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Роздатковий матеріал до заняття 11

Тема: Habeas Corpus Act

  1. Listen to the story and find out if the following statements are true or false:

These words will help you to understand the text properly:

t o spend money – витрачати гроші;

to cover the expenses - щоб покрити витрати;

to pretend – прикидатися, удавати;

to fake robbery – підробити пограбування;

to steal (stole, stolen) – красти;

Insurance company – страхова компанія;

to complain – скаржитися;

pursue – переслідувати;

to entitle a reward – призначати винагороду.

  1. Mark Brown went to Brazil on business.

  2. He spent all his money.

  3. He decided to fake the robbery because he didn’t insured himself.

  4. Mark said he had been robbed by three men.

  5. The police didn’t believe him.

  6. The insurance company didn’t pay him money.

  7. The criminals were arrested.

  1. Learn the new words and word combinations:

  1. notoriously [nɘu'tↄ:rɪɘslɪ] – дурна слава;

  2. rowdy ['raudɪ] – буйний;

  3. to quiet down – заспокоїтися;

  4. allegedly [ɘ'lԑdӡɪdlɪ] – начебто;

  5. to swear (swore, sworn) – лаятися;

  6. jail – в’язниця;

  7. outcry – невдоволення, протест;

  8. lash – хлист;

  9. to be acquitted – бути виправданим;

  10. writ, warrant ['wↄrnt] – ордер;

  11. to reprimand ['rԑprɪmɑ:nd] – робити догану;

  12. to suspend [sɘs'pԑnd] – призупиняти;

  13. rebellion or invasion – повстання або вторгнення.

  1. Read and try to understand the main meaning of the text:

Let the Body Be Brought

In the Britain, United States and many other English-speaking countries, the law of Habeas Corpus guarantees that nobody can be held in prison without trial. Habeas Corpus became a law because of a wild party held in 1621 at the London home of a notoriously rowdy lady, Alice Robinson. When a constable appeared and asked her and her guests to quiet down, Mrs. Robinson allegedly swore at him so violently that he arrested her, and a local justice of the peace committed her to jail.

When she was finally brought to trial, Mrs. Robinson’s story of her treatment in prison caused an outcry. She had been put on a punishment diet of bread and water, forced to sleep on the bare earth, stripped, and given 50 lashes. Such treatment was barbaric even by the harsh standards of the time; what made it worse was that Mrs. Robinson was pregnant.

Public anger was so great that she was acquitted, the constable who had arrested her without a warrant was himself sent to prison, and the justice of the peace was severely reprimanded. And the case, along with other similar cases, led to the passing of the Habeas Corpus Act in Britain in 1679. The law is still on the British statute books, and a version of it is used in the United States, where the law was regarded as such an important guarantee of liberty that Article 1 of the Constitution declares that “Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion”.

Habeas Corpus is a part of a Latin phrase - Habeas corpus ad subjiciendum – that means “Let the body be brought before the judge.” In effect, a writ of Habeas Corpus is an order in the name of the people (or, in Britain, of the sovereign) to produce an imprisoned person in court at once.

  1. Are these statements True or False?

  1. Habeas Corpus Act guarantees fair trial.

  2. Habeas Corpus Act was adopted in 1621.

  3. Alice Robinson was arrested for bad behaviour.

  4. The Habeas Corpus Act cannot be suspended in any cases.

  5. Mrs. Robinson was arrested without a warrant

  6. Later Mrs. Robinson was acquitted.

  7. The constable who had arrested her without a warrant was reprimanded.

  1. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English:

1) Поділіть торт на 12 шматочків, будь ласка. 2) Він розірвав її лист на багато шматочків. 3) Джек поїхав з Бруксу до Лондона. 4) Ми привітаємо його зі святом пізніше. 5) Ти звинувачуєш мене навіть у поганій погоді! 6) Наталка живе на хлібі і воді. 7) Вони часто сміються з нього. 8) Я ніколи не чув про це місто. 9) Тім кинув погляд на колишню дружину і пішов, не сказавши ні слова (without saying a word). 10) Хто заплатить за обід?