait for the train’s arrival

2) a place where passengers can leave their luggage

3) a place where we buy railways tickets

4) a place where we can have a snack

5) a train that stops at all stations

6) a train that stops only at the larger stations

7) a train that takes us to the place of destination and we needn’t change it

8) a person who helps us with our luggage

9) a person who is in charge of the railway service at the station

10) a person who travels on train

11) a van on which the porter puts the luggage

12) a ticket which is valid (действителен) only for one direction

13) a ticket which is valid for both directions

14) the bags and cases that you take with you when traveling

15) the place beside a railways track where you get on and off the train

16) the amount of money you pay to travel on a bus, train, plain

17) Things you take with you when you travel

18) The thing you cross the border with.

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