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Passive Voice Дородных.docx
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Part II Tenses in the PASSive voice

Страдательный залог употребляется в тех случаях, когда не само лицо или предмет, являющиеся подлежащим предложения, выполняют действия, а наоборот, являются объектами этого действия, т.е. действия направлены на них.

В английском языке страдательный залог употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в русском. Исполнитель действия, как правило, не указывается: English is spoken all over the world. Мы часто употребляем страдательный залог в тех случаях, когда исполнитель действия либо неизвестен, либо нас больше интересует сам факт совершения действия, а не его исполнитель:

My car was stolen last night. (I don’t know, who stole the car).

Sarah has been invited to the party. (In this sentence we are interested in Sarah, not who invited her).

Образование страдательного залога.

Страдательный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и формы причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола. Времена страдательного залога употребляются согласно тем же правилам, что и соответствующие им формы действительного залога.

Present simple

am / are / is + past participle

The office is locked every evening

Present continuous

am / are / is + being + past participle

The house is being painted at the moment

Past simple

was / were + past participle

My car was stolen last night

Past continuous

was / were + being + past participle

The bridge was being repaired last week

Present perfect

have / has + been + past participle

Sarah has been invited to the party

Past perfect

had + been + past participle

I thought that you had been told the news

Future simple

will + be + past participle

She will be looked after properly there

Future perfect

will + have been + past participle

The bridge will have been repaired by spring

В страдательном залоге нет формы Future Continuous. Отсутствуют в страдательном залоге также все формы времён группы Perfect Continuous. Вместо Present Perfect Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous употребляются Present Perfect и Past Perfect Passive.

The question has been discussed for 2 hours.

План обсуждается уже 2 часа.

I was told that the stadium had been built for 2 years.

Мне сказали, что стадион строится уже 2 года.

При сравнении параллельных предложений в действительном и страдательном залогах видно, что дополнение предложения в действительном залоге становится подлежащим в страдательном.

Active: Someone locks the office every evening.

Passive: The office is locked every evening.

Active: Someone has invited Sarah to the party.

Passive: Sarah has been invited to the party.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences.

  1. Use the present simple passive of the verbs in the box.

use play destroy speak export make

Example: Bread is made from wheat.

  1. Football ____ all over the world.

  2. Millions of cars ____ from Japan every year.

  3. A compass _____ for showing direction.

  4. How many languages _____ in Switzerland?

  5. Millions of trees _____ by pollution every year.

  1. Use the past simple passive of the verbs in the box.

discover invent play assassinate paint build

Example: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.

  1. The 1990 World Cup for soccer _____ in Italy

  2. When _____ television _____?

  3. The first pyramids of Egypt _____ around 3000 BC.

  4. Penicillin _____ by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

  5. The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) ___ by Leonardo da Vinci.

  1. Use the present continuous or present perfect passive of the verbs in the box.

not sign examine still prepare question redecorate decide

Example: Wait a little, your food is still being prepared.

  1. Where is Harry? He _____ by the police about the accident.

  2. A lot of meetings have been held, but nothing _____ yet.

  3. For the past few days I have been working in Jack’s office, as my own office _____.

  4. The last two students _____ now.

  5. I’m afraid you’ll have to come tomorrow. The document _____ by the president of the board.

d) Use the past continuous or past perfect passive of the verbs in the box.

not invite clean sell repair interview steal

Example: I couldn’t wear my suit last Saturday. It was being cleaned.

  1. When I got back to the car park my car wasn’t there. It _____.

  2. We couldn’t use the photocopier this morning. It _____.

  3. By the time I arrived at the concert hall, there were no tickets left. They _____.

  4. We didn’t go to the party on Saturday because we _____.

  1. The man admitted stealing the money while he _____ by the police.

Exercise 2. Choose the most suitable tense.

  1. The new house hasn’t been finished / wasn’t finished yet.

  2. The robbers were arrested / have been arrested as soon as they left the bank.

  3. Sue told us her baby is born / had been born two weeks earlier than expected.

  4. If there is too much snow, the match has been cancelled / will be cancelled.

  5. By the time we got there, the rain had stopped / had been stopped.

  6. When were you told / have you been told about the new rules?

  7. Most of the passengers were rescuing / were rescued.

  8. He will have undergone / will undergo surgery by Tuesday this week.

  9. The winning horse was ridden / was riding by Pat Murphy.

  10. I looked again for the old man, but he was vanished / had vanished.

  11. I don’t think that you will be asked / are being asked to show your passport.

  12. The baby has been looked after / had been looked after by Dr. Young before he retired.

Exercise 3. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable passive tense.

Example: I’m sorry, madam, but this carpet (already sell) has already been sold.

  1. The old house on the corner (knock down) _____ last year.

  2. Good news! I (ask) _____ to take over as the new managing director.

  3. All complaints about products (deal with) _____ by our customer services department.

  4. You (not send) _____ any money until next month.

  5. She arrived an hour late but it was all right as the meeting (cancel) _____.

  6. Several new halls of residence now (put up) _____ on our campus.

  7. It (announce) _____ yesterday that the government had decided not to raise income tax.

  8. The economic improvement (feel) _____ in the country by this time next year.

  9. I’m afraid that nothing (hear) _____ from Jane since she left two months ago.

  10. The Government says, that tax reforms (introduce) ______ in the new year.

  11. He was getting the best treatment in the hospital, and he (monitor) _____ day and night.

  12. The news (broadcast) _____ every day from 6 am to midnight.

  13. When we got home we realized the house (burgle) _____ .

  14. Most people agree that America (not discover) _____ by Christopher Columbus.

  15. The staff meeting (just postpone) _____ as the principle has fallen ill.

  16. By November 30 a new government (elect) _____ .

  17. A new security system (install) _____ in all our offices in the next few weeks.

  18. At this very moment the suspect (interview) _____ by the police.

Exercise 4. Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using “they”, “we”, “people”, “somebody”, “nobody” write a corresponding passive sentence.

1. They have already frozen all new applications for car loans.

2. We will send successful candidates a letter inviting them to attend a second interview.

3. People were watching the game outside the stadium on a huge screen.

4. Nobody informed the college that there had been a mistake.

5. They provide over one hundred scholarships for students every year.

6. Somebody has described Keith Jones as the world’s greatest guitarist.

7. We will refund your money if you are not satisfied.

8. They demolished the building in only two days.

9. They will have completed the renovations to the house by the end of the month.

10. They are making a film about Indian tigers.

11. People have accused the local council of corruption.

12. They discuss important subjects every lunchtime.

13. Somebody left this purse in the classroom yesterday.

14. They will move your car if your leave it there.

15. Nobody has painted this house for ten years.

16. By the time we arrive they had solved the problem.

17. People are drinking more coffee than tea these days.

18. They questioned the suspect until she broke down and confessed.

Exercise 5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word in bold and other words. Use between two and five words.

  1. William the Conqueror built the castle in the 11th century.


The castle _____ William the Conqueror in the 11th century.

  1. The police were following the suspects.


The suspects _____ police.

  1. No one has seen Peter since the day of the party.


Peter _____ the day of the party.

  1. She was wearing leather gloves.


The gloves she was wearing _____ leather.

  1. Mark’s main rival beat him in the final.


Mark _____ by his main rival.

  1. A mechanical breakdown caused the delay.


The delay _____ a mechanical breakdown.

  1. Why did nobody tell me about the accident?


Why _____ about the accident?

  1. Who invented the mobile phone?


Who ______ by?

  1. Mr. Hopkins is the owner of that blue Toyota.


That blue Toyota _____ Mr. Hopkins.

  1. Smith Ltd. supply our company with furniture.


Our company ______ by Smith Ltd.

11. They ordered a new photocopier last Tuesday.


A new ______ last Tuesday.

12. The Mayor is opening the new sports centre at 11 am tomorrow.


The new sports centre ______ the Mayor at 11 am tomorrow.

13. Have you checked the prices of the items yet.


Have the prices ______ yet?

14. The court ordered him to pay a fine of $100.


He _______ a fine of $100 by the court.

15. They are painting the doors at the moment.


The doors ______ at the moment.

16. They have redecorated their house twice already.


Their house ______ twice already.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps in this letter with an appropriate active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Julie,

Well, I arrived safely … but my luggage didn’t! After many enquiries I found that it ………… (send) to Finland instead of England! Apparently, it ………… (label) wrongly at check-in. Anyway, it finally ………… (arrive) three days ago, and other than that, I ……… (have) a great time ever since I arrived.

The people I am staying with are very nice and I ………… (already/show) all the local tourist sites. I ………… (treat) exactly like one of the family and I ………… (introduce) to all their friends. I share a room with Penny, the daughter in the family, who is my age. It’s amazing … every morning we …………. (wake up) by her mother with a cup of tea! Yesterday (Sunday), we ………… (even/give) breakfast in bed!

Today was my first day at my new language school. When I arrived, I ………… (take) to a special room where we ………… (welcome) by the Director. He ………… (explain) what was going to happen and who all the staff were. Then we ………… (go) to a large room where we ……… (give) a test to do. It was quite difficult, but it was soon over and then we ………… (have) an interview with a teacher who ………… (check) our spoken English. As we ………… (leave) we ………… (hand) a form to fill in with all our personal details and we ………… (tell) to arrive early tomorrow to give us time to find our new classes. In the afternoon we ………… (take) on a guided tour of the city by bus which was very interesting.

I’m really looking forward to tomorrow when we ………… (put) in our new classes.

I don’t know yet what level I’ll be in – apparently we ………… (tell) when we arrive tomorrow. At the same time we ………… (give) the various books that we need for the course. It’s all quite exciting! I just hope I like my teacher!



Особенности употребления страдательного залога.

  1. Страдательный залог с предлогами by и with. Если говорится о том, кем совершается действие, выраженное страдательным оборотом, то употребляется предлог by + agent (исполнитель действия).

I was hit by a burglar

Если речь идет не об исполнителе, а об орудии, инструменте или веществе , при помощи которого совершается действие, то употребляется предлог with + instrument (or material or ingredient)

I was hit on the head with a hammer.

Irish coffee is made with whisky.

Если необходимо выяснить кем или при помощи чего выполнено действие, то вопросительное предложение начинается с вопросительных слов who или what, а предлоги by и with ставятся в конце предложения.

These photos were taken by my sister. Who were the photos taken by?

These photos were taken with a cheap camera. What were the photos taken with?

Exercise 7. Put in the propositions by and with.

1. She was surrounded ….. an admiring crowd.

2. The houses were surrounded ….. barbed wire fences.

3. Injured refugees were treated ….. a Red Cross doctor.

4. Sue has been picked ….. selectors for the national team.

5. The new shopping centre was opened ….. the local MP.

6. Two birds can’t be killed ….. one stone.

7. The road had been blocked ….. a fallen tree.

8. The message was written in the sand ….. a stick.

9. Thirty houses were destroyed ….. the tornado.

10. Several new proposals are being considered ….. the committee.

11. The room had been decorated ….. balloons.

12. The streets were jammed ….. cars.

13. The window was broken ….. a slate that fell off the roof.

14. Hell is paved ….. good intentions.

15. The huge stadium was slowly being filled ….. the crowd.

16. The little boat was overturned ….. a huge wave.

Exercise 8. Rewrite these questions in the passive.

1. When did they appoint Richard chairman?

2. Who invented the first radio?

3. Will they publish her new book next month?

4. Had they informed the police about the accident?

5. Who wrote “Macbeth”?

6. How much money did they steal?

7. Will Charles water the plants?

8. What damaged the roof of your house?

9. Who frightened you?

10. When did they deliver the goods?

11. What did they treat you with in the hospital?

12. Will they have completed the motorway by Christmas?

13. Has anyone seen Chris this morning?

14. When will they send the e-mail?

15. Did they show the fire on the news?

16. Who decorated your Christmas tree?

17. When did the wind blow down the tree?

18. Did the news about the exam distress Sydney?

2. Страдательный залог, образующийся при помощи вспомогательного глагола get.

Иногда вместо глагола be для образования страдательного залога используется глагол get.

There was a fight at the party but nobody got hurt. (= nobody was hurt)

I don’t often get invited to parties. (= I’m not often invited).

I’m surprised Ann didn’t get offered the job. (... Ann wasn’t offered the job).

Глагол get используется в тех случаях, когда действие происходит случайно или неожиданно и характерно главным образом для разговорного языка.

Глагол get используется также в сочетаниях get married, get divorced, get dressed, get changed, которые совпадают со страдательным залогом лишь по форме.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences using get/got + one of these verbs (in the correct form):

ask run over break damage frighten choose hurt pay steal sting stop cut off

  1. There was a fight at the party but nobody ….. .

  2. Ted ______ by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

  3. How did that window _____ ?

  4. We ….. in the middle of the call.

  5. I used to have a bicycle but it _____ .

  6. Last night I _____ by the police as I was driving home.

  7. How much did you _____ last month?

  8. Please pack these things very carefully. I don’t want them to _____.

  9. People often want to know what my job is. I often _____ that question.

  10. My dog _____ by a removal van.

  11. I always _____for the unpleasant jobs.

  12. They _____ by a sudden explosion.

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