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Английский для дизайнеров.doc
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It is very important for the cook to be in a "commanding position" when at the stove. The cook should be

able to clearly see the doorway without turning away from the stove. Renovating a kitchen can be particularly

challenging. Many modern kitchens have the range facing the wall. Some Feng Shui consultants recommend an

easy solution: hang something reflective, such as a mirror or a shiny sheet of decorative aluminum, over the

stove. The reflective surface can be any size, but the bigger it is, the more powerful the correction will be.

For a more dramatic solution, consider installing a cooking island. Placing the stove in a central island allows

the cook to see the entire room, including the doorway. Cooking islands have become a popular trend in

kitchen design. According to Guita Behbin, owner of "Duramaid Industries" (a kitchen and bath design and

renovation company) many customers want their kitchens to flow into an open space, or "Great Room", that

includes a living and dining area. Designing a kitchen around a cooking island will help keep the cook involved

in whatever is happening in that Great Room, whether it is clever before-dinner conversation or hearing about a

child's English homework.

Feng Shui-inspired kitchen design dovetails with the contemporary trend toward "group cooking." Instead

of isolating the cook, families and guests often gather in the kitchen and participate in the meal preparation.

Also, busy working couples use dinner preparation as an important time to unwind together.

Active Vocabulary

1) nourishment – питание, пища

2) prosperity – процветание, благосостояние

3) sustenance – насыщение, питательность

4) ultimately – в конечном счете

5) unique – особенный, необычный

6) diverse – разнообразный

7) renovation- преобразование, переделывание

8) to portend – предвещать, вызывать

9) digestive – пищеварительный

10) to encourage – поощрять

11) remedy – лекарство, средство, способ

12) sheer – прозрачный

13) to bead – украшать бусами, расшивать бисером

14) louvered – заделанный с помощью жалюзи

15) to divert – отвлекать внимание

16) to renovate – переделывать, улучшать

17) to challenge – провоцировать

18) trend – тенденция, направление

19) to participate – принимать участие

20) to unwind – успокоиться

Exercises on the Text

Arrange the sentences in the right order

1. gather / and / instead / preparation / the / often / of / in / the / cook / the / isolating / and / guests / families

/ in / participate / meal / kitchen

2. is / house / don`t / if / the / kitchen / of / panic / front / your / the / in

3. see / be / cook / the / stove / able / without / to / from / should / turning / clearly / away / doorway / the /


4. any / surface / size / the / be / reflective / can

5. the / wall / modern / the / have / many / kitchens / facing / range

Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English

1. простое решение

2. отражающая поверхность

3. распространенная тенденция

4. открытое пространство

5. серьезные изменения

Decide whether the following statements are true or false

Feng Shui principles include the following ones:

1. The kitchen represents starvation and decay.

2. Your kitchen design influences your prosperity.

3. It is very important for the cook to be in a "commanding position" when at the stove.

4. Hang some dark object over the stove.

5. Create a "cooking island" in your kitchen.

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