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Subculture (Lat. sub - under and cultura - culture; podkultura) in sociology and cultural studies - part of a society's culture, which differs from the prevailing majority, but also the social group of carriers of this culture. Subculture may differ from the dominant culture of its own system of values, language, demeanor, dress and other aspects [1] [2]. Distinguish subcultures are formed on ethnic, demographic, occupational, geographical and other databases. As a rule, a person goes through subculture throughout life. In particular, subculture formed ethnic communities differ in their dialect of the language rules [3]. Another famous example is the youth subculture.

History of the term.

In 1950, the American sociologist David Rayzmen in their studies brought the concept of subculture as a group of people deliberately elect style and values ​​preferred by the minority. A more thorough analysis of the phenomenon and the concept of subculture conducted Dick Hebdidzh in his book "Subculture: the importance of style." In his view, subcultures attract people with similar tastes, which do not meet generally accepted standards and values.Frenchman Michel Mafessoli in his writings used the term "urban tribes" to describe youth subcultures. Victor Dolnik in the book "disobedient child of the biosphere," used the term "clubs".In the Soviet Union for members of youth subcultures used the term "informal groups of young people", hence the slang term "informal people." To indicate the subcultural community is sometimes used slang word "parties".

Fandom and the emergence of youth subcultures.

Fandom (English fandom - fanatstvo) - a community of fans, usually a specific subject (the writer, artist, style). Fandom may have certain features in common culture, such as the "rave" humor and slang, similar interests outside of fandom, its publications and websites. There are signs, and various hobbies fanatstvo can acquire the features of the subculture. For example, happened to punk rock, gothic music and many other interests. However, most of fandom and subcultures do not form a hobby, being concentrated only around the subject of their interest. If fanatstvo most often associated with individuals (musical groups, musical artists, and famous artists), whose fans believe their idols, the subculture does not depend on explicit or symbolic leader and ideologue to replace one another comes. Community of people with common hobbies (gamers, hackers, etc.) can form stable fandom, but it does not show any evidence of subculture (overall image, worldview, common tastes in many areas).Subcultures can basically have different interests, from music styles of art to political beliefs and sexual preferences. Some part of the youth subcultures derived from different fandom. Other subcultures, such as criminal, arising from the conflict of the main culture and people in conflict with the law, are formed on a different basis. Most often, subcultures are closed in nature and tend to isolate from popular culture. [5]. This is due both to the origin of subcultures (closed communities of interest), and the desire to separate from the main crop, to oppose its subculture. By entering into conflict with mainstream culture, subcultures can be aggressive and sometimes extremist. Such movements are coming into conflict with the values ​​of traditional culture, called the counterculture. [3] youth subcultures characterized as a protest and escapism (an escape from reality), which is one of the phases of self-determination. For fans of visual kei image - one of the most important elements Ankh-traditional character is ready. Developing, subcultures develop a uniform style clothing (image), language (jargon, slang), attributes (symbols), as the overall outlook for its members. A typical image and demeanor is a marker that separates "us" (representatives of subcultures) from strangers. This demonstrates the similarity of new subcultures of the 20th century and traditional folk cultures. Therefore, methods for the study of subcultures are similar to traditional methods of studying cultures. Namely, this historical-linguistic analysis, analysis of cultural objects and mytho-poetic analysis. Image for the representative of the subculture - it's not just clothing, it is a demonstration of its kind beliefs and values ​​that promotes the subculture. The most famous example - the dandy of the XIX century. Over time, individual components and whole clothing styles merge into a common culture. For example, high boots Dr. Martens, initially popular among skinheads, have long been accepted in many non-formals, and styles of clothing Gothic Lolita and Gothic aristocrat not only an element of the subculture is ready, but also an element of Japanese fashion. The representatives of subcultures eventually produced their own language. Part of it is inherited from the progenitor of the subculture, partly produced independently. Many elements of slang - neologisms. From the point of view culturological character and symbolism are crucial in the description of a particular culture and cultural works. Symbols of subcultures - it with one hand self-subculture among many other cultures, on the other side communication with the cultural heritage of the past. For example, the ankh sign in subculture is ready - it's on the one hand a symbol of eternal life, as a legacy of Egypt, on the other hand - a symbol, self-determined culture at this time.